Articles with tag: «medical products»
2017 № 5 Possible options of citizens' participation in the financial provision of rendering medical assistance using resources not provided by the program of state guarantees
Active search of new forms of co-financing of medical care is the answer to financial difficulties in the health sector. However, equally important is the streamlining of those forms of relations between medical organizations and patients about co-payments in the provision of medical care within program of state guarantees that exist. The analysis shows that the legalization of shadow payments, proper design of the acquisition at the expense of and at the request of the patient more quality of medicines, health care products, as expressly provided under the program of state guarantees, etc., can serve the interests of both patients and society as a whole. The article discusses specific payment options at the expense of patients, resources that are not provided under the program of state guarantees allowed under the current legislation
2017 № 4 Paradoxes of law: the guarantee of free medical aid often limit the rights of patients to improve quality
The legislation of the Russian Federation, recognizing the rights of citizens on free medical aid and paid medical services, however, makes clear the roll the side free of charge. At the same time guarantee free of charge formulated in such a way that often limit the rights of citizens to receive medical care with the use of drugs, medical devices, etc., not provided for in the programme of state guarantees of free rendering to citizens of medical aid. Moreover, if the rights of citizens to receive paid medical services directly spelled out in the law, the right of citizens to self-purchase of medicines, medical devices, etc. did not say anything. There is no outright bans, which in practice leads to numerous conflict situations. The article provides specific suggestions for improving the legislation in this field.