Articles with tag: «labour legislation»
2016 № 3 New requirements to remuneration pay of executives in State and Municipal organisations (institutions)
The Russian Ministry of Labour prepared a legislation bill on changing requirements for remuneration pay of executives of main types of state (municipal) organisations. Suggested changes in the labour legislation are essentially directed towards withholding remuneration and pay-outs to executives of state (municipal) organisations and institutions. They do not contain any principally new statements; however, toughen control over remuneration payouts to not only executives, but deputies, and chief finance officers (accountant). These measures are relevant to a whole plethora of other organisational-legal forms of state and municipal organisations, including state corporations, which paid their executives salaries that have raised a lot of questions among the public for a long time.
2014 № 7 Medical duty of medical staff at home within the frame of new legislation (FSBI «Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation», Moscow, Russia)
Annotation. Medical duties at home were always considered as a rational form of organizing medical staff's labour, primarily in rural areas. However, within the new labour legislation they turned to be «above the law». One of yet another modification made to Labour codex returned the right to introduce medical duties at home. The article is dedicated to analysis of labour legislation, other normative acts related to medical duties at homes.
2015 № 4 Administrative and legal principals for converting hospital nurses into cleaning personnel of manufacturing or office premises
Requirements of «May» Orders issued by the Russian President force institutions not only search for additional funds but also optimize the structure of institutions and cut expenses. One of the possible solutions — is to convert nurses into a cleaning personnel. The article represents an analysis of labour legislation and other normative acts, related to the issue of converting hospital nurses into a cleaning personnel.