Healthcare economics
  • 2023 № 7 The economic effect of providing medical care using simultaneous dental implantation by one specialist.

    The economic effect of the introduction of a new organizational model “dentist-implantologist-orthopedist” is considered. Optimization of work, cost savings of the Ministry of Defense and an increase in the responsibility of a dentist who owns related specialties “Orthopedic Dentistry” and “Surgical Dentistry” were obtained.
    Purpose: assessment of the economic effect in the provision of medical care using simultaneous dental implantation.
    Materials and methods. The study was conducted in the dental polyclinic of the AUZ UR “RSP MZ UR” of Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic.
    The economic effect was assessed by comparing two models of providing medical care in orthopedic dentistry using dental implantation: the first – medical service was provided by two separate teams (1 – surgical care; 2 – orthopedic care); the second – medical service was provided by one team entitled to provide this type of care.
    Results. The economic effect of providing medical care using simultaneous dental implantation by one specialist allowed to reduce the use of the area of the medical organization, the number of full-time positions of nurses and reduced the costs of the medical organization for consultation.
    Conclusion. With the introduction of a new organizational model “dentist-implantologist-orthopedist”, an economic effect was obtained by reducing staff positions, reducing wage costs and rational use of MO areas. All this contributes to the optimization of the work of a medical organization, saving the Ministry of Health without reducing the quality of services provided and increasing the responsibility of one specialist for the final result of the treatment at the moment and in the future, which is one of the main factors of a value-based approach in healthcare.

    Authors: Liutsko V. V. [5] Stupak V. S. [3] Bezdetko G. I. [1] Shkatova E. Y. [1]

    Tags: cost of medical services2 economic effect3 models of medical care1 orthopedic treatment1 simultaneous dental implantation1

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  • Law
  • 2023 № 2 A new methodology of medical and legal aspects of compensation for moral damage in disputes with patients.

    The authors consider the explanations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation contained in the new Resolution on compensation for moral damage, including items affecting compensatory aspects in the provision of medical care and harm to the health of patients.
    Changes in the policy of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the problem under consideration are shown.
    An assessment of the possible consequences of the explanations of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in relation to citizens (patients) and medical organizations, prospects of law enforcement practice based on the provisions of the new Resolution is given.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Sveredyuk M. G. [2] Stupak V. S. [3]

    Tags: compensation for moral damage1 medical care13 patient13 statement of claim1

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  • Manager of heath care consults
  • 2022 № 5 Ten years of law enforcement of Federal Law No. 323-FZ dated 21.11.2011 “On the basics of public health protection in the Russian Federation”: controversial issues, gaps, prospects

    Federal Law No. 323-FZ of 21.11.2021 “On the Fundamentals of Public Health Protection in the Russian Federation”, adopted in 2011 and entered into force in 2012 (323-FZ) is a key federal law regulating the healthcare sector.
    The authors, through content and retrospective analysis, deductive method, method of generalization of judicial practice, conducted a comprehensive study of the application at the 10–year turn of the basic law in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation – 323- FZ. In the article, the authors analyzed the subject of legal regulation of the 323-FZ, the conceptual apparatus enshrined in 323-FZ, the principles of health protection, considered the ratio of the legal statuses of the patient and the medical worker, touched upon aspects of paid medical services. The problems in the implementation of the 323-FZ are also analyzed, the existing legal uncertainties of its enforcement are discussed.
    According to the results of the study, the authors conclude that it is necessary to consolidate the most complete guarantees of the realization of rights, both for patients and for medical workers, aimed, inter alia, at reducing the risks of conflicts between the patient and the doctor, regulating economic relations in health care. In this connection, it is necessary to carry out work on the timely completion of this law.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Sveredyuk M. G. [2] Stupak V. S. [3] Ushakova O. V. [1]

    Tags: healthcare12 law enforcement1 legal uncertainties1 medical service2 subject of legal regulation1

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