Manager Zdravoochranenia 2016 #5
Published: 2016-05-05
Performance analysis and ways of reforming the health village
Annotation. The analysis of the incidence of the rural population in the Russian Federation and the Federal District. Based on the results of the study developed proposals to reform the health of the village.
Assessment of the quality and effectiveness of health care for medical rehabilitation
Abctract. The method of evaluating the quality and effectiveness of medical rehabilitation in the parameters is described. The method allows to determine the capabilities of the service, results and quality research. The basis for determining the level of quality of care in health organizations based on three main components: quality of structure; quality of process; quality of the results. This method allows to judge about the possibilities of rehabilitation services in determining logistical base, human resources, technical equipment and the condition of the equipment. Data on the quality and effectiveness of treatment can serve as a basis for performance assessment and volume of the study identified a number of indicators and their conformity to regulatory standards. The Toolkit is designed for health care providers, experts, economists working in health care organizations Federal, regional and municipal levels, as well as researchers and teachers in the field of health planning.
About medical-social assessment quality of care in the economic crisis (methodological aspects)
Review of modern methods of evaluation of quality of care revealed that all of them have vulnerabilities that are associated with the selective nature of the verification, and may not provide sufficient controllability of the process of medical care. The authors proposed a methodology for analyzing structures of patient flow as a whole. This technique allowed to get the natural characteristics of the quality of medical care without further examinations, and to provide technological rationing of medical care as a single process. Quantitative assessment of the frequency of hospitalizations was the reflection of the objective of the integrated assessment of corporate efforts of the medical staff organization to ensure management of quality.
Overview of the implementation of a policy to provide neurosurgery medical care for adult population in Ryasan region
The quality and accessibility of medical care affect improving health, social and economic efficiency and directly dependent on the optimal organization of medical care on the basis of developed and approved procedures of medical care. The number of beds and neuro-surgical profile doctors-neuro-surgeons in the Ryazan region, are lower than the national average. In General, in the Ryazan region observed the procedure of rendering of medical aid to adult population the profile of «neurosurgery». To improve the quality and efficiency of neurosurgical care is necessary to conduct a number of organizational measures.
Legal regulation of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity
The article shows and proves what the Federal legislation should be analyzed and used in medical organization in the field of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity. Presents directions for internal control of quality and safety of medical activities with regard to regulation of each Federal legislation.
Information management systems in laboratory medicine
The paper presents information that reflects the current state of information management systems applying in medicine. In this case, now various modifications of laboratory information systems are actively being developed and implemented for the needs of clinic-diagnostic laboratories. The author discloses information technology capabilities that are designed not only to solution of medical and organizationalmethodical problems of modern medical laboratories, but also represents the designed information system for an administrator of a clinic-diagnostic laboratory, which provides management of medical-economic processes. The information system is a link between modern health information systems and laboratory information systems.
Modern approaches to the development of medical and technological assignment and effective design of healthcare institutions
Annotation. In the present paper a study of healthcare facilities design models is presented. It is shown how the functional and spatial diagramming, diagramming of flows and modelling/design of healthcare facilities (BIM) allow us to determine (as early as at the stage of medical and technological assignment) the possibility of application of modern medical technologies and equipment, arrangement of process flows, cost of the project and operating costs, construction period time, as well as to ensure the development of high-quality design and detailed documentation.
The novations of the system of medical insurance 2016: extensive development of expertise
Job Description in terms of the latest novelty in the field of health workers labor competencies
Job descriptions, being a common document, however, does not have a clear legal regulation. A lot of questions are raised when the need arises to change them. Nowadays, there are rather a lot of reasons to job description changes. First of all, there are serious innovation in the field of professional competence of employees related to the development of professional standards, accreditation of health care workers, certification, effective contract administration, etc. The article considers the legal and organizational aspects of job descriptions development, approval and change in the light of the latest novelties in the regulatory framework and the field of professional competence.
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov