Articles with tag: «e-health»
2017 № 8 Telemedicine: dreams and realities
The adoption of the Federal law directly affecting telemedicine was expected for a long time. So the law has generated great interest in the medical community. However, a large number of evaluations of the new law is not accompanied by serious analysis. Meanwhile, despite the apparent «breakthrough» of the right regulation of telemedicine, the possibilities of practical use of telemedicine technologies remain very limited. This is due to the legal boundaries of the use of telemedicine technologies, and organizational and financial. This article discusses these and other issues related to the practical aspects of using telemedicine
2017 № 8 Assessment principles of informatization level of medical organization
The article is about assessment principles of informatization level of the regional segment of The Unified State Health System. This approach is based on an assessment of informatization level of the healthcare organizations. Scale building is based on the calculation of indicators, combined into functional segments, which form an integral evaluation for the medical organization. In 2016, the developed scale in the questionnaire form was presented to experts of regional Medical Information and Analytical Centers of eight Russian constituent entities, the experts took a favourable view of 90% indicators. There was implemented a test survey of medical organizations of three pilot regions
2021 № 1 Development of e-health as a mechanism for increasing labor productivity of midwifery specialists
E-health is technologies that allow bringing medical services closer to patients in accordance with the objectives
of state policy to level the staff shortage and remoteness of medical centers in rural areas. The established factors
that reduce the quality of working life by the example of a survey of 248 midwifery specialists working in rural areas were characterized by the territorial proximity of a medical organization to home (70.1 ± 5.8%), identified the 5th rank place in the structure of measures to increase satisfaction with the quality of work, creation of a unified information environment. Analysis of modern literature has revealed the main aspects of the need and benefits of introducing e-health, such as accessibility, acceptability and quality.