Focus of problem
  • 2022 № 10 Categorization of the Higher Attestation Commission List and its place in the national system for evaluating the effectiveness of research and development

    In 2022, Western countries imposed sanctions on the Russian scientific community, giving grounds to overestimate the paradigm of building an open global scientific system, proclaimed in Europe after the end of the Cold War. The main refrain of the new stage is the strict regulation of European values and transatlantic interests in the security of communications with Russia. The growing relationship between foreign policy and security policy marks a departure from the principles of scientific internationalism, therefore, a National System for evaluating the Effectiveness of scientific research and Development is being created in the Russian Federation. The methodology of creating
    a sovereign system and the principles of forming a national “white list” of journals and/or scientific publishers, publications in which are taken into account when evaluating the activities of national organizations, collectives or individual scientists, are considered.
    In order to increase the strictness of the selection of journals of the list of Higher Attestation Commission and the transparency of its replenishment procedures, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia has developed a Methodology for ranking journals of the list of Higher Attestation Commission. Scientometric indicators are listed, on the basis of which an integral indicator of the “quality of the journal” is calculated for each scientific specialty.
    The lists of peer-reviewed scientific journals are presented, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of science, should be published, classified as K1, K2 and K3 in the scientific specialty 14.02.03 – Public health and healthcare (medical sciences).

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Tsvetkova L. А. [10]

    Tags: calculation algorithm1 categorization1 methodology5 quality indicator of journals1 the list of the higher attestation commission1 the national system for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific research and development1 the “white list” of journals1

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  • Manager of healthcare consults
  • 2017 № 8 Telemedicine: dreams and realities

    The adoption of the Federal law directly affecting telemedicine was expected for a long time. So the law has generated great interest in the medical community. However, a large number of evaluations of the new law is not accompanied by serious analysis. Meanwhile, despite the apparent «breakthrough» of the right regulation of telemedicine, the possibilities of practical use of telemedicine technologies remain very limited. This is due to the legal boundaries of the use of telemedicine technologies, and organizational and financial. This article discusses these and other issues related to the practical aspects of using telemedicine

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Kurakova N. G. [15]

    Tags: consultation2 e-health3 informatization of healthcare3 medical help2 telemedicine12 unified state information system in healthcare1

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  • Medical informational systems
  • 2015 № 10 Biomedicine priorities in the focus of the practical assessment of the prospects applications (Federal Research)

    Using genome-sequencing as an example there are analysed risks when choosing priorities for science and technologies development in Russia, based only on the analysis of trends in development of global biomedicine, but not factoring resource provision of the direction. It is demonstrated that in today’s Russia there is a lack of sufficient numbers of competent doctors-genetics. The volume of core courses in medical universities (36 hours) in Russian Federation is inadequate to the intensity of the development of this direction and growth in numbers of genetic diseases. Modern domestic park of sequenators is represented by the equipment of early generation, using which prevents it to meet the world standards of research in the area of genome medicine. In practice the technology of genome sequencing is not widely used in the health care due to high costs of the diagnostics procedures. There is a conclusion drawn about unviability of choice as a priority direction of development, which doesn’t have the personnel and instrumental provision as well as demand in the real sector of economy.

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Tsvetkova L. А. [10] Cherchenko О. А. [1]

    Tags: choice1 instrumentation1 keyworsd priority areas for development in science and technology1 personnel staffing1 risks2 russia8 technologies of genomewide sequencing1

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  • Medical science
  • 2018 № 6 The Development of post-genomic technologies in the Russian Federation: barriers and risks

    The risks of implementation of the complex scientific and technological program “Postgenomic technolo¬gies: from genetic editing to synthetic biology” in the Russian Federation are Considered. As barriers for the full life cycle projects related to genomic editing technologies, the following are highlighted: lack of a sufficient number of personnel, low competitiveness of domestic scientific and technological reserves, lack of modern instrument base, lack of industrial partners, as well as problems of legal regulation of genetic engineering in the Russian Federation. The analysis of the global competitive landscape in the field of genomic editing technologies is carried out

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Tsvetkova L. А. [10] Petrov А. N. [2]

    Tags: barriers1 competitive landscape1 complex scientific and technological program1 genomic editing1 implementation2 risks2 russian federation3

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  • 2017 № 8 The transition to a model of personalized medicine: barriers and possible solutions

    The transition of the national health system to the model of «personalized medicine» is highlighted in the Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation as one of seven priorities (item 20 in"). Analyzed risks and possible barriers of the implementation of this priority. Attention is drawn to the need to assess economic viability, human and infrastructural support, adequacy of legal regulation of development of methods of personalized medicine in the Russian Federation in the format of full project life cycle

