Articles with tag: «labor law»
2017 № 9 Practical aspects of regulation of labor in the state (municipal) institutions health
Labor regulation is a major work in the initial stages and requires systematic monitoring of compliance, assessment of their validity, need to review them in the future. With sufficient elaboration of the regulatory framework, methodological issues of labor regulation at the level of medical organizations covered clearly enough. «Guidelines for the development of systems of rationing of work in the state (municipal) institutions», approved by the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Russian Federation dated 30 September 2013 N504, do not give detailed algorithms for the valuation. The orders of Ministry of health of Russia approving the model time norms relate only to certain aspects of the practical application of labour standards. So there is a need to assess the capabilities and limitations of different techniques of work measurement-level medical associations to offer «step-by-step algorithms» implementation of labor standards, to develop practical recommendations. The tasks and focus of this publication