All articles by Kadyrov F. N.
2015 № 8 Actual normative document
Abstarct. First time ever working hours standards were introduced to the health care system. In light of an increasing role of labour rate setting this order has significant, and yet uncertain perspectives. The passing of the order, that set standard labour regulations, has complex history and clearly demonstrates aspiration of Russian Ministry of Health Care to support the primary network of health care professionals.
2022 № 3 he program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens for 2022: logic and basic provisions in the fight against coronavirus infection
Changes in the Program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens for 2022 and for the planned period of 2023 and 2024 compared to previous years are closely related to the current stage of the fight against the spread of COVID‑19 coronavirus infection. At the same time, given that the logic of the changes being made is not always obvious, it is necessary to start both from the current state of healthcare and from an analysis of how innovations will affect the development of the industry in the coming period.
2023 № 5 New rules for the provision of paid medical services: review and evaluation of the main innovations
The article discusses the change in the regulatory framework for the provision of paid medical services in connection with the adoption of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which approved new rules for the provision of paid medical services. The reason for the adoption of the new rules is analyzed, as well as the content of its individual provisions. An assessment is given of how the new legal framework for the provision of paid medical services will affect the activities of medical organizations and how they will affect the interests of patients.
Special attention is paid to the emergence of a new – remote form of contract conclusion. -
2015 № 8 Forum of All-Russian People’s Front on the issues of health care: problems are identified, however, the analysis of reasons underpinning them is missing
2023 № 6 Payment methods for primary health care, specialized (including high-tech) medical care in the compulsory health insurance system: the logic of the most urgent changes in the tariff policy of 2023.
The article discusses new methodological approaches to the methods of paying for medical care in the compulsory medical insurance system for 2023, including those approved by recently issued regulatory legal acts, as well as joint recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS).
The article analyzes the main reasons for changes in the tariff policy and their expected consequences in terms of increasing the motivation of medical organizations.
It is noted that there is a need to revise the remuneration systems of employees of medical organizations (primarily state and municipal) in order to more closely link incentive payments with performance indicators used in determining the amount of payment for medical care, which is intended to become an important motivation tool for improving the availability and quality of primary health care and, as a consequence, reducing the need for specialized medical care.
An overview of innovations in the payment of high-tech medical care is given. -
2015 № 1 Reforms in the sphere of healthcare: problems with implementation
The protests of medical aid workers, which spread across the country last year amid a growth in their wages level, demonstrate that the dissatisfaction unlike in previous times is not linked to the poor financing, low salaries, but rather to disappointment with the reforms, which failed to deliver the results expected by many. Given that overall reform strategy is relatively rarely criticized it is evident that dissatisfaction is caused by the way these reforms are implemented in various concrete cases.
2023 № 2 A new methodology of medical and legal aspects of compensation for moral damage in disputes with patients.
The authors consider the explanations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation contained in the new Resolution on compensation for moral damage, including items affecting compensatory aspects in the provision of medical care and harm to the health of patients.
Changes in the policy of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the problem under consideration are shown.
An assessment of the possible consequences of the explanations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in relation to citizens (patients) and medical organizations, prospects of law enforcement practice based on the provisions of the new Resolution is given. -
2014 № 6 Process approach - innovative technology of organization of medical examinations (FSBI <Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation>, Moscow, Russia; Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia; Medical-sanitary health clinic, Astrakhan, Russia)
The article describes algorithms and results of integration of process approach for medical examinations.
2014 № 1 The problem targeted use of funds CHI (Ltd. CDC «The Dobryi Doctor», Altayskiy State Medical University; ANO «Medicine and Law» NP «Medstandart», Barnaul, Russia; Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation. Transition to a single channel funding, a variety of legal forms of medical organizations involved in the delivery of medical care within the compulsory health insurance, expanding the powers of state ( municipal) institutions, etc. raise the question of the need to reform the rights of medical organizations independent of funds. The article examines the legality of preserving the concept of «improper use of funds» in the current conditions and appropriate sanctions.
2013 № 11 Effective ways to pay for health care of the government guarantee program (Federal Public Health Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation: The question which discussed in this article are evidence-based selection impeding effective ways to pay for health care provided by health care organizations within the regional programs of state guarantees of free medical care under different conditions of its provision. Recommendations on the use of existing materials for development of a methodology for calculating tariffs on effective methods of payment for medical care, resultoriented activities of the medical organization are given.
2013 № 3 Efficient contract in health care: opportunities and risks (Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatization, Ministry of Healthcare, Moscow, Russia)
Article is dedicated to problems of implementing efficient contract into health care. Currently, there are created descent conditions for implementing efficient contract into health care, what provides circumstances for its future successful realization. But, on the other hand, there is required a flexible policy not only towards terms, included in labor contracts with employees but towards the process of implementing efficient contract itself. Especially, when health care is characterized by great diversity: not everywhere the same approaches for stimulation are acceptable and reasonable. In the article there is given an analysis of opportunities and threats, related to implementing efficient contract, there are suggested measures countering these threats.
2013 № 2 Transformation problems of existing labor payment system in aim of implementing efficient contract into the health care (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
The article is dedicated to problems of implementing efficient contract into the health care. Despite the presence of definite normative base, all necessary conditions for implementing efficient contract are not yet created. Moreover, approved and planned for approval normative acts do not consider a number of important issues, related to efficiency of material stimulation measures in such specific field as health care. Therefore, this article is dedicated to its analysis, as well as proposals for increase of productivity while implementing efficient contract in the field.
2022 № 9 About some methodological approaches to the assessment of the salary level of medical workers.
The article deals with methodological issues of assessing the level of salaries of medical workers by official statistics bodies (Rosstat) and within the framework of surveys of medical workers themselves.
The main methodological differences are shown in the methods of calculating the indicators characterizing wages used by statistical authorities and survey organizers. The main reasons leading to the discrepancy between the results of such assessments are shown. Among them, first of all, it is necessary to name different approaches to accounting for personal income tax, restrictions in the sample, etc.
In addition, official statistics take into account not only wages, but also some other expenses in favor of employees. At the same time, the concept of "average number" is used, which is not taken into account in the framework of the conducted surveys.
At the same time, the salaries of medical workers in order to assess the achievement of the targets set by the May Presidential
Decrees should be correlated not with the average salary for the subject of the Russian Federation, but with the average monthly income from work.
Such methodological differences create an objective basis for the discrepancy between the survey results and official statistical data and should be taken into account when interpreting the data obtained. -
2022 № 8 About some methodological issues of remuneration of medical workers
The article discusses a number of methodological issues of remuneration that arose against the background of the suspension of special social payments for work with COVID‑19 and their replacement with compensation payments, as well as the postponement of pilot projects that were to be implemented in order to prepare for the introduction of a new system of remuneration for medical workers.
