Manager Zdravoochranenia 2015 #1
Published: 2015-01-25
There are defined winners among nominees of Publishing House «Manager of Health Care» in the nominations «The most creative publication or cycle of publications of 2014 year» and «The most creative management solution in the field of regional health care management»
Reforms in the sphere of healthcare: problems with implementation
The protests of medical aid workers, which spread across the country last year amid a growth in their wages level, demonstrate that the dissatisfaction unlike in previous times is not linked to the poor financing, low salaries, but rather to disappointment with the reforms, which failed to deliver the results expected by many. Given that overall reform strategy is relatively rarely criticized it is evident that dissatisfaction is caused by the way these reforms are implemented in various concrete cases.
Activity of the first medical aid center at the railway station
The analysis of legal status and practice of first-aid posts on railway stations has been performed. It was established that the incumbent functionality does not fully correspond to the order of primary care internal medicine. Proposed the concept of development of the legal status and activities of the first-aid posts as a provider of emergency medical care services on an outpatient basis and beyond the medical organization. The expected effects include decreasing of legal risks and improvement the quality of medical services.
Characteristics of financing the joint practice: Case study of Samara region
There was conducted an analysis of general practioner's average wages level, working in an outpatientambulatory unit in Samara region in the first quarter of 2013 and 2014 years in order to compare them with per capita financing normative and shares of external services. It was demonstrated that outpatient-ambulatory practitioner's wage does not depend on the per capita normative while optimizing the level of external services. There has been emphasized the importance of advancing efficient contract as a main tool for stimulating enhancement of labour quality and increasing its renumeration level in the health care system.
Prospects of applying public-private partnerships mechanisms to improve rehabilitation care for patients with congenital heart disease
The analysis of the application possibilities of public-private partnership in the creation of infrastructural base for medical rehabilitation of patients after surgical treatment of congenital heart defects. Described the main normative legal acts regulating the medical rehabilitation and public-private partnership in Russia. Offered some new ways of solving problems of public-private partnership in the system of national health care. The essence of the proposed solutions is the ability to attract pension funds as investors for infrastructure development of new rehabilitation centers for children with congenital heart disease. The author's opinion is not unconditional. In this paper an attempt is made one more look at the possibility of using public-private partnerships in health care.
Special features of applying methods of medicine's sociology in the environment of children's infection in-patient facility
Doctor-Parent communication influences the treatment outcomes of child. In article application's features of techniques of medicine sociology used for studying interaction in doctor-parent relationships in children's infectious hospital are described.
Stages of implementation of medical waste management system, optimal for large megacities
The problem of the annual growth in education of medical waste requires the development of integrated solutions in the organization of the optimal waste management , hazardous epidemiologically. In the metropolitan areas and large cities, where a high concentration of medical institutions, this problem is of particular relevance. The paper discusses the main results of implementation of the innovation system, and presents the optimal model taking into account transition of the health care system to new forms of economic activities and financing.
«Trust but verify!» — old school principal for implementing new method of payment for medical aid on the basis of clinical-statistical groups of diseases
Intelligent tutoring systems as an element of the system designed to improve medical care quality
Problem of quality of medical care is the subject of this article. Application of the intelligent teaching systems is proposed as one of the elements of comprehensive approach to the improvement of healthcare quality. Examples of effective application of intelligent teaching systems in medicine are given.
Changes in the Program of State guarantees for free medical aid provision to the population in 2015 and plans for 2016 and 2017 years
By issuing a resolution № 1273 dated on 28th of November 2014 the Government of Russian Federation approved a Program of State guarantees for free medical aid provision to the population in 2015. In the new revision there was a new section dedicated to program of mandatory medical insurance, the program is expanded by appendix with a list of types of high technological medical aid with the indication of average financial expenses normatives. The changes have also affected the set of normative indexes. There has been conducted an analysis of changing values of normative indexes in comparison with the program for 2014–2016 years (further-PGG 2014).
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
Review of actual normative documents