Manager Zdravoochranenia 2017 #10

Published: 2017-10-19



  • Traditional nominees of «Manager of Health Care» Publishing House for the best publications in 2017 year

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  • Focus of problem
  • Criteria for assessing the quality of health care: what to consider and how to ensure compliance in a healthcare organization

    The issue deals with the organization of work on the application of criteria to assess the quality of care in a medical organization. The authors pay attention to a number of characteristics that must be taken into account specified criteria, including note that work on their application not only largely concerned, but also overlap with the functions of the medical Commission of the medical organization. The article shows that the use in a medical organization criteria for evaluating the quality of medical care is one of the tools that ensures the continuity of inter¬nal control of the quality and safety of medical activities with the departmental and state control of the quality and security of medical activity

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: criteria6 medical commission6 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activity12 quality control4

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  • Quality of medical care
  • The main trends of analysis of the causes of patients’ discontent with the medical aid based on the patients’ complaints and independent assessment of the medical care quality in medical institutions

    The article presents the main approaches to the analysis of the causes of the patients’ dissatisfaction with the medical aid based on the people complaints and independent assessment of the medical care quality in medical institutions found in internet sites of different levels. Sometimes the assessment results are indicative of the rather good and even very good patients’ satisfaction with medical care but the number of patients’ complaints against the dissatisfactory medical aid in some medical institutions remains very high. The main causes of patients’ discontent with medical care are analyzed and concrete recommendations for better medical aid organization are presented

    Authors: Gurov A. N. [15] Plutnitsky A. N. [4] Garina I. B. [2]

    Tags: analysis of patients’ complaints1 complaint2 dissatisfaction with medical aid1 independent assessment of the medical care quality1 prevention of patients’ discontent1

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  • Performance of the hospitals neurosurgical profile in subjects of the Russian Federation

    The main indicators of resource provision (number of beds, medical personnel) and in the performance of neurosurgical hospitals in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for three years (2014–2016) are ana¬lyzed. The substantial variation in resource provision of certain regions of the country medical care of neurosurgical profile, a variety of indicators of total and postoperative mortality are shown. The authors emphasize the need for the restoration of health-organizational unity in the industry, enhancing coordination of regional and Federal medical organizations not only in the field neurosurgery but other high-tech areas of scientific and clinical activities

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20] Potapov A. A. [1] Tanashin S. V. [1]

    Tags: neurosurgery1 specialist medical care to inpatient high-tech medical care beds1

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  • Physician`s role of state and private medical clinics on organization in detection of limb`s surgical artery diseases

    It was conducted a interview of physician`s about their experience in the detection and treatment of limb`s surgical artery diseases. The obtained results indicate the detection of these diseases on late stages mainly. The delay in establishing the diagnosis is associated with the next: 1) late appeal to a doctor, 2) lack of alertness of physician`s, 3) a low level of skills in identifying the aforementioned diseases. Commercial clinics have more opportunities to identify linb`s surgical artery diseases on early stages

    Authors: Zubko A. V. [2] Rudnev S. G. [1] Sabgayda T. G. [1]

    Tags: early detection1 limb`s surgical artery diseases1 organization of medical care to patients with vascular diseases1 vascular surgery1

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  • Management in healthcare
  • Procurement management of major resources expenditure of the medical organization by creating a matrix of consumption and planning

    Effective and efficient use of budget one of the priority tasks facing the chief physicians. Nomenclature of drugs in cancer clinics has dozens of INNs and hundreds of trade names, which greatly complicates the work of purchasing departments. Maintaining an optimal balance between the income and consumption of goods is an important task of every medical institution. To achieve this goal requires a clearly established system of inventory management that will optimize and effectively predict purchases in subsequent periods. The analysis allows for closer examination of the consumption budget of the institution for each commodity group, the INNs and the ATC groups and build a matrix of inventory given the importance and deman