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Kurakova N. G. [15] Petrov А. N. [2]

    Tags: design3 expertise4 personalized medicine1 priorities for research and technological development1 the implementation1 the projects 'full cycle'1

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  • 2017 № 5 Place of clinical medicine in the disciplinary structure of Russian science

    The article Considers the disciplinary structure of science in the world and Russia It is shown that the share of publications on clinical medicine accounted for 26% of the total number of publications indexed in 2015 in the Web of Science database, and 35.3% of publications indexed in Scopus for 2011–2015, the conclusion about the growing importance of clinical medicine in global science. It is noted that the RF power developed in the last century, and not changing the quota system of public sector support for civil science, for research of medical subjects, is no more than 3.2% of domestic expenditure on research and development by socio-economic objectives. It is projected that the underfunding of medical science in Russia will not allow to achieve a substantial increase scientometric indicators reflecting the efficiency and productivity of Russian science in General.

    Authors: Starodubov V. I. [40] Kurakova N. G. [15]

    Tags: clinical medicine2 disciplinary structure2 medical research funding1 science1 scientometric indicators2 world science2

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  • 2016 № 10 The history of the development of breakthrough biomedical areas: lessons for Russia

    An analysis was conducted of a model for accelerating the life cycle of research and development, as well as temporary parameters for transforming fundamental industrial perspective using an example of reprogramming technologies for obtaining induced pluripotent stem cells. It is shown that the key role in accelerating the industrial life cycle is played by the fast growing medium high technological companies and large industrial companies, interested in diversification of their business strategies. There has been recorded a significant deceleration in the development of the life cycle in this area in Russia, and its causes have been identified.

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Tsvetkova L. А. [10]

    Tags: accelerating1 decelerating1 duration2 factors4 induced pluripotent stem cell1 japan2 life cycle2 r&d2 re-programming cell technologies1 russia8 usa2

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  • 2016 № 9 History of the development of breakthrough biomedical areas: lessons for Russia

    On the example of development of technologies of reprogramming to obtain induced pluripotent stem cells estimated timelines for the transformation of the results of breakthrough fundamental research into commercial high-tech product in Japan, USA and Russia. The conclusion is that a key role in accelerating the life cycle of research and development play a growing high-tech companies and large industrial companies interested in diversifying their business strategies. It is stated a critical lag of the development of life cycle studies in this field in Russia and investigates its causes.

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Tsvetkova L. А. [10]

    Tags: acceleration1 deceleration1 duration2 factors4 induced pluripotent stem cells1 japan2 life cycle2 research and development2 russia8 technologies for reprogramming cells1 usa2

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  • 2014 № 8 Independent validation system of scientific medical organizations in the paradigm of twenty years remoteness (Federal Research Institute for Health organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)

    There has been created a new system for evaluating scientific organizations and their subdivisions. Readings of publication and patent activities of organizations were used as key efficiency indicators. There was a study conducted on modern patterns in development of a global scientific — technological field, which questioned the information capacity of these efficiency indicators on scientists and institutions.

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Oliver E. A. [2] Kolin S. K. [1]

    Tags: clinic medicine1 criteria6 efficiency validation1 global scientific-technological field1 publication activity3 scientific organizations1

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  • 2014 № 3 Funding medical science: new principles and financial instruments (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)

    Annotation. There is conducted an analysis of selection criteria on projects of Russian medical research centers for funding in Russian scientific fund and Federal program «Research and innovations». There is noted a high degree of uncertainty of such concepts as «priority direction», «applied» and «search» research and «industrial partner» in regards to research of biomedical theme. There is completed an analysis of classified «Medicine and health care» «Forecast of scientific-technological development of Russian Federation till 2030 year».

    Authors: Starodubov V. I. [40] Kurakova N. G. [15]

    Tags: federal budgetary programs1 grant funding1 industrial partners1 medical research studies1 priorities1 russian scientific fund1

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  • 2013 № 7 Problems related to optimization of the dissertation committees on medical professions Problems of optimization (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)

    There will be started a passportization of dissertation committees as a result of which there will be processed optimization of its network. Members of expert commitees of Supreme attestation commission and dissertation committees as well as organizations on the base of which there will be created committees, who will face new requests the biggest part of which will be related to index of publishing activity and quote ratings of scientists in international an bibliometric data base. There are presented results of national publication flow analysis regarding clinic medicine, indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, showing the problems of using scientometrical factors as a criteria of scientific level of potential members of expert and dissertation committees in various medical specializations.

