Articles with tag: «salary»
2014 № 3 Problems of combining requirements on concretization of labor conditions compensation while concluding a labor contract with the necessity to consider real outcome of the work (Federal Research Institute for HealthCare Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation. Introduction of efficient contract suggests concretization of the content of labor contracts with employees, including the point of labor compensation conditions. However, the compensation should depend from the work outcome, which is impossible to evaluate beforehand. How should the combination of these two requirements be guaranteed? Should there always be indicated an exact amount of compensation in the labor contract? This material is dedicated to possible ways of solving this problem.
2013 № 9 From the principle of pay for the result-oriented work to the effective contract with MONIKI (Moscow Regional Clinical and Research Institute n.a. M.F. Vladimirsky (MONIKI), Moscow, Russia)
An unceasing work is being carried out in MONIKI on studying different principles of pay for work depending on the qualitative and quantitative parameters of working results which are reflected in the labor (effective) contract of the employee. The closest direct connection between the basic and stimulating salaries of the hospital physicians and sisters was established using index which characterizes satisfaction of patients with treatment process, introduction of contemporary diagnostic and therapeutic methods into medical practice, and operative activity of surgeons. The strongest feed-back was revealed between medical staff salaries and postoperative complications, patients' complaints, penalty sanctions, and the mean duration of hospital treatment.