    Authors: Zelenova O. V. [4] Kreknina E. A. [5] Sannikov A. I. [2] Danilov V. M. [1] Abramov S. I. [1]

    Tags: abc analysis2 atc classification1 medical stores and drug inventory1 purchase of medicines1

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  • Assessment of risk factors for health in extracurricular activities of children and adolescents

    The article analyzes the influence on health of students of the primary and secondary schools of extra-curricular risk factors, which differ in the principle diversity and the moment of impact occurring on the second half of the day, with its physiologically conditioned decrease in efficiency. Methods were used to question students with statistical processing of the material, assessing its significance through the use of Student’s test, and subsequent analysis. The influence of extra-curricular risk factors on health of students was established, with features for each of the ages analyzed. Taking into account the extra-curricular risk factors in the everyday work of the participants of the educational process will allow planning the content of the work for teaching students to a healthy lifestyle

    Authors: Guriev A. V. [1] Soboleva N. P. [4] Evdokimova I. K. [1] Ishkova G. I [1]

    Tags: a healthy lifestyle1 bad habits1 children’s health center1 extracurricular risk factors1 participants of the educational process1 school medical staff1 school risk factors1

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  • Cancer incidence of Nizhny Novgorod region population from the standpoint of the concept of avoidable mortality

    The concept of avoidable mortality to evaluate healthcare provisions and identify priorities for improvement of the activity of cancer services in the region. Nizhny Novgorod region is stable is a region with a high incidence of malignant neoplasms and population mortality from cancer. Therefore, the author, using data from nationwide survey, conducted a comparative assessment of morbidity, mortality, one-year mortality, early detection External testing the main locations for the Nizhny Novgorod region. The cluster method allowed to determine the position of the region among other regions of the Russian Federation as the general indicators of cancer incidence, as well as on the most significant types of cancer. The analysis allows to plan differentiated activities in the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of cancer pro¬grams aimed at reducing and preventing deaths from External testing of specific sites

    Authors: Denisenko A. N. [2]

    Tags: avoidable mortality1 indicators5 malignancies1 oncology service1

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  • Benchmarking of blood transfusion in regions of the Russian Federation

    Blood transfusion statistics in Russia has been evaluated. In 2016 about 1.2 million patients of Russian clinics received more than 3.2 million transfusions of blood and its components in a total volume of about 1 million liters. About 0.5% of Russian doctors certified in the specialty «Transfusiology». The practice of transfusion of blood components in the RF subjects is very variable. The degree of heterogeneity of the clinical transfusion has been determined: the decile coefficient of some indexes in the regions of Russia in 2016 amounted to: transfusionists provision – 5.31; the number of recipients of blood on 1 transfusionist – 4.91; the part of transfusionists among doctors – 3.70; the part of recipients of blood among the population – 3.04, the volume of blood transfusion for 1 recipient 1–2.43; the volume of 1 blood transfusion – 2.29; the number of blood transfusions for 1 patient – 1.74. It seems appropriate for further statistics of clinical transfusion evaluation: the term «transfusion» replaced by the term «unit»; to evaluate the practice of transfusion of different blood components separately


    Tags: benchmarking2 blood service5 recipient4 transfusinist1 transfusion3 unit4 volume4

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  • Manager of heath care consults
  • Financial reserves of the state (municipal) institutions health

    . The difficult economic situation makes to search for possible variants of optimization of resources and reserves in the state (municipal) institutions. Many heads of agencies believe that the reserves for salary increases in accordance with the «Мay» decrees of the President have been exhausted. However, they did not start the process of normalization, the introduction of professional standards and effective contracts. On the other hand, the legal environment in which agencies are often not allowed to implement the legislation provided for the possibility of attracting additional resources. These issues are discussed in this publication

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Starodubov V. I. [40]

    Tags: human resources4 mandatory medical insurance10 optimization6 paid services1 promotion1 regulation2 saving resources1

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  • Questions and answers
  • Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov

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  • Directory of articles, published in the magazine in 2017 year

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