Articles with tag: «morbidity»

    Public health
  • 2022 № 4 The relationship between the structure of nutrition and chronic non-communicable diseases

    I n t r o d u c t i o n . The article analyzes modern literary sources and scientific ideas devoted to the study of the role of healthy
    nutrition and the influence of nutrition factors on health. Proper and healthy nutrition is the basis of a high-quality human life,
    affects health, longevity and performance. Modern nutrition should not only satisfy the physiological needs of a person for nutrients
    and energy, but also perform preventive and therapeutic functions. Diets based entirely on the consumption of plant products are
    becoming increasingly popular due to the many claimed health benefits. Numerous studies conducted in recent years indicate
    that a plant-based diet with a restriction of animal products is accompanied by a lower risk of developing chronic diseases, and
    in some nosologies contributes to disease control. The goals and objectives of the prevention of healthy eating are to preserve
    and strengthen the health of the population, prevent diseases caused by inadequate and unbalanced nutrition. M a t e r i a l s a n d
    m e t h o d s . A review of the literature on the control of food safety, the fullness and balance of nutrition, compliance with dietary
    regimes. R e s u l t s . With eating disorders, the ability to withstand adverse environmental influences, stress, increased mental
    and physical exertion sharply decreases. An imbalance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the composition of food leads to
    metabolic disorders and subsequently to disease. D i s c u s s i o n . Rational nutrition is considered as one of the components of
    “lifestyle medicine”. At the same time, most researchers emphasize the need for large-scale population-based research in this
    area in accordance with modern principles of evidence-based medicine. C o n c l u s i o n . The results of numerous studies indicate
    the significant role of nutrition in the development of various diseases, their prevention and treatment. Nutrition is the basis for all
    metabolic processes of the human body, therefore, a violation of nutrition contributes to the occurrence of the disease. A healthy
    diet and a healthy lifestyle are the basis of disease prevention.

    Authors: Kozhabek L. [1]

    Tags: morbidity14 nutrition1 prevention23 treatment4

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  • Population and healthcare
  • 2018 № 9 Morbidity of adult population with acute cerebrovascular diseases and mortality from them

    Relevance: the progress achieved in the treatment of stroke is now evident, but the prevalence of this pathology, both in Russia and throughout the world, remains at a high level. The aim of the study was to To analyze the incidence of adult cerebrovascular diseases in the adult population and mortality from them in the Russian Federation for the period from 2012 to 2016. Materials and methods: the incidence of acute cerebrovascular diseases among adults was based on data from a form of federal statistical observation. Statistical, analytical and descriptive methods of statistical analysis are used in the work. Results: the increase in the total incidence of acute cerebrovascular diseases among the population aged 18 and over is 13,6%. However, a 2,1% increase in deaths from intracerebral and intracranial hemorrhage was noted. Conclusion: an increase in the total incidence of acute cerebrovascular diseases among the population aged 18 years and older by 13.6% and deaths from intracerebral and intracranial hemorrhage by 2,1%. Against this background, the mortality of adults from acute cerebrovascular diseases decreases. In their structure of cerebrovascular diseases more

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Ogryzko E. V. [11] Ivanova M. A. [12] Vankov D. V. [3]

    Tags: adult population4 cerebrovascular diseases1 morbidity14 mortality21

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  • Population and health
  • 2023 № 9 Psoriasis: disease burden in current environment.

    Psoriasis currently is considered to be beyond the list of socially significant diseases; however, a pilot study shows that the medical, social and economic burden of the disease can be significant. The pilot study made it possible to identify the most actual research areas for assessing of disease burden indicators what is necessary for development of comprehensive multidisciplinary interdepartmental programs aimed at improving population health and reducing the medical, social and economic consequences of psoriasis.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Meshkov D. O. [4] Zolotarev P. N. [3] Bezmelnitsyna L. Yu. [2] Besstrashnova Y. K. [2] Lobanov A. V. [2] Cherkasov S. N. [3] Shoshmin A. V. [2] Feduaeva A. V. [1]

    Tags: chronic skin diseases1 clci1 comorbidity2 cumulative life course impairment2 disease burden2 economic disease burden1 morbidity14 prevalence7 psoriasis2 social disease burden1

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  • 2023 № 11 Morbidity of adolescents and some aspects of the relevance of medical and professional consultation of adolescents aged 15–17 years.

