Articles with tag: «modeling»
2014 № 12 Organizational and technical aspects of the technologies of the maintenance and repair of medical equipment (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Orenburg State Institute of Management, Orenburg, Russia; LLC «ELINS», Moscow, Russia)
The System of Maintenance and Repair is a system realizing the repair technologies as the complex of methods and ways of restoration of the operating capacity (operability) of medical equipment, as well as the determination of the state of equipment and its parts, making decision to repair it, localization of the malfunction before replacement; spare parts, tools and accessories; replacement of defective unit and control of operability. The article describes the organizational and technical aspects of the construction and technologies of work of the System of Maintenance and Repair (SMaR) of medical equipment. The high significance of the readiness of medical equipment and its influence on the efficiency of medical technologies and quality of medical care has been proved.
2014 № 6 Process approach - innovative technology of organization of medical examinations (FSBI <Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation>, Moscow, Russia; Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia; Medical-sanitary health clinic, Astrakhan, Russia)
The article describes algorithms and results of integration of process approach for medical examinations.
2017 № 7 Information management public health interface: the history of the system-analytical development
The article presents the stages of formation and development of system approach and system analysis as the methodological basis for the development of automated control systems in healthcare. Given the contribution of the most well-known industry experts in the development of this activity. The results of the analysis of the development of organizational support Informatization of healthcare of the country in recent fiftieth anniversary. Shows examples of effective and ineffective-products of decisions. Described the experience of theoretical and experimental substantiation of creation of regional medical information-analytical center.