2022 № 7 Issues related to the replacement of special social payments for work with COVID-19 with compensation payments
The article discusses issues related to the suspension of special social payments for work with COVID‑19 and their replacement with compensation payments. Problems such as the procedure for completing existing payments, lists of employees who are subject to compensation payments, measures that need to be taken by medical organizations in a new situation are considered.
2022 № 6 Changes in the procedure for carrying out control measures in the compulsory health insurance system in 2022
One of the most important innovations in the system of compulsory medical insurance in 2021 was the change in the order of control measures. At the same time, both the participants of the MHI system, who have the authority to conduct control measures, and the procedure for conducting control have changed.
This paper analyzes the next, rather voluminous changes in the system of control measures that occurred already in 2022. An assessment of the impact of these changes on the effectiveness of control and on the work of medical organizations is given. -
2022 № 1 Financing of the compulsory health insurance system in 2022
The most important factor affecting the amount and methods of financial support of the compulsory medical insurance system, as in the last two years, continues to be the spread of coronavirus infection COVID‑19.
In the proposed paper discusses not only the indicators of the budget of the Federal compulsory medical insurance Fund, but the dynamics of indicators, including, in comparison with the rate of inflation, and other factors.
New directions of the use of compulsory medical insurance funds are identified, the reasons for their appearance are considered. -
2022 № 1 Financing of the compulsory health insurance system in 2022
The most important factor affecting the amount and methods of financial support of the compulsory medical insurance system, as in the last two years, continues to be the spread of coronavirus infection COVID‑19.
In the proposed paper discusses not only the indicators of the budget of the Federal compulsory medical insurance Fund, but the dynamics of indicators, including, in comparison with the rate of inflation, and other factors.
New directions of the use of compulsory medical insurance funds are identified, the reasons for their appearance are considered. -
2021 № 9 Labor rationing as one of the effective management tools of a medical organization.
Labor rationing is an important tool for managing the workforce of a medical organization, which is not limited to setting labor standards. Rationing has a number of potential opportunities, the competent implementation of which makes it possible to solve a number of urgent management tasks, including stimulating of employees.
The article discusses various aspects of the use of rationing in order to improve the efficiency of the medical organization. -
2020 № 6 Assessment of public policy in relation to certain issues of healthcare functioning during the spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus
Health care, as a predominantly public system, is objectively subject to serious regulation in special operating conditions, which include the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection. It is also important that the private healthcare system is also subject to direct or indirect regulation. At the same time, public authorities are sometimes forced to resort to "manual management", the consequences of which are not always clear for both public and private health care.
2020 № 2 The Main approaches to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the “effective contract” in health care
The upcoming reform of the wage system involves a more detailed analysis of not only the advantages and disadvantages of the existing system (as well as previous ones), but also the practice of its application. The most obvious criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the current wage system is to assess how well it has enabled the implementation of an effective contract and the tasks assigned to it. At the same time, it is necessary to analyze what were the problems of introducing an effective contract that are not directly related to a specific wage system.
One of the main methodological problems with the introduction of an effective contract is that the recommendations for its introduction, developed at the preliminary stage, were not revised following the evaluation of the implementation of an effective contract and its results. Best practices and mistakes were not taken into account, which made it impossible to adjust and specify approaches to the introduction of an effective contract.
In many ways, this is why many institutions have approached the introduction of an effective contract quite formally.
The proposed article is devoted to the criteria for evaluating the success of implementing an effective contract in state (municipal) health care institutions. -
2019 № 10 The main contours of the next reform of sectoral wage system in public health
The special attention paid to staffing is not accidental – it is a natural reaction of the state to the deterioration of the situation with the number of medical workers in state (municipal) institutions. In turn, the personnel deficit has increased due to the fact that in difficult economic conditions, many institutions have taken the path of reducing workers in order to increase the wages of the remaining. These steps directly contradicted the logic of the "May" presidential Decrees of 2012, but simplified the task of achieving the salaries of medical workers at the level stipulated by these Decrees. Therefore, a number of documents reflecting the strategy of development of health care, as well as the Instructions of the President contain measures aimed at correcting the situation, including by reforming the system of remuneration of employees of state (municipal) health care institutions. At the same time, it is important not just to implement the measures provided for in these documents, but also a specific implementation mechanism. Therefore, the article analyzes the possible positive and negative consequences of various options for the implementation of measures provided for by the Instructions and other documents.
2019 № 1 Financing health care in 2019: new priorities and channels for the movement of funds
Analysis of the future financing of health care shows that in 2019–2021, despite the difficult financial situation, the volume of financial support for the industry will continue to grow. Thus, the size of health care spending from the Federal budget is growing not only in absolute terms, but also occupies all a large share in the structure of Federal budget expenditures. The increase in expenses in the system of compulsory health insurance (CHI) in absolute terms is still quite large. Among the priorities of 2019 are the increase in funding for cancer care, as well as high-tech medical care, which directly follows from the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation May 7, 2018 № 204 "The national goals and strategic objectives of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024" (presidential Decree № 204). The distribution of funds to the compulsory medical insurance system is based on these priorities, and based on the results of implementation of decrees of the President 2012 for leveling a series of problems, such as unreasonable reductions in personnel. All this should have a positive impact on the further development of health care.
2018 № 3 «Other conditions» as the basis for payment of the rendered medical care. Part 2
The legislation determined that one of the grounds for the provision of medical care for a fee is its provision on other conditions than provided by the state guarantees program. However, the interpretation of «other conditions» is rather ambiguous and requires detailed consideration. For this purpose it is necessary to study not only the state guarantees program itself, but also a number of other regulatory legal acts. Thus it is necessary to distinguish accurately other conditions of rendering medical care from household and service. The article deals with various aspects of medical care for a fee on the basis of its provision on terms different from the state guarantees program
2018 № 1 Prospects of health financing in 2018
New 2018 in terms of funding health care will differ from the previous - it is expected a sharp increase in funding from all types of sources. However, this is due not only to increased revenues and the restructuring expenses. It becomes more rational - "saving" (for example, reducing expenditures on more costly inpatient care in the Federal budget). In the system of obligatory medical insurance is the refusal of a number of "non-core" expenditure. All of this should have a positive impact on the development of health care
2017 № 9 Practical aspects of regulation of labor in the state (municipal) institutions health
Labor regulation is a major work in the initial stages and requires systematic monitoring of compliance, assessment of their validity, need to review them in the future. With sufficient elaboration of the regulatory framework, methodological issues of labor regulation at the level of medical organizations covered clearly enough. «Guidelines for the development of systems of rationing of work in the state (municipal) institutions», approved by the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Russian Federation dated 30 September 2013 N504, do not give detailed algorithms for the valuation. The orders of Ministry of health of Russia approving the model time norms relate only to certain aspects of the practical application of labour standards. So there is a need to assess the capabilities and limitations of different techniques of work measurement-level medical associations to offer «step-by-step algorithms» implementation of labor standards, to develop practical recommendations. The tasks and focus of this publication
2017 № 7 The issues of creation and functioning of centralized laboratories in the system of compulsory medical insurance
Centralization of laboratory diagnostics is a time commitment associated with the benefits it provides. However, the appeal to this topic is also connected with the new factors that are considered in the article. The difference in the regional features of the organization of health care, the availability of various sources of financial support for medical organizations, etc., suggest a distinction between specific models of centralization, the system of financial relationships, etc. In addition, the centralization of the laboratory service, having undoubted merits, also carries certain risks and threats that must be taken into account. This article addresses these and other issues related to the practical aspects of the centralization of the laboratory service.
