Manager Zdravoochranenia 2014 #2
Published: 2014-02-22
Corruption in a medical organization: mechanisms to counter (Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)
In article are considered questions of the organization of work in counteraction to corruption in a medical organization. The authors analyze the existing difficulties in solving this problem and suggest ways to overcome them. The article stressed that anti-corruption measures in medical organizations must not only be independent direction in the work of its leadership, but also the most important component of the internal control system of quality and safety of medical activity.
Methodical aspects of the analysis of medical workers' labor productivity (SBEI HVT «Altay State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Barnaul, Russia)
Annotation: The theoretical ideas and methodological approaches to substantiation labor productivity indicators have been reviewed, developing the system of labor productivity indicators in public health services. The technique of the analysis of labor productivity in public health services is offered.
Input normal of execution of state (municipal) assignment as an instrument of financial effectiveness rise (Krasnoyarsk City Administration, Russia).
In the corresponding budget of the Russian Federation budget system there provided appropriation for execution of the assignment. The appropriation are allocated to institution as a subsidy for compensation of normative inputs connected with providing of state (municipal) services (caring out work) and maintenance of property. To determine proper value of subsidy for the fiscal year in turn it is necessary to rate the normals. In the article there considered the methods for determination of normative inputs of providing of state (municipal) services (caring out work) and normative inputs of property maintenance, there given practical examples.
Mobile Health (mHealth): A Conceptual View (Technische Universitat, Munchen, Germany; Microsoft Europe, Middle East and Africa, Munchen, Germany)
The value of mHealth for sustainable healthcare is discussed. It is projected that mHealth can become a disruptive technology that is set out to radically transform the current state of medical disciplines. In particular, the mHealth solutions can provide better understanding of the organism stability margins and of the emergence of diseases as well as ensure more patient safety under drug and physiotherapy prescription. The issue of measuring the physiological quantities is addressed, with the conventional yet complex task of quantitative accuracy evaluation being discussed. The concept of complexity and its relevance for the physiological parameters defining both the health state and disorders is accounted for. The principles of body area networking and the relevant standards are briefly overviewed, with a focus on security issues. The concept of biofeedback implemented through mHealth sensor technologies is examined. Basic requirements to facilitate market acceptance and response are analyzed. Selected case studies of pervasive health monitoring are presented. Possible current and future mHealth applications are considered. Since some general problems of healthcare are touched upon in the article, it is intended to provoke a controversy.
Automated lexical control as a medical document's quality control improvement instrument (RNRMU, Moscow, Russia; Ltd. «Seber», Moscow, Russia)
In article questions of necessity of creation and implementation of medical documents lexical control automated systems as a tool for medical documents quality control are considered in the conditions of electronic formation. Also the main features of lexical control system «Eleks» creation, also as prospects of its further development are considered.
Problems of financial provision of high-tech medical aid (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation: In accordance with legislation the high tech medical aid is gradually transferred into the system of mandatory medical insurance. However, the mechanism of organizing the high tech medical aid in the system of mandatory medical insurance, as well as the order of financial provision and etc. remain till now unclear. This material is dedicated to the analysis of problems related to the issues above and to a review of suggested approaches in solving them.
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
Actual questions on health care development arised at President's meeting.
State-private partnership as one of the most important mechanism for increasing quality and development of medical aid in the country.
Non-governmental health care system in Russia already exists: what are the prospects? -
Review of actual normative documents