    Currently, conducting medical and professional consultations and medical professional orientation remains relevant against the background of the current situation of high morbidity of adolescents, inadequate choice of the direction of vocational training and uncontrolled employment, which requires the development and implementation of effective methodological approaches to the organization of professional orientation, taking into account the modern requirements of the labor market.
    The aim of the study is to assess the health status of adolescents, the professional orientation of adolescents and the leading occupational health risk factors.
    Research methods. On the example of Orenburg, an analysis of the morbidity of adolescents aged 15–17 years according to official statistics was carried out; a characteristic of the safety of workplaces at industrial enterprises of the Orenburg region was given; an assessment of the professional preferences of adolescents according to the method of I. L. Solomin was carried out in conjunction with the performance indicators determined by the method of «Landolt Rings».
    The results of the study. It is shown that adolescents aged 15–17 years have higher morbidity rates compared to the adult population of the Orenburg region by 8–29.1%, while every second teenager has a disease for the first time. The leading nosological forms in the structure of morbidity of adolescents were diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, diseases of the organ of vision and its accessory apparatus and diseases of the genitourinary system. Common inconsistencies with sanitary standards in the workplaces of industrial enterprises of the region were indicators of vibration, microclimate and illumination. Every third teenager had professional preferences in the field of «man-man», which actualizes the problems of professional orientation, taking into account psychophysiological
    features, which have significant differences depending on the inclination to a particular profession.
    Conclusion. Medical professional orientation and medical and professional consultation for adolescents are an important area of work in the structure of primary health care for the adolescent population, contributing to the prevention of the progression of pathologies as a result of the adverse effects of production factors, the prevention of disability and increased productivity.

    Authors: Bulycheva E. V. [1]

    Tags: adolescents and youth1 medical professional counseling1 medical professional orientation1 morbidity14

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  • 2022 № 10 Problems of medical support for persons over working age (by the example of the Republic of Tatarstan)

    Currently, most countries are showing a demographic trend characterized by an increase in the number of older people. In Russia, there is also a significant aging of the population, in connection with which, the number of people older than working age seeking medical care is growing every year. At the same time, the need is growing not only for treatment and rehabilitation, but also for the prevention of diseases, the implementation of active longevity programs. All this emphasizes the relevance and necessity of high-quality and sufficient medical support for this category of people.
    Purpose: to study the features of medical support for people older than working age on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan.
    Materials and methods: the data of official statistics, including those of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, were used in the work. Analytical, statistical, mathematical research methods were used.
    Findings: To create optimal resource provision in the provision of medical care to people older than working age, it is necessary to: introduce new indicators of the state of health, increase the number of geriatricians, increase the number of geriatric beds, not reduce therapeutic beds, constantly increase the coverage of preventive medical examinations, medical examinations of people older than working age age, based on their share in the population structure (at least 25%).

    Authors: Bakirova E. A. [5]

    Tags: health status2 medical support2 morbidity14 people older than working age2

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  • 2023 № 12 Basic indicators of population morbidity, including prognostic ones, in assessing the reproductive potential of the region.

    The article presents the results of a study conducted to study the main indicators of population morbidity from the perspective of assessing the reproductive potential of the region. Statistical, analytical, and graphological methods were used in the work. A key factor in the reproductive potential of a region is the level of health of its population, including morbidity rates. When developing measures to stimulate the birth rate, which is especially necessary for territories with the lowest rates of population reproduction, such as the Central Federal District and, in particular, the Kostroma Region, a detailed study of the regional characteristics of the health status of the population is necessary. It was determined that, according to predictive models, the incidence rate in the Kostroma region will increase from 701.1 per 1000 population in 2020 to 768.8 per 1000 population in 2025. To identify the relationship between indicators of the birth rate and morbidity in the Kostroma region for period 2010–2020 A cross-correlation analysis was carried out to reveal not only the degree and direction of the relationship between the analyzed indicators, but also the time lag. For the Kostroma region, according to the time series under consideration, no statistically significant relationship
    was found between the level of fertility and morbidity. There is a slight correlation (–0.3) between the analyzed indicators for the Kostroma region with a time lag of 6 periods, but it is not statistically significant and does not allow us to draw clear conclusions.