2017 № 4 Paradoxes of law: the guarantee of free medical aid often limit the rights of patients to improve quality
The legislation of the Russian Federation, recognizing the rights of citizens on free medical aid and paid medical services, however, makes clear the roll the side free of charge. At the same time guarantee free of charge formulated in such a way that often limit the rights of citizens to receive medical care with the use of drugs, medical devices, etc., not provided for in the programme of state guarantees of free rendering to citizens of medical aid. Moreover, if the rights of citizens to receive paid medical services directly spelled out in the law, the right of citizens to self-purchase of medicines, medical devices, etc. did not say anything. There is no outright bans, which in practice leads to numerous conflict situations. The article provides specific suggestions for improving the legislation in this field.
2017 № 3 The paid services in the field of family planning
The paid services in the field of family planning (including in the form of a voluntary medical insurance) are perceived as a violation, although legally they are not prohibited. But the legislation provides specific protection in this area, which is quite legitimate. Sometimes the guarantee is worded in such a way that in practice, healthcare organizations can easily get around them. The analysis of these problems addressed in this article.
2017 № 2 The ways to counter the "consumer (patient) extremism" in the provision of paid medical services
The medical organization in the provision of paid medical services are faced not only with a large number of inspectors, with unreasonable restrictions (which usually applies to state and municipal institutions), the discontent of the population by the fact of payment for medical care, etc., but with the incorrect behavior of patients seeking unreasonably to obtain the benefits that they are not guaranteed. We are talking about the phenomenon called «patient extremism». The position of the regulators is often in almost unconditional support for patients. The current mentality is based on the incorrect position of «the patient is always right». Meanwhile, the provision of paid medical services is a sphere of civil relations where there should rule the law. In recent years adopted laws (including amending the Civil code) allow healthcare organizations to more successfully assert their legal rights when lawful execution and performance of contracts for the provision of paid medical services to patient and resist extremism. The analysis of the legislation addressed in this article.
2017 № 1 Нealth care Funding in 2017 – another paradox: the means was less than planned for 2016, but the financial support for the industry has improved
In recent years, the Federal budget is closely linked to the budget of the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund – they cannot be analysed separately from each other. The Federal funding is reduced, but the budget of the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund in 2017 favorably with previous: 2016 was suddenly executed with a surplus. Large carryovers for 2017 are not evaluated as a negative factor, as it was before, but as positive, as they relate to the refusal of the state from the withdrawal of the Federal budget planned amounts. Therefore, a sharp drop of healthcare financing from the Federal budget does not mean the deterioration in the financing industry – changing channels the movement of funds. This is due to the fact that the government became aware that the transformation of the budget of the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund to source for other budgets will not ensure the implementation of presidential Decrees on raising wages. In addition, there have been major changes to the financing of high-tech medical care, which is not included in base program OMS –2017 it is almost completely financed by funds. In the article the analysis of dynamics and trends of health financing from different sources.
2016 № 10 Practical aspects of implementation of the professional standard «Junior medical staff»
The appearance of professional standards is a new stage in the development of professional competencies. Often this process is accompanied by difficulties of applying professional standards in practice. This is true for the professional standard «Junior medical staff». The standard requires nurses training in the appropriate positions. Previously, this requirement did not exist. The training system is not yet developed. This is one of the key problems of implementation considered the professional standard. Differences of professional standard «Junior medical staff» of qualifications «Nurse» associated with the need to implement the provisions of the Federal law of 21.11.2011 No. 323-FZ «About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation», defining the term «health worker».
2016 № 9 Prospects of implementation «May» Decrees of the President in the field of health
2017 is key year in the implementation of the «May» Decrees of the President. Despite the difficult financial conditions, there are many ways to achieve the specified orders, the levels of remuneration. Planned real measures for financial support of these activities. However, more important is not how to provide the intended level of pay, and how to achieve the goals of the Decrees, which are not be reduced to a simple wage increase.
2016 № 8 Features of the application of professional standards in the state (municipal) institutions health
The government of the Russian Federation established a particular application of professional standards in terms of requirements, obligatory for the state (municipal) institutions. However, it does not mean that professional standards are required for the application at these institutions. The professional standards are implemented in stages, and the institution defines these stages itself.
2016 № 7 The possibilities of use of OSDs funds financing for the drug supply in the provision of medical care for patients with rare diseases
The article analyzes the possibilities of use of means of obligatory medical insurance for drug supply patients with rare (orphan) diseases in the provision of medical care in hospital and day hospital.
2016 № 6 High-tech medical care for patients with rare diseases problems of organization and financing
The article analyzes the problem of providing high-tech medical care for patients with rare (orphan) diseases. The authors propose recommendations for improving organizational and financial mechanisms of the organization of medical care for patients with rare (orphan) diseases.
2016 № 5 Job Description in terms of the latest novelty in the field of health workers labor competencies
Job descriptions, being a common document, however, does not have a clear legal regulation. A lot of questions are raised when the need arises to change them. Nowadays, there are rather a lot of reasons to job description changes. First of all, there are serious innovation in the field of professional competence of employees related to the development of professional standards, accreditation of health care workers, certification, effective contract administration, etc. The article considers the legal and organizational aspects of job descriptions development, approval and change in the light of the latest novelties in the regulatory framework and the field of professional competence.
2016 № 4 Manager of Health Care consu lts Actual problems of the introduction of professional standards
Professional standards – a major innovation in the field of professional competence. They are designed to solve a number of problems that were beyond the power of qualifying characteristics to be approved by the relevant qualification directories (ECTS, etc.). In particular this applies an integrated approach to the qualification requirements of their structuring, codification (in order to automate the search for workers, taking into account the in-depth expertise, etc.). Professional standards creates good preconditions for the formation of job descriptions by combining professional standards contained in the job functions and work activities.
2016 № 3 New requirements to remuneration pay of executives in State and Municipal organisations (institutions)
The Russian Ministry of Labour prepared a legislation bill on changing requirements for remuneration pay of executives of main types of state (municipal) organisations. Suggested changes in the labour legislation are essentially directed towards withholding remuneration and pay-outs to executives of state (municipal) organisations and institutions. They do not contain any principally new statements; however, toughen control over remuneration payouts to not only executives, but deputies, and chief finance officers (accountant). These measures are relevant to a whole plethora of other organisational-legal forms of state and municipal organisations, including state corporations, which paid their executives salaries that have raised a lot of questions among the public for a long time.
