Manager Zdravoochranenia 2018 #7

Published: 2018-07-03



    Problem statement
  • Strategies and conditions for provision of state guarantees for free medical assistance

    Guarantees of free medical care are important constitutional guarantees that provide material benefits and the most specific type of public debt to the citizen. It is shown that in modern Russia, implemented a version of the strategy of providing state guarantees of free medical care, based on a combination of resource reduction and attempts to improve the efficiency of their use. There is no paradigm of transformation and development of the industry, which has a strategic focus and covers all levels and components of the national health system. The authors believe that due to the traditional conservatism of the health care system, it is difficult, but possible, to solve this problem by the internal forces of the industry. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions in which the circle of strategic decision-makers in health care will be separated from the circle of persons developing and implementing tactical tools.

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20] Yankevich D. S. [3] Grechko A. V. [2]

    Tags: efficiency and effectiveness of health care1 state guarantees of free medical care1 strategic health management1

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  • Management in healthcare
  • On strengthening and preservation of health of employees at enterprises

    The issues of strengthening and maintaining the health of persons working at the enterprises of the Volga Federal district are Considered. The role of employers and trade Union organizations in this direction is studied

    Authors: Starodubov V. I. [40] Soboleva N. P. [4] Savchenko E. D. [5]

    Tags: employers2 prevention at the enterprises1 strengthening and preservation of health of workers1 trade union organizations2

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  • Development of an integrated assessment tool health and social well-being of patients aged 60 years and over and their needs for different types of care

    A tool for the comprehensive assessment of the condition of patients 60 years of age and over which allows to objectify patients’ demand for medical and social assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics has been developed and tested In the framework of this study. The suggested methodical tool is primarily focused on the use in the primary health care, makes it possible to form both a program of work with each patient at the age of 60 years and older, and an action plan to support the attached population of the given age category at the site or a specific medical organization level, and also assess the efficiency of the assistance provided

    Authors: Korotkova A. V. [3] A. Sh. Senenko [5] Vorobyev R. V. [2] Nitsenko D. I. [2]

    Tags: comprehensive assessment of the health status1 comprehensive geriatric assessment1 elderly patient1 geriatrics4 medical and social assistance3 patient-orientation6 patients aged 60 years and older1 persons of elderly and senile age2 primary health care23

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  • Formation of new management in the work of a children’s outpatient hospital based on analysis of children’s health problems and independent assessment of the quality of service

    In order to form new management in the work of the children’s outpatient hospital by analyzing children’s health problems and independent assessment of the quality of primary health care, special attention is paid to the standard of equipment and work of children’s outpatient hospitals. As a result of the formation of new management in the work of children’s outpatient hospitals, the following indicators are evaluated: increasing the time of the doctor’s work directly with patients; reduction of time required to make an appointment with a doctor; reduction of queues and waiting time for parents with children to receive a consultation; comfortable and accessible environment for parents and children in the clinic, reducing the time for children to undergo medical examination

    Authors: Gurov A. N. [15] Davronov I. V. [2] E. Yu. Ogneva [2]

    Tags: diseases of the children’s population1 new management1 population’s satisfaction with primary health care for children1 work of a children’s outpatient hospital1

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  • Process approach in the organization of medicinal support

    The purpose of this article is to define and detail the basic principles of the process-oriented approach and the regulation of the organization’s activities – as the most effective management mechanisms, and the application of the process approach in the organization of continuous targeted drug provision of the treatment and diagnostic process in a federal multidisciplinary institution on the example of the “National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (hereinafter Pirogov Center).

    Authors: Karpov O. E. [5] Nikitenko D. N. [2] Lyashchev S. A. [1]

    Tags: function. medicinal products. drug provision. accounting and write-off of medicines1 process4 process-oriented approach1 regulations4

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  • Оrganization of the service of radiodiagnosis in Moscow

    The analysis of uniformity of distribution of radiation diagnostics equipment in medical organizations of Moscow is Carried out. It is proposed to create a transparent and controlled system that allows to aggregate the entire volume of data on the conducted research to achieve high productivity and optimize financial costs. Redistri¬bution of loads in medical organizations by optimizing departments, revision of the regulatory framework will allow to use additional tools in the formation of x-ray conclusions. Continuous monitoring and monitoring of the radiation diagnosis equipment will significantly reduce the costs in the health care system and move to a higher and higher level of development of the radiation diagnosis service in Moscow

    Authors: Shelekhov P. V. [2]

    Tags: control3 distribution uniformity1 equipment3 monitoring3 moscow1 radiology3

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  • Manager of healthcare consults
  • Material stimulation of employees of the economic services of the state (municipal) establishments of public health

    The deadline for the introduction of an effective contract in state (municipal) institutions is approaching. In health care facilities, an effective contract is introduced not only for medical but also for other workers, in particular, for economists. In order to correctly establish incentive payments to economic service employees, it is necessary to identify the key functions performed by them. This would be greatly facilitated by professional standards. But, unfortunately, they have not yet been approved for economic positions. On the other hand, the main types of work carried out by economists in state (municipal) health care institutions are well known. Taking into account the experience gained in the development of indicators and criteria for assessing the performance of medical and other positions, this allows you to choose the best options for assessing the activities and employees of the economic service. The article contains an analysis of possible approaches to the methods of material incentives for employees of the economic service, to the establishment of incentive payments within the framework of the introduction of an effective contract

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: bonuses1 effective contract13 employment contract5 incentive payments8 incentives3 wages5

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  • Questions and answers
  • Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov

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