Articles with tag: «vaccination»
2021 № 8 Questions implementation of incentive payments to medical workers for vaccination against Covid -19
In order to financially support medical workers and further motivate them to increase the rate of vaccination against COVID‑19, the Russian Government has introduced special incentive payments for additional workload for medical workers. The established mechanism of financial support and the procedure for making payments is quite complex, since it is aimed at achieving specific practical vaccination indicators. This publication explains some of the issues that arise in connection with the implementation of these payments.
2022 № 10 Comparative assessment of adherence to vaccination of young mothers and medical university students
Vaccination is a proven tool for fighting infectious diseases. With the development of the pandemic, the relevance of vaccination prevention has significantly increased, and therefore the importance of considering aspects of vaccination among various population groups has increased. Of particular importance is the commitment to vaccination of medical university students, as future doctors on the one hand, and young mothers on the other.
P u r p o s e – identification of the peculiarities of adherence to vaccination of students of a separate medical university and young mothers of a certain territory to optimize the popularization of vaccination prevention.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . A comparative study of vaccination adherence of 167 medical university students (average age 22,3±0,79 years) and 200 mothers aged 19 to 30 years (average age 23,5±5,1 years) living in Smolensk was planned and conducted. In the course of the study, statistical, analytical methods, and open online questionnaires were used.
R e s a l t s . The analysis of the results of the survey of young mothers and medical students indicates a generally positive attitude towards vaccination, the importance of which is understood by more than half of the respondents. Respondents of both groups are actively interested in the topic of vaccination prevention and would like to receive more information on this issue. The main source of information about vaccination in both young mothers and medical students are medical professionals. The majority of respondents of both sexes will vaccinate their children within the framework of the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations.
F i n d i n g s . It is necessary to strengthen the formation of commitment to vaccine prevention among medical students and young mothers.
This can be done by making changes in the educational structure; conducting webinars, seminars, conferences on immunoprophylaxis; development of informational materials for the population on vaccine prevention in the form of models, posters with the participation of students. It will be advisable to involve volunteers – medical students to speak to parents and peers on vaccination, as well as strengthening health education work among the population and talking to parents about the possible consequences of lack of vaccination. -
2023 № 1 Economic effect of vaccination as an argument in explanatory work on vaccine prevention
There is no doubt about the economic effect of vaccination. However, the relevant assessments have not yet become a convincing argument for the need for vaccination.
P u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y . Based on the results of the inventory of the existing domestic and foreign experience in determining the economic effect of vaccination, identifying management problems in the relevant explanatory work, propose other approaches on how to calculate the economic effect of vaccination and how to use this argument in explanatory work on vaccination.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . A comparative analytical assessment of domestic and foreign experience in the field of calculating the economic effect of vaccination has been carried out. It is analyzed what place the economic effect of vaccination has in explanatory work of state bodies on vaccination.
R e s u l t s . It has been established that the insufficient effectiveness of explanatory work on vaccination is largely the result of an incorrect delineation of functions at different levels of government (municipal, regional, federal). Unreasonably large tasks in this area are assigned to the municipal level, while the federal level, on the contrary, turned out to be actually unreasonably exempted from solving the substantive tasks in the field of explanatory work on vaccine prevention. The analysis of foreign and domestic experience in determining the economic effect of vaccination confirmed the significance of the results, calculations, and estimates. The necessity of presenting the results of the
assessment of the economic effect of vaccination in a simpler and more understandable form is substantiated. For this purpose, an assessment was made of what can give the economy in value terms 25 years of additional human life, which he received in the 20th century thanks, according to experts, to vaccination. The calculation of GDP per capita (according to Rosstat for 2021, in purchasing power parity) for 25 years of extra human life due to vaccination was carried out. The need to consider the issue of the advisability of paying people for vaccination is substantiated.
F i n d i n g s . It is necessary to reconsider the traditional approaches to assessing the economic effect of vaccination. State and municipal authorities should update the tasks in the field of vaccination in order to increase its effectiveness.