2016 № 2 The challenges, related to provision of paid medical services on anonymous basis
Current legislation has quite clearly settled the questions regarding the provision of the medical aid on a paid basis. Medical organisations, participating in the realization of the programmes of state guarantees for delivering free medical aid and territorial programmes of state guarantees for providing free medical aid to the population have a right to provide patients with paid medical services anonymously exempt for the cases set forth by Russian legislation. However, the provision of medical aid on a paid basis requires conclusion of contracts. There is no special legislation or other normative regulation for contract conclusion on anonymous basis. Nevertheless, an analysis of the normative basis, related to the anonymous provision of medical aid allows finding solutions to the most frequently occurred problems.
2016 № 1 The paradoxes of health care funding in 2016: the system of mandatory health care insurance policies recorded extra funds, which will be withdrawn back into the federal budget
With all complexity of current economic landscape in the country, health care remains to be one of the top priority spheres regarding financing. Despite the crisis, the volume of funds, allocated to the field is gradually increasing. However, the growth rates of spending on health care lag behind the rates of inflation. Furthermore, a significant part of the budget of Federal Fund of the mandatory medical insurance policy is not connected with the provision of medical aid in the medical mandatory insurance system. Expenditure of Mandatory Medical Insurance System is not oriented on President’s orders to increase the salaries. And despite the presence of crucial financial issues in the mandatory medical insurance system, substantial funds are withdrawn from the Federal budget of Mandatory Medical Insurance system into the federal budget.
2015 № 10 How the process of loosing real authority among directors of Federal (Municipal) institutions impact the efficiency of operations in organisations lead by them
The market conditions in which health care and other social sphere industries operate, issues with financing and so forth prompted the need for reforms, directed on forming an optimal balance between rights and responsibilities of state (municipal) institutions and their leaders. This article looks into opportunities for executing legislatorial rights of Federal Municipal health care institutions from the perspective of matching the authority given to the directors with the responsibilities weighted on them.
2015 № 9 Provision of medical aid within a medical approbation
Currently there are developed legal and methodological principals for medical aid provision within a clinical approbation of prevention methods, diagnostics, treatment and rehabillitation. Despite the imperfections of the developed system, it allows to eccelerate the process of implimenting new medical technologies into the health care system, having simultaneously provided financial support to federal clinics, experiencing serious economical burdens due to budget cuts for the most common types of medical care in circumstances of economical instability. The article analyses the issues and provides recommendations for improving organizational mechanisms of clinical approbation.
2015 № 8 Regulatory control of state-private (municipal-private) partne
The article examines a legislation, related to the state-private partnership and municipal-private partnerships, specifics of its application in the state system. There is also analysis done of a possible impact of the new legislation on investment activity in circumstances of current economic crisis. There are demonstrated legislation opportunities and limitations for realizing state-private partnership projects with participation of state (municipal) institutions in health care.
2015 № 7 Myths around an effective contract. Part 2 …
Introduction of an effective contract exceeded the framework of a «concrete labor contract». It relates to a wide bredth of questions, such as how to increase salaries, at the cost of which resources, is it possible to cut renumeration within an effective contract and so on and so forth. Consequently, this gave birth to a lot of myths and wrong thinking around different aspects of an effective contract. This article is dedicated to the analysis of these wrong perceptions (myths).
2015 № 6 Myths around an effective contract…
Introduction of an effective contract exceeded the framework of a «concrete labor contract». It relates to a wide bredth of questions, such as how to increase salaries, at the cost of which resources, is it possible to cut renumeration within an effective contract and so on and so forth. Consequently, this gave birth to a lot of myths and wrong thinking around different aspects of an effective contract. This article is dedicated to the analysis of these wrong perceptions (myths).
2015 № 5 Issues related to utilizing standards of medical aid in the mandatory medical insurance system
The article is dedicated to analysis of legislation, other normative acts, related to application of regulations on providing medical aid and standards of medical aid, medical aid quality control and enforcement of penalty sanctions towards medical organizations in the system of mandatory medical insurance.
2015 № 4 Administrative and legal principals for converting hospital nurses into cleaning personnel of manufacturing or office premises
Requirements of «May» Orders issued by the Russian President force institutions not only search for additional funds but also optimize the structure of institutions and cut expenses. One of the possible solutions — is to convert nurses into a cleaning personnel. The article represents an analysis of labour legislation and other normative acts, related to the issue of converting hospital nurses into a cleaning personnel.
2015 № 3 Forms of documents, deemed necessary for completing qualification evaluation of employees in the health care institutions
There has not yet been adopted a standard for completing qualification evaluation procedure by the current normative and methodology documents. There is no uniformed documents, needed to complete the evaluation. The following article outlines forms of corresponding documents, developed on the basis of analysis of analogue forms, appliedbyvariousfederalauthoritiesaswellaswiththesupportofcurrentunifiedforms.
2015 № 2 Regulations on how to assess professional competence of health employees and adequacy of their job titles
In December 2013 President of Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin announced a task to complete an assessment of specialists with their further transfer onto effective contract basis. However, available normative documents do not describe the order on how to complete the assessment for job competence. The following article is dedicated to the issue of developing proposals and recommendations on competence assessment of state (municipal) health care specialists on the basis of analysis of current normative base, documents, related to certain aspects of assessment process and/or with consideration of the goals and targets of the assessment process.
2014 № 12 Independent assessment of services provided by medical organizations (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
In the framework of the events, related to introduction of the efficient contract, there is planned an independent assessment of provided state (municipal) services. In relation to this, there were adopted a lot of normative legal acts. With big potential opportunities, such system, however, is associated with a number of risks, which is important to factor in order to avoid the decrease of subjectiveness, real dependency and efficiency of introducing the independent quality assessment.
2014 № 11 Federal recommendations on regional and municipal remuneration systems in the health care (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Letter of Russian Ministry of Healthcare dated on 04.09.2014 № 16-3/10/2-6752 «On improving regional and municipal systems of renumeration of medical employees» suggests a significant increase of salaries shares in total amount of renumeration (up to 55–60%). There goings analyzed current situation with salaries and concluded, that there are difficulties associated with execution of proposals of Russian Ministry of HealthCare. The risks, related to formal implementation of these proposals are described in this article.
2014 № 10 Number of problems in enhancing the system of labor remuneration in health care (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation. The Russian Ministry of Health Care conducts work on enhancing the systems of labor remuneration for employees of federal health care organizations, attracting regional authorities to this activity as well. The main focus is made on re-consideration of incentive pay outs list in the frame of introducing an efficient contract. Another important objective is to amend the relative share of wages in the total amount of labor remuneration — at current stage, the wages share is groundlessly low, what causes a number of problems. There are other reforms that need to be implemented in the system of labor remuneration.
