Articles with tag: «co-financing»
2023 № 3 Issues of payments for medicines in the provision of specialized medical care for compulsory medical insurance
In the article, on the basis of regulatory legal acts, the issues of the legality of the use of co-financing mechanisms (co-payments) in the system of compulsory medical insurance are considered.
The situations and conditions in which co-payments are legitimate are analyzed.
It is concluded that it is necessary not to combat this phenomenon, but to regulate cases of co-payments on the part of insured citizens. -
2019 № 5 The procedure for co-financing of salary for newly hired employees in primary care
In his Decree No. 204 of May 7, 2018 “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”, the President set the task to ensure the achievement of a number of goals and targets in the health sector. These include the elimination of personnel shortages in medical organizations that provide primary health care.
To help solve this problem, a mechanism has been developed to co-Finance the salary costs of state (municipal) institutions, which provide an increase in the staffing of employees.
Corresponding changes were made to Federal Law of November 29, 2010 № 326-ФЗ “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation” (Part 6.6. Of Article 26).
This article is devoted to the order of formation, the conditions of provision to medical organizations of the state health system and the municipal health care system, providing primary health care in accordance with the territorial programs of compulsory health insurance, the funds of the normalized insurance stock of the territorial Fund of compulsory medical insurance provided for co-financing of expenses of the medical organizations for compensation of doctors and average medical personnel. -
2022 № 10 Evolution of regional regulatory and legal acts concerning the organization and financings of high-tech medical care
Article represents the review of regulatory-legal base of the devoted organization of rendering and financial maintenance of high-tech medical care. Acts accepted both at a level of the Russian Federation as a whole, and in separately taken region are considered. Dynamics of variation of volumes and sources of financing of the given type of the help is traced. Data as about the solved problems in the organization of high-tech medical care, and about legal blanks in the legislation cite. The major factor preventing an increase of availability of high-tech medical care, it is considered deficiency of financing and imperfection of mechanisms of planning of volumes. Rendering of high-tech medical care due to the state sources of financing, requires perfection, especially concerning absence of the precise rules of a level co-financing. The decision of the given questions will assist as a result to growth of security of the population of Russia by high-tech medical care.