Articles with tag: «high tech medical aid»
2014 № 2 Problems of financial provision of high-tech medical aid (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Annotation: In accordance with legislation the high tech medical aid is gradually transferred into the system of mandatory medical insurance. However, the mechanism of organizing the high tech medical aid in the system of mandatory medical insurance, as well as the order of financial provision and etc. remain till now unclear. This material is dedicated to the analysis of problems related to the issues above and to a review of suggested approaches in solving them.
2017 № 8 Нigh technology medical care to residents of the Moscow region at the expense of means of obligatory medical insurance in 2016
High-tech medical care is part of a specialized and is a combination of modern medical technology to solve complex and vital problems in providing medical care to patients. In the article the analysis of availability of high-technology medical care of residents of the Moscow region in the framework the territorial program of obligatory medical insurance