2014 № 9 The order for developing the regulation on labour system norms in a state (municipal) healthcare institution (FSHI «Health Organization and Informatics» Ministry of Health Care of Russia, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation. Questions with regards to the labour norming standards are becoming gradually relevant due to the necessity of establishing indexes and criteria for evaluating employees activity efficiency in the frames of introducing an efficient contract. Logically speaking, norming of the labour should come first before introducing the efficient contract. However, norming the labour — is a complex and time-consuming process, which has to run consistently on an ongoing basis. Therefore, these processes, to a large extent, develop parallel one to another. The starting document for institutions (along with the recommendations of state (municipal) bodies has to become a local normative act — Resolution regarding the system of norming the labour in institution.
2014 № 8 An analysis of possible consequences from introduction of co-payments from unemployed population into the system of mandatory medical insurance (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health Care and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
In accordance with the current legislation, employers are obligated to cover expenses for mandatory medical insurance system. Constituent territories of Russian Federation are responsible for making payments to support unemployed population (children and elderly and as such). Ministry of Finance of Russia suggested to introduce a mechanism in accordance to which the unemployed population (with exceptance of certain categories) would be responsible for covering expenses for mandatory medical insurance system themselves. The article is dedicated to an analysis of consequences of establishing proposals of Russian Ministry of Finance with regards to introducing co-payments into the system of mandatory medical insurance.
2014 № 7 Medical duty of medical staff at home within the frame of new legislation (FSBI «Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation», Moscow, Russia)
Annotation. Medical duties at home were always considered as a rational form of organizing medical staff's labour, primarily in rural areas. However, within the new labour legislation they turned to be «above the law». One of yet another modification made to Labour codex returned the right to introduce medical duties at home. The article is dedicated to analysis of labour legislation, other normative acts related to medical duties at homes.
2014 № 6 Way of including salaries and other payouts of compensational character in the labor contract, concluded in the frames of efficient contract introduction (FSBI <Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation>, Moscow, Russia)
The article is dedicated to analysis of labor legislation, related to compensation payouts for workers. The core aspects of studied problem are the order of their determination and paying out process, reflection in labor contracts, concluded in the frames of an efficient contract introduction.
2014 № 5 Challenges with labor compensation at the time of providing medical services within main working hours schedule (FSBI «Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation», Moscow, Russia)
Wide spread opinion on in admissibility of fee based medical services provision instate (municipal) organizations is not confirmed by requirements of normative documents. Moreover, in the number of cases, medical staff was obliged to provide fee based medical services within main working hours schedule. However, this sphere encounters objective normative which is necessary to take in to consideration. Simultaneously, it is important to follow strict rules on labor compensation of employees when they provide fee based medical services within the main hours schedule. Many of them are accurately written down in the Labor Codex.
2014 № 4 Legal and practical aspects of decreasing amount of labor compensation (including the amounts of incentive pay outs) in the frames of introducing an efficient contract (Federal research institute for health organization and informatics of ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Introduction of efficient contract suggests further close-bodied dependency of labor compensation from its outcome. It also considers not only raise of salaries as far as reaching best results, but a decrease of salaries in case of decline of corresponding indexes. However, there are legislative limitations directed on decrease of labor compensation amount. The study also considers problems of decreasing labor compensation amounts while not reaching foreseen indexes with meeting requirements of active legislation.
2014 № 3 Problems of combining requirements on concretization of labor conditions compensation while concluding a labor contract with the necessity to consider real outcome of the work (Federal Research Institute for HealthCare Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation. Introduction of efficient contract suggests concretization of the content of labor contracts with employees, including the point of labor compensation conditions. However, the compensation should depend from the work outcome, which is impossible to evaluate beforehand. How should the combination of these two requirements be guaranteed? Should there always be indicated an exact amount of compensation in the labor contract? This material is dedicated to possible ways of solving this problem.
2014 № 2 Problems of financial provision of high-tech medical aid (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation: In accordance with legislation the high tech medical aid is gradually transferred into the system of mandatory medical insurance. However, the mechanism of organizing the high tech medical aid in the system of mandatory medical insurance, as well as the order of financial provision and etc. remain till now unclear. This material is dedicated to the analysis of problems related to the issues above and to a review of suggested approaches in solving them.
2020 № 9 State measures to support the budget and budget institutions at the current stage of the spread of coronavirus infection
Despite the fact that the main source of financial support for health care is currently the means of compulsory
medical insurance, the importance of the Federal budget and the budget system as a whole for the functioning of the
industry cannot be overestimated. In the context of the spread of coronavirus infection, budget legislation is undergoing major changes, with many changes being temporary and aimed at ensuring the budget process in specific conditions related to the fight against COVID‑19. -
2020 № 5 Russian Health Care in the background coronavirus COVID-19: Opportunities and Threats
The effectiveness of any public system, including health care, is determined by the adequacy of its legal regulation. The situation with coronavirus exposed many problems in this area, a number of which were quickly resolved with varying degrees of success. However, there are still many unresolved issues and the need to further improve the legal regulation of health care. This applies, among other issues, to the remuneration of medical workers engaged in providing medical care to patients who have been diagnosed with COVID‑19 coronavirus infection. The article presents an analysis of the procedure for implementing incentive payments at the expense of Federal funds, and suggests measures to improve it. The article presents a SWOT analysis of the state of Russian healthcare against the background of the spread of COVID‑19 coronavirus.
2019 № 8 Delegation of authority to regions to determine the need for private clinics: analysis of prospects and possible consequences
It is planned to further assess the needs of medical organizations, including private medical organizations in the framework of licensing of medical activities in accordance with the instructions of the President. Finding a balance betweenthe public (municipal) and private health sectors is very important. However, the fundamental question is what methods shouldbe used: restrictive (prohibitive) or stimulating (methods of taxation, etc.). The desire of the regions to subdue private clinics,to command them can lead to conflicts between the government and business and to real losses of working meth, taxes,insurance premiums, etc. The article attempts to analyze the possible positive and negative consequences of such decisions.
2019 № 7 Some approaches to the labor normalization in the laboratory diagnostics
The laboratory service is one of the most difficult from the point of view of labor normalization, which is determined,
first of all, by the many and ever-increasing number of studies, the variety of equipment used, etc. Laboratory
labor standards were developed more than 20 years ago. They relate primarily to non-automated techniques and do not
reflect the modern organization of labor, new laboratory technologies, etc. Due to the lack of centrally developed labor
standards, medical organizations are forced to determine the load indicators, the number of necessary laboratory workers
mainly by expert means, or try to independently develop labor standards. In these conditions, it is necessary to determine
the main approaches to the implementation of labor standards in the laboratory service, to develop normalization methods
for various research groups. The authors' suggestions were the result of joint research by Federal Research Institute for
Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow) and St. Petersburg State
Budgetary Healthcare Institution Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children (St. Petersburg). -
2019 № 6 New rules of obligatory medical insurance: major changes
The rules of obligatory health insurance regulate legal relations of subjects and participants of compulsory health insurance. New rules of obligatory health insurance developed by the Ministry of health of Russia in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of justice. The essence of these recommendations was not to make regular changes to the existing rules of obligatory health insurance, but to approve new rules of obligatory health insurance. To a large extent, these changes are associated with the Informatization of health care, with the advent of legislative regulation of the use of telemedicine technologies. Most of the changes affect the order of calculation of the value of sanctions applied to the medical organisations in the mandatory medical insurance system. In turn, these changes reflect the desire to reduce the financial burden on state (municipal) institutions and make it easier for them to achieve the level of wages provided for by the "may" presidential Decrees of 2012.