    Authors: Mingazova E. N. [34] Zhelezova P. V. [5]

    Tags: fertility2 morbidity14 pregnant women1 prognosis3 prognostic models1 region1 reproductive potential2 women in labor1

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  • Organization of health care
  • 2014 № 10 Analysis of child morbidity in Russian in the period of 2009–2013 years (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)

    Annotation. The article presents results of analysis on child morbidity in Russia within a period from 2009 to 2013 years, including data on one-year old toddlers, screening checks data on baby borns, helping to reveal genetic associated and in heritable diseases. There have been also submitted results of preventative checks of children, visiting nursery education organizations along with the accumulated data on allocating these kids in accordance to health groups. There have been analyzed the indexes of aural disorders, vision is orders, prevalence rate of postural disorders and curvature of spin within dynamics of child's growth and development. There have been revealed negative trends of child's health at all ages, weaknesses of medical service and preventative measures in child's educational organizations; there have been articulated suggestions on enhancing preventative work with children and the system for tracking their health state.

    Authors: Leonov S. A. [14] Nizamova E. R. [5] Xibulskay I. S. [2]

    Tags: health groups2 morbidity14 negative trends1 pre-school and school educational organizations1 results of preventative checks1 suggestions1 toddlers1

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  • Medical statistics
  • 2016 № 1 Incidents of morbidity and outcomes of pregnancy among women in Moscow in the period between 2010 and 2014 years

    Analysis of pregnancy outcomes in Moscow in the period between 2010 and 2014 years demonstrated a growth of some pregnancies 9.2%. Whereas there was recorded an increase in the number of abortions by 5.7% and extra-uterine pregnancies by 15.6%. The number of pregnant women with various pathologies has increased from 78.5% (2010) to 80.7% (2014). Wherein the total morbidity rate among pregnant women decreased from 206.41 to 191.65 in 2014, and the forecasted estimate demonstrates a possible growth. There is also a decline in cases of diseases of the genitourinary system by 4.8%, cases of anaemia by 7.6% and blood circulatory system disease by 1.3%. At the same time, there was recorded a growth in the number of venous complications by 5.1% from 5.86 (2010) to 6.16 (2014) per 100 who ended their pregnancy, and growth of endocrine system diseases.

    Authors: Ivanova M. A. [12] Vorihanov A. V. [1] Polikarpov А. V. [5]

    Tags: anaemia1 growth1 morbidity14 pregnancy4 pregnancy outcomes2

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  • Management in health care
  • 2014 № 9 Main morbidity trends of population of the Russian Federation in 2012–2013 (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)

    There was conducted an analysis of dynamics of general and primary morbidity rates among Russian population in the period of 2012–2013 years. There was noticed an increase in the general morbidity rates of population in Russian Federation by 5,2% in 2013. The structure of general morbidity of population in Russian Federation hasn't changed significantly: the first place is taken by lung diseases, second — by diseases related to a blood circulation system, third — by diseases of a musculoskeletal system. The level of primary morbidity rates among the whole population of Russian Federation has increased by 0,8%. The structure of general morbidity among Russian population hasn't changed significantly: the first place is taken by lung diseases, second — by the injuries and intoxications, third — by diseases of genitourinary system.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Leonov S. A. [14] Vaisman D. Sh. [1]

    Tags: general morbidity4 morbidity14 primary morbidity5

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  • 2016 № 7 Problems of formation of health of mothers and their offspring in modern Russia

    The article presents the morbidity and mortality of mothers and newborns in Russia for the years 2013‑2014‑2015 a growth of negative phenomena in the vital signs of women’s and children’s organisms, evidence of systemic violations of their health (the formation of the fetal-placental complex, the implementation of compensatory protective mechanisms of women and development of the fetus). In order to optimize demographic processes, the preservation of life and health of women and newborn offspring, you must consider the trends and direct the efforts and funds to maintain the social status of the family and women’s health before and during pregnancy.

    Authors: Nizamova E. R. [5] Tsybul’skaya I. S. [2]

    Tags: biological and social risk1 fertility2 fetus development1 lethality1 morbidity14 mortality21 mother2 offspring1 placenta1

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  • 2020 № 10 Efficiency indicators of the round-the-clock hospital beds of the oncologic profile in the Russian Federation

