Manager of healthcare consults
  • 2020 № 5 Russian Health Care in the background coronavirus COVID-19: Opportunities and Threats

    The effectiveness of any public system, including health care, is determined by the adequacy of its legal regulation. The situation with coronavirus exposed many problems in this area, a number of which were quickly resolved with varying degrees of success. However, there are still many unresolved issues and the need to further improve the legal regulation of health care. This applies, among other issues, to the remuneration of medical workers engaged in providing medical care to patients who have been diagnosed with COVID‑19 coronavirus infection. The article presents an analysis of the procedure for implementing incentive payments at the expense of Federal funds, and suggests measures to improve it. The article presents a SWOT analysis of the state of Russian healthcare against the background of the spread of COVID‑19 coronavirus.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Obukhova O. V. [28] Bazarova I. N. [12] Starodubov V. I. [40] Yu. V. Endovitskaya [6] N. Ya.  Nesvetailo [2]

    Tags: coronavirus3 covid-1928 crisis3 financing13 health care24 mandatory health insurance5 medical organizations23

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  • 2020 № 4 The effect of coronavirus Сovid-19 on the situation in Russian healthcare

    The relatively slow initial rate of spread of COVID-19 coronavirus in Russia has its own objective reasons related to the size of the territory, population density, tourist activity of the population, etc. They have played a positive role in making it possible to better prepare for the fight against it, taking into account, among other things, the experience of countries where the rate and scale of the spread of the coronavirus was much higher.
    Despite the serious damage to the economy, there are no global financial threats to health care yet. However, it is important that resources arrive in time to medical organizations in the context of large-scale conversion of beds, etc. Unavoidable periods of downtime during periods of re-profiling, being in standby mode, etc., lead to the fact that many medical organizations risk finding themselves in a difficult financial situation, even with sufficient resources in the industry. Therefore, at this stage, it is sometimes more important than serious financial infusions, and mechanisms aimed at com- pensating for the loss of income.

    Authors: F.  N.  Kadyrov [9] O.  V.  Obukhova [3] Yu. V. Endovitskaya [6] V.  I.  Starodubov [1] I.  N.  Bazarova [1] N. Ya.  Nesvetailo [2]

    Tags: coronavirus3 covid-1928 crisis3 financing13 health care24 mandatory health insurance5 medical organizations23

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