2019 № 3 Рayment for medical care provided in excess of the volumes of granting of medical aid in system of obligatory medical insurance
Сurrently, health organizations are extremely important are the issues associated with excess of volumes of granting of medical aid in system of obligatory medical insurance. This is the so-called problem of "super-planned patients". The current legislation does not provide for payment of super-planned volumes of medical care.. But the incidence rate is difficult to predict with a high level of accuracy. Within the framework of the current regulatory framework, all financial risks in this situation are assigned to the medical organization, which does not correspond to the logic of insurance. However, there are some options to mitigate this problem. This is illustrated by the court practice in this area.
сompulsory medical insurance, volumes of medical care, insurance medical organizations, medical organizations, sanctions, the Commission on development of the territorial judicial practice. -
2018 № 9 Recommendations for the selection of labor norms for employees of different medical organizations units
With sufficient development of the regulatory framework, methodological issues of labor regulation at the level of medical organizations are clearly not covered enough. The final result of the regulation of labor is the establishment of labor standards. However, due to the variety of existing labor standards, the complexity of their calculation, etc., one of the most urgent is the question of what labor standards should be established for employees of specific departments holding specific positions. Although the regulation of labor is a serious large-scale work, in the arsenal of medical organizations, there are many methods that are not as costly as, for example, timing. However, the implementation of these methods requires their correct design and application. This publication is devoted to these issues
2018 № 7 Material stimulation of employees of the economic services of the state (municipal) establishments of public health
The deadline for the introduction of an effective contract in state (municipal) institutions is approaching. In health care facilities, an effective contract is introduced not only for medical but also for other workers, in particular, for economists. In order to correctly establish incentive payments to economic service employees, it is necessary to identify the key functions performed by them. This would be greatly facilitated by professional standards. But, unfortunately, they have not yet been approved for economic positions. On the other hand, the main types of work carried out by economists in state (municipal) health care institutions are well known. Taking into account the experience gained in the development of indicators and criteria for assessing the performance of medical and other positions, this allows you to choose the best options for assessing the activities and employees of the economic service. The article contains an analysis of possible approaches to the methods of material incentives for employees of the economic service, to the establishment of incentive payments within the framework of the introduction of an effective contract
2018 № 5 The procedure for the formation of staff lists of state (municipal) health care institutions
The staff schedule determines the composition and structure of positions, is an important tool for regulating labor relations in the team. At the same time, it is an important economic tool. The powers of the head of the medical organization depend on its rights on the formation of the staffing structure. Often the staff list becomes the object of disputes and conflicts with the founders and various regulatory authorities. The article discusses the legal basis for the formation of staffing in state (municipal) health care institutions
2018 № 4 The sources of financial provision of rendering emergency medical care
Free provision of emergency medical care is provided by the legislation. This requires a clear definition of the source of cost recovery for medical organizations that provide this assistance, In a particular situation, how¬ever, there are often situations where law enforcement officials refuse to pay for emergency assistance provided to their employees, referring to the above-mentioned legislative requirement. Many problems in the provision of emergency arises in the system of compulsory health insurance. Payment for emergency medical care rendered in excess of the approved amounts remains an unresolved problem. The problem of compensation for emergency assistance to uninsured citizens is not settled either. These problems are especially urgent for private medical organizations
2018 № 2 «Other conditions» as a basis for payment of medical care. Part 1
The legislation determined that one of the grounds for the provision of medical care for a fee is its provi- sion on other conditions than provided by the state guarantees program. However, the interpretation of «other con- ditions» is rather ambiguous and requires detailed consideration. For this purpose it is necessary to study not only the state guarantees program itself, but also a number of other regulatory legal acts. Thus it is necessary to distinguish accurately other conditions of rendering medical care from household and service. The article deals with various aspects of medical care for a fee on the basis of its provision on terms different from the state guarantees program
2017 № 8 Telemedicine: dreams and realities
The adoption of the Federal law directly affecting telemedicine was expected for a long time. So the law has generated great interest in the medical community. However, a large number of evaluations of the new law is not accompanied by serious analysis. Meanwhile, despite the apparent «breakthrough» of the right regulation of telemedicine, the possibilities of practical use of telemedicine technologies remain very limited. This is due to the legal boundaries of the use of telemedicine technologies, and organizational and financial. This article discusses these and other issues related to the practical aspects of using telemedicine
2017 № 6 Royalty revenues in medical organizations: types, account features and usage
A potentially important additional source of financial support of medical organizations, particularly state and municipal systems are non-repayable receipts in the form of donation, donations, etc. In some cases, they can act as an alternative to this form of income-generating activities as the provision of paid medical and other services. However, we must not only learn how to attract these funds, but also the right of their issue and use. For example, to clearly understand how to put the contracts for the receipt of these funds, within the framework of the legislation to procure funds received from donations, etc. this article discusses these and other issues associated with the various types of gratuitous receipts.
2023 № 2 Issues of implementation of new special social payments to medical workers, including those working on an outpatient basis, from January 1, 2023
The article examines the mechanism of implementation of new special social benefits, which are introduced for a number of categories of medical workers from January 1, 2023.
These payments, as well as the previously existing special social benefits paid to persons providing medical care to patients with COVID‑19, will be carried out through a social fund – in this case, through the Pension and Social Insurance Fund. Such a mechanism, despite the long chain of financial flows, has its advantages, primarily concerning the possibility of personalized accounting of payments and minimizing the risks of misuse of funds.
At the same time, the implementation of special social benefits raises a number of questions concerning the payment of insurance premiums, etc., the answers to which are not always obvious, but can be obtained on the basis of consideration of the provisions of the current legislation. -
2022 № 5 Ten years of law enforcement of Federal Law No. 323-FZ dated 21.11.2011 “On the basics of public health protection in the Russian Federation”: controversial issues, gaps, prospects
Federal Law No. 323-FZ of 21.11.2021 “On the Fundamentals of Public Health Protection in the Russian Federation”, adopted in 2011 and entered into force in 2012 (323-FZ) is a key federal law regulating the healthcare sector.
