Foreign experience
  • 2013 № 5 International and domestic experience in forming social security funds (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)

    Annotation: There is presented a history of how social security system developed in Western countries and USA, principals of building social security system, types of social security payments. There is a description of legal regulation of social security system in European countries.

    Authors: Obuhova O. V. [5] Mihailova U. B. [1] Gajeva A. V. [1]

    Tags: allowance1 international association of social security1 social fund1 social security payment1

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  • Management in health care
  • 2013 № 11 Effective ways to pay for health care of the government guarantee program (Federal Public Health Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)

    Annotation: The question which discussed in this article are evidence-based selection impeding effective ways to pay for health care provided by health care organizations within the regional programs of state guarantees of free medical care under different conditions of its provision. Recommendations on the use of existing materials for development of a methodology for calculating tariffs on effective methods of payment for medical care, resultoriented activities of the medical organization are given.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Obuhova O. V. [5]

    Tags: effective ways to pay for medical care1 pay per patient treated1 per capita funding2 treatment4

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • 2016 № 1 The paradoxes of health care funding in 2016: the system of mandatory health care insurance policies recorded extra funds, which will be withdrawn back into the federal budget

    With all complexity of current economic landscape in the country, health care remains to be one of the top priority spheres regarding financing. Despite the crisis, the volume of funds, allocated to the field is gradually increasing. However, the growth rates of spending on health care lag behind the rates of inflation. Furthermore, a significant part of the budget of Federal Fund of the mandatory medical insurance policy is not connected with the provision of medical aid in the medical mandatory insurance system. Expenditure of Mandatory Medical Insurance System is not oriented on President’s orders to increase the salaries. And despite the presence of crucial financial issues in the mandatory medical insurance system, substantial funds are withdrawn from the Federal budget of Mandatory Medical Insurance system into the federal budget.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Brutovа A. S. [5] Obuhova O. V. [5]

    Tags: budget7 compulsory health insurance policy2 deficit6 expenditure1 financing13 healthcare12 income6 inflation2 national fund of mandatory medical insurance1

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  • 2015 № 1 Changes in the Program of State guarantees for free medical aid provision to the population in 2015 and plans for 2016 and 2017 years

    By issuing a resolution № 1273 dated on 28th of November 2014 the Government of Russian Federation approved a Program of State guarantees for free medical aid provision to the population in 2015. In the new revision there was a new section dedicated to program of mandatory medical insurance, the program is expanded by appendix with a list of types of high technological medical aid with the indication of average financial expenses normatives. The changes have also affected the set of normative indexes. There has been conducted an analysis of changing values of normative indexes in comparison with the program for 2014–2016 years (further-PGG 2014).

    Authors: Brutovа A. S. [5] Obuhova O. V. [5] Sovpel А. А. [2]

    Tags: high-technological medical aid1 program of state guarantees for provision of free medical aid to the population1 standard program of mandatory medical insurance system1

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  • 2014 № 7 Medical duty of medical staff at home within the frame of new legislation (FSBI «Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation», Moscow, Russia)

    Annotation. Medical duties at home were always considered as a rational form of organizing medical staff's labour, primarily in rural areas. However, within the new labour legislation they turned to be «above the law». One of yet another modification made to Labour codex returned the right to introduce medical duties at home. The article is dedicated to analysis of labour legislation, other normative acts related to medical duties at homes.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Obuhova O. V. [5]

    Tags: accounting of working hours1 labour legislation3 labour salary compensation1 medical duties at homes1 norm of working hours1 work hours1

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