Articles with tag: «efficiency»

    Technological management
  • 2017 № 5 The efficiency of using the hardware diagnostic radiology in subjects of the Russian Federation

    The article analyzes the data of state statistical observation for the period from 2011 to 2015. The analysis of the indicators of the number of radiation diagnostic devices, namely, radiographic apparatus, computer tomography and magnetic resonance tomography, the number of studies carried out on them and the number of radiologists working on this equipment. The load on each device in different regions is determined. The most effective regions for the use of the fleet of radiation diagnostic equipment and their congestion have been determined. The results of the study confirm the hypothesis that the effectiveness of the operation of the radiation diagnostics service does not depend on the amount of equipping the equipment of the regions with radiation diagnostic devices. This study made it possible to identify regions with the maximum and minimum efficiency of the operation of the radiation diagnostics service.

    Authors: Shelekhov P. V. [2]

    Tags: computed tomography2 efficiency10 magnetic resonance tomography1 radiology3 x-ray diagnostics1

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  • 2013 № 10 Trends in the development of laboratory services in Russia in 2009–2012 (Moscow, Russia)

    The article presents data on the volume and structure of the clinical laboratories in the country. An increase to 16 000 the number of laboratories in the decline in the number of medical facilities of MoH system. The share of centralized clinical diagnostic laboratories in Russia does not exceed 3,8%. The specificity of the laboratory service, which is manifested in the lagging pace of growth from analitical equipments, relatively low labor productivity.

    Authors: Sveschinsky M. L. [2]

    Tags: efficiency10 laboratory services1 management14 regional differences1 staff productivity1 the regions of the russia1 the volume of diagnostic tests1

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • 2015 № 8 Regulatory control of state-private (municipal-private) partne

    The article examines a legislation, related to the state-private partnership and municipal-private partnerships, specifics of its application in the state system. There is also analysis done of a possible impact of the new legislation on investment activity in circumstances of current economic crisis. There are demonstrated legislation opportunities and limitations for realizing state-private partnership projects with participation of state (municipal) institutions in health care.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [122]

    Tags: compulsory medical insurance18 efficiency10 financing13 investments1 legislation4 municipal-private partnership1 state (municipal) institutions7 state-private partnership1

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  • 2015 № 10 How the process of loosing real authority among directors of Federal (Municipal) institutions impact the efficiency of operations in organisations lead by them

    The market conditions in which health care and other social sphere industries operate, issues with financing and so forth prompted the need for reforms, directed on forming an optimal balance between rights and responsibilities of state (municipal) institutions and their leaders. This article looks into opportunities for executing legislatorial rights of Federal Municipal health care institutions from the perspective of matching the authority given to the directors with the responsibilities weighted on them.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [122]

    Tags: authority of organisation’s senior management1 efficiency10 management14 rights and responsibilities1 state (municipal) institutions7

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  • 2017 № 7 The issues of creation and functioning of centralized laboratories in the system of compulsory medical insurance

    Centralization of laboratory diagnostics is a time commitment associated with the benefits it provides. However, the appeal to this topic is also connected with the new factors that are considered in the article. The difference in the regional features of the organization of health care, the availability of various sources of financial support for medical organizations, etc., suggest a distinction between specific models of centralization, the system of financial relationships, etc. In addition, the centralization of the laboratory service, having undoubted merits, also carries certain risks and threats that must be taken into account. This article addresses these and other issues related to the practical aspects of the centralization of the laboratory service.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [122]

    Tags: centralized laboratories1 compulsory health insurance17 efficiency10 healthcare management4 laboratory diagnostics3 outsourcing4 paying for medical care1

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2018 № 5 Assessments of laboratory centralization projects in the Russian regions (pilot study)

    In the past years, a great amount of centralization projects took place in laboratory medicine in Russia. Advisors’ opinion of 65 Russian regional healthcare departments on the goals, models and results was investigated in the research. It was identified, that goals for such projects are rarely specific, measurable and achievable. The majority of laboratories are small or middle sized. The effects for regional healthcare systems are estimated rarely. In the paper a few typical models are identified, that are used in the country, and a few definitions and methods of project estimation are offered

    Authors: Sveshchinskiy M. L. [2] Goldberg A.  S. [2]

    Tags: centralization3 consolidation1 effectiveness5 efficiency10 goal setting process1 smart1