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Xvetkova L. A. [1] Colin S. K. [1]

    Tags: criteria6 dissertation committees1 medical professions1 membership1 optimization of network2 passportization2 publishing activity1

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  • Medical sciences
  • 2015 № 8 Operation mechanisms, priorities and volumes of financial support of research in health care in Russia and in the USA

    The article demonstrates that Russia’s amount of finance in research and development is less than 2,5% from the global budget, while the amount of financing of only three countries – USA, China and Japan takes up to 50%. It was suggested that incomparability of Russia’s internal amount of financing in development of the citizens science sector compared to developed countries allows to identify a limited number of research areas as priorities of scientific-technological development of the country. There was compared and contrasted the amount of spending on research and development in biomedicine in USA and in Russia. It is demonstrated that the basic amount of financing of 27 research centers, included in the US National Health Institutes network, in 2014 exceeded the amount of financing of 104 Russian medical scientific-research institutes subordinate to Russian Minisry of Health care and Federal Agency of scientific organizations by 173 times. A conclusion was drawn about the appropriateness of substantial increase of the amount of state financing in fundamental, exploration and related research in the field of biomedicine in case the life sciences are preserved as priority areas for scientific-technological and social development in Russia. There is emphasized the necessity to eliminate all administrative and tax barriers, preventing active participation of domestic industrial entities in co-financing the development of Russian drug substances and medical equipment.

    Authors: Starodubov V. I. [40] Kurakova N. G. [15]

    Tags: biomedical scientific research and development1 choice criteria1 government funding1 priority areas1 russia8 scientific-technological development1

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  • 2015 № 7 Evaluation of contributions of specific areas of clinical medicine to Russian integral publication flow, indexed in Web of Science and Scopus

    The deadline for evaluating achievements by Order № 599 of the Russian President dated 7 May 2012, in accordance to which the share of Russian researcher’s publications among all publications of international scientific journals, indexed in the Web of Science data base, should reach 2,44% by 2015, is fast approaching. The article evaluates the contribution of specific areas of clinical medicine to integral publication flow in Russia, indexed in Web of Science in the period between 2011 to 2015. It is demonstrated that despite the efforts of the professional medical community directed on increasing the publication activity in international segment, the share of Russian publications remain at a low level. The issue of reflecting research findings in international journals is particularly critical for Russian surgeons, dentists, orthopaedists and otolaryngologists.

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Tsvetkova L. А. [10] Cherchenko O. V. [1] Ustinnikov A. K. [1] Oliver E. A. [2]

    Tags: bibliometric indicators1 bibliometrical indicators1 international indexes of scientific citation1 publication activity3 russian medical science1 scopus1 web of science4

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  • 2015 № 6 Possible methodological approaches to reviewing Russian clinical medicine journals in order to be published in Russian science citation index on the platform of Web of science

    There was analysed a methodology for reviewing thousands of leading Russian journals in order to get published in the National Science Citation Index — Russian Science Citation Index in a form of a separate base created on the platform of Web of Science, which is used by coordinators of the project. There was suggested the methodology for reviewing domestic scientific journals in order to be included in the RSCI, which is formed on the basis of establishment of quotas of journals by subject areas in accordance with disciplinary structure of world science, as well as for identifying the most productive and dynamicly developed scientific disciplines in the frames of separately chosen subject area (using an example of clinical medicine).

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Tsvetkova L. А. [10]

    Tags: assessment methodology1 clinical medicine2 russian science citation index1 scholarly journals1 web of science4 «golden thousand» russian science citation index1

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  • 2015 № 3 Medical sciences after optimizing the chain of dissertation councils in Russia

    The article explored outcomes of optimizing a network of dissertation councils in Russia in the period between 2013 and 2015 years.The subject structure of world science was compared with anticipated after optimization disciplinary structure of highly qualified Russian scientific personnel body. To make the comparison complete, there was evaluated the gravity of publication flow volume per certain subjects in data bases like Web of Science and the contribution of certain related areas in forming research frontlines according to data of Essential Science Indicators. It was factually proven that project's realization contributes to the process of balancing out the structure of reproduced body of highly qualified personnel in Russia and of the world's science subject structure. In addition to that, it was noted that by the end of 2015 year Russia will witness a groundlessly low share of dissertation councils in medicine and similarly groundlessly in the context of global science development trends a high share of councils in economics sciences.

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [15] Tsvetkova L. А. [10]

    Tags: body of scientific personnel1 disciplinary structure2 dissertation councils1 essential science indicators1 fronts of research1 optimization of network2 russia8 subject structure1 volume of the publication flow1 web of science4 world science2

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