The authors, through content and retrospective analysis, deductive method, method of generalization of judicial practice, conducted a comprehensive study of the application at the 10–year turn of the basic law in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation – 323- FZ. In the article, the authors analyzed the subject of legal regulation of the 323-FZ, the conceptual apparatus enshrined in 323-FZ, the principles of health protection, considered the ratio of the legal statuses of the patient and the medical worker, touched upon aspects of paid medical services. The problems in the implementation of the 323-FZ are also analyzed, the existing legal uncertainties of its enforcement are discussed.
According to the results of the study, the authors conclude that it is necessary to consolidate the most complete guarantees of the realization of rights, both for patients and for medical workers, aimed, inter alia, at reducing the risks of conflicts between the patient and the doctor, regulating economic relations in health care. In this connection, it is necessary to carry out work on the timely completion of this law. -
Among the indicators used to assess the financial condition of medical organizations, one of the most important is accounts payable, which characterizes the risks to their normal activities.
In this article, this problem is considered in relation to the system of compulsory medical insurance from the point of view of factors that do not depend on the medical organizations themselves. -
2021 № 5 New system of control measures in relation to medical organizations within the framework of compulsory health insurance
One of the most serious innovations in the system of compulsory health insurance is the change in the procedure for conducting control measures. In accordance with the new version of Federal Law No. 326-FZ (in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of December 8, 2020 № 430-FZ On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation"), the procedure for monitoring the volume, timing, quality and conditions of providing medical care for compulsory medical insurance to insured persons, as well as its financial support, is now established not by the Federal Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance, but by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. At the same time, both the participants of the CMI system who have the authority to conduct control measures, and the procedure for conducting control, are changing.
The system of compulsory health insurance is regulated by a large number of regulatory legal acts. Nevertheless, many issues related to the relationship between the participants of the MHI system, and above all – financial, are determined by the content of the contracts concluded between them. This article analyzes the new system of contracts that has developed in the system of compulsory medical insurance in connection with the adoption of Federal Law No. 430-FZ of December 8, 2020 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation”, as well as other related regulatory legal acts. There have been changes not only in the content of the contracts, but also in the composition of their participants. In addition, there is a new, previously absent type of contract. The purpose of the work is to analyze changes in contracts in the MHI system and their possible consequences.
2021 № 1 Financing of healthcare in 2021 from the federal budget: priorities within the national project “Healthcare” in the context of the fight against coronavirus infection Covid‑19
An analysis of the upcoming financing of healthcare from the Federal budget shows that in 2021–2022,
despite the difficult financial situation, the volume of financial support for the industry will continue to grow. These are all
the more important parameters because the upcoming budget in the period under review assumed a slight reduction in
funding compared to the approved figures of the Federal budget for 2020. This should help to ensure the stable functioning
of health care. -
2020 № 10 Questions related to the procedure for allocating volumes of medical care to regional medical organizations
The arrival of a new wave of the spread of COVID‑19 coronavirus infection made it obvious that the fight
against coronavirus infection will last for quite a long time. For a number of reasons, incentive payments for employees
related to the treatment OF covid‑19 coronavirus infection did not fully suit either employees or the state. Therefore, the
state has made a serious transformation of the system of payments, which have turned from a salary element into a
“non-salary” element of social support. -
2020 № 8 Changes in the procedure for financial support of medical organizations in the system of compulsory medical insurance at the present stage of the spread of coronavirus infection
In the context of the spread of coronavirus infection, the main problem of medical organizations is not an obvious increase in the cost of providing medical care associated with ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological regime (personal protective equipment, disinfection, etc.), but a decrease in income due to a drop in the volume of planned medical care, suspension of preventive measures, downtime (during the period of re-profiling, etc.).
The state quickly responded to this situation by making changes to the relevant legislation and adopting a number of special regulatory legal acts. However, the implementation of these rather varied measures tied to a number of factors, such as the presence or absence of restrictive measures on the territory of the Russian Federation; participation or non-participation in the care of patients with coronavirus infection; periods within which the one or the other order advances, etc.
All this causes difficulties in understanding what financial security mechanism is applied to this particular situation, what should be the actions of medical organizations.
This article is devoted to the analysis of ways of financial support of medical organizations in the system of compulsory medical insurance at various stages of the fight against coronavirus infection. -
2020 № 1 Health care Financing in 2020: priorities within the national project «Health Care»
Analysis of future health financing shows that in 2020–2022, despite the difficult financial situation, the growth of financial support for the health system will continue. Among the priorities for 2020, we should highlight the increase in funding for cancer care. This is the implementation of the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on may 7, 2018 No. 204 "on national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024". The allocation of funds in the compulsory health insurance system is also based on these priorities. In particular, at the expense of mandatory medical insurance funds, financial incentives are provided for employees to identify oncological disease. Among the positive aspects are inter-budget transfers to the budget of the compulsory health insur¬ance Fund from the Federal budget to pay for high-tech medical care that is not included in the basic program mandatory medical insurance and birth certificates. All this should have a positive impact on the further development of health care.
2017 № 10 Financial reserves of the state (municipal) institutions health
. The difficult economic situation makes to search for possible variants of optimization of resources and reserves in the state (municipal) institutions. Many heads of agencies believe that the reserves for salary increases in accordance with the «Мay» decrees of the President have been exhausted. However, they did not start the process of normalization, the introduction of professional standards and effective contracts. On the other hand, the legal environment in which agencies are often not allowed to implement the legislation provided for the possibility of attracting additional resources. These issues are discussed in this publication
2017 № 5 Possible options of citizens' participation in the financial provision of rendering medical assistance using resources not provided by the program of state guarantees
Active search of new forms of co-financing of medical care is the answer to financial difficulties in the health sector. However, equally important is the streamlining of those forms of relations between medical organizations and patients about co-payments in the provision of medical care within program of state guarantees that exist. The analysis shows that the legalization of shadow payments, proper design of the acquisition at the expense of and at the request of the patient more quality of medicines, health care products, as expressly provided under the program of state guarantees, etc., can serve the interests of both patients and society as a whole. The article discusses specific payment options at the expense of patients, resources that are not provided under the program of state guarantees allowed under the current legislation
2018 № 8 The application of leasing in state (municipal) health care institutions
Difficult economic conditions lead to the fact that the expenditures of budgets of all levels for the purchase of equipment are highly reduced. State (municipal) institutions are forced to look for other sources and channels for financing equipment purchases. In this respect, leasing at the expense of compulsory medical insurance is an interesting, but incomprehensible tool. Especially, given the variety of its forms. Moreover, the use of leasing in the system of compulsory medical insurance encounters a number of serious limitations. Meanwhile, the competent conclusion of leasing contracts, in fact, in a number of cases makes it possible to solve problems of obtaining equipment worth more than 100,000 rubles at the expense of compulsory medical insurance.