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  • Management in health care
  • 2021 № 8 Assessment of the efficiency of leasing when operating a mobile medical clinic in russia (on the example of the Rostov region)

    In recent years, especially during the COVID‑19 pandemic, the need for mobile medical clinics has increased. For the effective implementation of the project of mobile medical clinics in Russia (by the example of the Rostov region), it is necessary to purchase expensive medical equipment using leasing technologies.
    P u r p o s e of the study was to assess the effectiveness of leasing when operating a mobile medical clinic in the Rostov region.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The article investigated the cost-effectiveness of operating leasing compared to the standard purchase of medical equipment. The amount of lease payments was calculated and compared with payments for the purchase of medical equipment. Payments were calculated for a standard set of medical equipment for a medical clinic, including 5 cars on KAMAZ chassis No. 1 with offices of a therapist, surgeon, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist and neurologist, dentist, gynecologist, urologist and ophthalmologist, laboratory and fluorographic, mammographic and CT complexes.
    R e s u l t s . According to the results of the study, it was found that in the modern conditions of the spread of coronavirus infection, the need for mobile medical clinics has increased significantly. Effectiveness of medical equipment leasing technology: supplier (equipment manufacturer) – lessee (mobile medical clinic) with the assistance of a leasing company (lessor), lease payments for operating leasing have been estimated.
    F i n d i n g s . The effectiveness of leasing in the Rostov region with full depreciation of medical equipment by 30–80% within 10 years of operation has been established.

    Authors: Abdullabekov R. N. [2] Fedorchuk V. E. [1] Minnikova T. V. [1]

    Tags: efficiency10 government agencies1 leasing2 medical equipment3 mobile medical clinics1 rostov region1 socio-economic aspects1

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  • 2013 № 12 The analysis of regional features of mortality from diseases of system of blood circulation for an assessment of efficiency of programs of health care (Research Institute for Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases, SB RAMS, Kemerovo, Russia)

    Annotation. Analysis results of mortality of the population of the Kemerovo region are given in article from diseases of system of blood circulation and its two main forms: coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases in the period of 2000–2011. For the purpose of separation of regional features the assessment of probability of death by calculation of the odds ratio and creation of their trends was carried out. Results of research testify that implementation of regional and federal programs on lowering of mortality from diseases of system of blood circulation allowed to achieve certain successes in improving of a demographic situation in Kuzbass. It concerns first of rates of mortality from diseases of system of blood circulation as a whole and from coronary heart disease.

    Authors: Artamonova G. V. [4] Cherkass N. V. [2] Barbarash L. S. [3] Maksimov S. A. [1]

    Tags: diseases of system of blood circulation1 efficiency10 health care program1 mortality21

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  • 2013 № 11 Efficiency of centralization of city medical institutions laboratories based on clinical diagnostic laboratory of large multi-discipline hospital (Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia; GAUZ RT «Hospital of first medical aid» NaberejniyChelni, Russia)

    There is processed a statistics-economic analysis of consequences of centralizing laboratory services. In order to complete it, there was finalized an analysis study of clinic-diagnostics laboratory work flow in the period of 2010–2013 years. It was proven a financial efficiency of laboratory services centralization.

    Authors: Gilmanov A. A. [1] Khayrullin I. I. [7] Nurmyeva L. A. [1] Leontyeva O. I. [1]

    Tags: centralization3 clinical laboratory2 efficiency10

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  • 2016 № 2 Management of blood donor: platelet pooling

    Based on the cost analysis of different types of platelet concentrates (PC) assessed the effectiveness of the introduction of technology pooling of platelets in the Irkutsk Regional Blood Transfusion. Comparative cost analysis of different types of PC, the cost of consumables for the same therapeutic dose PC was performed. It was found that the content of pooled PC cells does not give in to apheresis. The introduction of technology pooling of platelets allows significantly (by 54,4% or more) to reduce the cost of issuing PC. To evaluate provision of PC in the regions it is advisable to consider the number of harvested PC through methods for preform at therapeutic doses.

    Authors: Zarubin M. V. [2] Malyh T. N. [1] Kurnosov N. V. [1] Verevkina L. N. [1] Zhiburt E. B. [15]

    Tags: cost2 efficiency10 management14 platelet dose for adults1 platelets5 pooling4

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