    The steady growth trend of oncological diseases in Russia in recent years requires a response from the health
    care system: development of prevention aimed at early detection of diseases; improvement of methods of diagnostics and treatment of oncopathology; improving the quality and effectiveness of medical care.
    A i m : to identify trends in changes of the neoplasms incidence and performance indicators of oncological beds for
    round-the-clock stay of the state health care system in the Russian Federation, federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation in dynamics for 2010–2019.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . Using the data of federal statistical observation (forms NoNo. 12, 30) by the method of
    descriptive statistics, the main indicators of the neoplasms incidence in the population are analyzed, as well as the work
    of round-the-clock oncological beds in the Russian Federation, federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation in
    dynamics for 2010–2019.
    R e s u l t s . On the background of an increase in the neoplasms incidence in the population (by 24.9%), including malignant (1.5 times), for the period 2010–2019 in the Russian Federation increased: the absolute number of oncology beds of round-the-clock stay from 30,970 to 36,186 (+ 16.8%), the provision with these beds from 2.17 to 2.47 per 10,000 population (+ 13.8%), hospitalization rate from 6.1 to 9.6 per 1000 population (+ 57.4%), and decreased: the average length of stay in an oncological bed (from 12.1 days to 8.4 – by 30.6%), as well as the average bed occupancy per year (from 345 to 330 days – by 4.3%). The extreme values of the indicators of the hospitalization rate for round-the-clock oncological beds in the regions of the Russian Federation in 2019 differ 12.8 times, the provision of these beds – 9.2 times, the average bed occupancy per year – 1.5 times, the average length of stay in a bed – 2.4 times. Mortality in oncological hospital beds increased from 0.76% in 2010 to 0.95% in 2019 (by 25%).
    C o n c l u s i o n . The 24-hour oncological bed capacity, against the background of the growth of oncological morbidity,
    has naturally increased, but at the same time it is characterized by an extreme disproportionality of development in the
    Federal Districts and the regions of the Russian Federation. Optimization of the bed fund should be carried out based on
    the objective needs of a particular region, taking into account its characteristics and with the simultaneous development
    of alternative medical services.

    Authors: Evdakov V. A. [6] Banteva M. N. [9] Manoshkina E. M. [7] Melnikov Y. Y. [2]

    Tags: bed fund4 hospital bed3 morbidity14 mortality21 neoplasms3 oncology7 provision with hospital beds3

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  • 2018 № 10 Analysis of morbidity, mortality from malignant neoplasmsand organization specialized medical care for the population with oncological pathology in Moscow region

    The article presents morbidity and mortality in the Moscow (MO) from cancer for improvement organization of specialized medical care with oncology pathology. An analysis is made of the reasons for the excess of the specialized Medical Assistance (MSP) (including high-tech medical care - ВМП) for residents of the Ministry of Defense for malignant neoplasms more than 2 times mean values for the Russian Federation, in a 24-hour hospital due to a larger residents of the Moscow region of the NSR and the VMP at the expense of federal medical centers in Moscow.

    Authors: Gurov A. N. [15] Astashov V. L. [1] Dovbush V. P. [1] Yuklyaeva T. G. [1] Dyakov A. Yu [1]

    Tags: high-tech medical care11 malignant neoplasms5 morbidity14 mortality21 oncological pathology1 specialized medical care2

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  • Hr management
  • 2013 № 8 The assessment of health status and working conditions of medical workers (Moscow Regional Clinical and Research Institute (MONIKI) M.F. Vladimirsky, Russia)

    Results of this the paper have shown that the sickness rate with temporary disablement of medical workers of the Moscow region is higher than the morbidity in the total working population of this region. The main causes of the sickness rate have been determined. According to judgment of public health organizers, experts of therapeutic and surgical profiles obtained during medico-sociological investigation the factor of psycho-emotional stress at work has the most negative effect upon their health status.

    Authors: Gurov A. N. [15] Andreeva I. L. [2] Katuntseva N. A. [2]

    Tags: labor conditions1 medical workers5 morbidity14 reasons1

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  • Demographics
  • 2014 № 11 Data on the number of homeless and neglected minors, placed in medical-preventative organizations in 2013 over time from 2009 to 2013 years (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)

    There is presented data on the number of homeless and neglected minors, placed in medical-preventative organizations in 2013 over time from 2009 to2013 years. There was analyzed it's morbidity (including socially associated diseses) in Russia as a whole and in constituent members of the Federation. Moreover, there are analyzed outcomes of their stay in stationaries, frequency of mortality outcomes by territories. There has been stated an increase in growth of morbidity among homeless children infected with such diseases as tuberculosis, HIV as well as infractions and toxications.

    Authors: Leonov S. A. [14] Nizamova E. R. [5] Xibulskay I. S. [2]

    Tags: homeless children contingents1 morbidity14 mortality21 regions2 russia8

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