Articles with tag: «state guarantees»
2022 № 7 Issues related to changing the procedure for providing state guarantees to employees of medical organizations working with COVID-19
Emergency and rather extraordinary measures aimed at increasing the degree of social protection of medical workers in connection with the spread of COVID‑19 have been repeatedly changed. At the current stage, characterized by a decrease in the spread of coronavirus infection, these measures have undergone quite drastic changes, the essence of which is discussed in this article.
2019 № 8 Delegation of authority to regions to determine the need for private clinics: analysis of prospects and possible consequences
It is planned to further assess the needs of medical organizations, including private medical organizations in the framework of licensing of medical activities in accordance with the instructions of the President. Finding a balance betweenthe public (municipal) and private health sectors is very important. However, the fundamental question is what methods shouldbe used: restrictive (prohibitive) or stimulating (methods of taxation, etc.). The desire of the regions to subdue private clinics,to command them can lead to conflicts between the government and business and to real losses of working meth, taxes,insurance premiums, etc. The article attempts to analyze the possible positive and negative consequences of such decisions.
2015 № 4 List of vital and life critical drugs; meanings of the definition for specifying state guarantees for free drug medical aid
There is analysed an issue of specifing state guarantees for free medical aid provided to citizens within the standard medical aid system, clinical recommendations, lists of medications. State guaranteed free medications for citizens are those mentioned in the List of vital and life critical drugs.
2015 № 3 Standards of medical aid — meaning of the definition for specifying state guarantees of free drug medical aid
There is analyzed an issue of specifying state guarantees for free medical aid provided to citizens with in the standard medical aid system, clinical recommendations, lists of medications. State guaranteed free medications for citizens are those mentioned in the List of vital and life critical drugs.