Articles with tag: «legislation»
2015 № 8 Regulatory control of state-private (municipal-private) partne
The article examines a legislation, related to the state-private partnership and municipal-private partnerships, specifics of its application in the state system. There is also analysis done of a possible impact of the new legislation on investment activity in circumstances of current economic crisis. There are demonstrated legislation opportunities and limitations for realizing state-private partnership projects with participation of state (municipal) institutions in health care.
2020 № 7 On the issue of legal protection of adolescent girls ‘ reproduc tive health
The article presents an overview of modern approaches to legal protection of reproductive health of adolescent girls
in the Russian Federation. The system aspects of health protection of girls and adolescent girls, as well as prevention of violations
of reproductive health formation, are taken into account. The research was based on Federal laws, regulatory and legislative acts
of individual subjects of the Russian Federation, and relevant scientific publications. The legal priority in ensuring the reproductive
health of girls and adolescent girls is determined by the availability and quality of specific medical care, as well as relevant sections of the main legal documents. -
2016 № 5 Legal regulation of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity
The article shows and proves what the Federal legislation should be analyzed and used in medical organization in the field of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity. Presents directions for internal control of quality and safety of medical activities with regard to regulation of each Federal legislation.
2020 № 9 On the implementation of certain “medical” amendments to the constitution of the Russian Federation
The article suggests legislative implementation of certain “medical” amendments to the Constitution of the
Russian Federation. The authors propose to add two articles to the Federal law “on the basics of public health protection in the Russian Federation” dated 21.11.2011 N323-FZ. In one article, it is proposed to reveal and specify the
content of the newly introduced in the Constitution of the Russian Federation concept “unified legal bases of the health
care system”. Another proposed article reveals the forms and content of work on the coordination of health issues,
again referred by the Constitution of the Russian Federation to the joint responsibility of the Russian Federation and the
subjects of the Russian Federation. According to the authors, the proposed changes in legislation will allow to ensure
in practice the proper implementation of “medical” amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which in
turn will ensure the improvement of legal regulation of the organization and activities of health care, and strengthen its
material and technical base.