2022 № 7 The disease burden of atopic dermatitis in current conditions
The prevalence and increase in morbidity of the atopic dermatitis make possible to consider it to become actual and relevant in nearest future. The pilot study analyzed using the Delphi method allowed identifying the most significant areas for further detailed research and development of programs reducing the disease burden of atopic dermatitis in the country. The study showed that the Cumulative Life Course Impairment associated with this disease is mediated by its systemic nature and a complex of concomitant diseases. The social burden of the disease is primarily associated with missed opportunities of patients even after the onset of spontaneous remission due to education and socialization issues from the period of schooling. Almost all adult patients report a decrease in the quality of life and experiencing problems with communication and sports. The economic burden of the disease is associated with household spending on medicines and a decrease in income as a result of changing or losing work, primarily in families with sick children in addition to healthcare system expenditures. The COVID‑19 pandemic has led to a decrease in the volume of medical care for atopic dermatitis adult patients and also there is a possibility of developing previously unknown complications in patients with atopic dermatitis.
2023 № 9 Psoriasis: disease burden in current environment.
Psoriasis currently is considered to be beyond the list of socially significant diseases; however, a pilot study shows that the medical, social and economic burden of the disease can be significant. The pilot study made it possible to identify the most actual research areas for assessing of disease burden indicators what is necessary for development of comprehensive multidisciplinary interdepartmental programs aimed at improving population health and reducing the medical, social and economic consequences of psoriasis.
2016 № 1 The issues with payments for implants, not registered on the approved list of implants, used when providing medical aid within a state guarantees program
2023 № 3 Issues of payments for medicines in the provision of specialized medical care for compulsory medical insurance
In the article, on the basis of regulatory legal acts, the issues of the legality of the use of co-financing mechanisms (co-payments) in the system of compulsory medical insurance are considered.
The situations and conditions in which co-payments are legitimate are analyzed.
It is concluded that it is necessary not to combat this phenomenon, but to regulate cases of co-payments on the part of insured citizens. -
2022 № 10 Issues of taxation of compensation payments for treatment of COVID-19 with personal income tax
Previously existing payments for the treatment of coronavirus infection (incentive payments, special social benefits) were not taxed on personal income. Therefore, the question naturally arises whether compensation payments to certain categories of persons at risk of contracting a new coronavirus infection are subject to taxation with this income. This problem is all the more urgent because, in accordance with the Tax Code, a number of types of compensation payments are exempt from taxation.
The article analyzes the positions of the tax authorities on the problem under consideration, taking into account judicial practice, and concludes that compensation payments related to the treatment of COVID‑19 are an element of remuneration, act as a form of compensation surcharges for work in harmful working conditions, and therefore are subject to personal income tax in a general manner. -
2022 № 9 Issues related to the powers of state (municipal) healthcare institutions in the field of labor rationing
The presented material concerns the rights and obligations of state (municipal) healthcare institutions in matters of labor rationing. It examines the scope of authority of the heads of these institutions as employers for the organization of rationing.
With reference to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other normative legal acts devoted to this topic, various aspects of labor rationing are analyzed. In particular, the degree of completeness of the coverage of labor standards of all employees of medical organizations, the identity of load indicators and labor standards, etc. -
2022 № 7 Issues related to changing the procedure for providing state guarantees to employees of medical organizations working with COVID-19
Emergency and rather extraordinary measures aimed at increasing the degree of social protection of medical workers in connection with the spread of COVID‑19 have been repeatedly changed. At the current stage, characterized by a decrease in the spread of coronavirus infection, these measures have undergone quite drastic changes, the essence of which is discussed in this article.
2022 № 6 Issues of distribution of the cost of medicines and other consumables by sources of financing in the provision of paid medical services
In the article, on the basis of regulatory legal acts and explanations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, possible ways of distributing medicines by sources of financing are substantiated.
2022 № 5 Issues of introduction of electronic personnel document management in medical organizations
Informatization is gradually spreading to all new areas of labor relations. Therefore, it is logical to switch from the transfer to electronic form of individual documents (electronic sick leave, electronic workbooks, etc.) to the comprehensive automation of the entire personnel document flow.
The proposed material presents an analysis of changes in labor legislation devoted to this area. -
Numerous bodies that control the financial and economic activities of state and municipal healthcare institutions often make unfounded claims. In order to competently counter such claims, it is necessary to clearly understand the regulatory framework, demanding correctness in these matters from the regulatory authorities themselves.
2021 № 9 Issues of registration of contractual relations in the provision of paid medical services.
The contract for the provision of paid medical services is the basis of legal and economic relations with the patient (consumer, customer). Against the background of the rapid pace of digitalization of all spheres of society, questions naturally arise about the permissible forms of contracts concluded, about their content, etc. The proposed material provides answers to some of the questions that arise in this regard.
2021 № 8 Questions implementation of incentive payments to medical workers for vaccination against Covid -19
In order to financially support medical workers and further motivate them to increase the rate of vaccination against COVID‑19, the Russian Government has introduced special incentive payments for additional workload for medical workers. The established mechanism of financial support and the procedure for making payments is quite complex, since it is aimed at achieving specific practical vaccination indicators. This publication explains some of the issues that arise in connection with the implementation of these payments.
2021 № 5 Questions of the use of remote work in healthcare
2020 № 8 Issues of implementing incentive payments for cancer detection
2020 № 6 Changes in the procedure for implementing incentive payments to medical workers for working with coronavirus
2020 № 5 Issues of application of labor legislation during the period of combating coronavirus
2020 № 2 The transition to electronic work book
2020 № 1 Possible options for providing individual maintenance services on childbirth
2020 № 1 Incentive Payments for the detection of cancer
2019 № 10 Some questions about provision of paid medical services
2019 № 8 New rules of rendering of medical aid to police officers
2019 № 6 Additional payments for medical care within the framework of the state guarantees program: questions and answers
2019 № 3 Issues of provision of paid medical services by state (municipal) healthcare institutions…
2019 № 2 Questions of registration of the informed voluntary consent for medical interventions
2019 № 1 Application of clinical guidelines
2018 № 10 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2018 № 9 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2018 № 6 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2018 № 5 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2018 № 4 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2018 № 2 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2018 № 1 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2017 № 9 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2017 № 8 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2017 № 7 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2017 № 6 Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
2014 № 9 Problems associated with provision of paid medical services while using equipment purchased at the expense of state funds or funds from mandatory medical insurance system (FSHI «Health Organization and Informatics» Ministry of Health Care of Russia, Moscow, Russia)
One of the issues, that doesn't have a precise normative regulation, is usage of equipment, purchased at the expense of state budgets of different levels and funds from mandatory medical insurance system when delivering paid medical services. The policy of state and municipal institutions with regard to possibility and regulation on using equipment, purchased at the expense of state budget and funds of MMI (Mandatory Medical Insurance) in the course of a running a profitable activity, is quite controversial. It is not decided, where amortization of the equipment should be directed in such cases. The article is dedicated to possible solutions to this problem.