Manager Zdravoochranenia 2017 #3
Published: 2017-03-10
Issue of evaluation of the doctor’s report for accreditation
The article deal with the questions of information security, related to the assessment of the report of the doctor in the procedure of accreditation of specialist. The authors note that current Regulation of the accreditation of professionals do not transparent that information about the professional achievements should reflect the doctor in the report which he submits to the accreditation Commission. With the exception of information about the development of professional development programmes is not established, and criteria of doctor’s report of the accreditation Commission. All this makes the assessment of the report of the doctor not transparent within the accreditation of a specialist and requires the necessary correction.
The application of the system of strategic indicators in health and rehabilitation centres at the regional level (theoretical-methodological analysis)
This paper presents an analysis of strategic indicators as an effective method for organizing medical and rehabilitation centres at the regional level. Justified its advantage compared to traditional methods, fleshed out the mechanisms for its implementation. Identified the difficulties and contradictions of the MTP application in the Organization of the system of medical rehabilitation, identified ways to overcome them.
Organization of medical attendance to the patients with extremely low birth weight: specialists’ sight
Annotation. The ongoing reform of the health care in the fields of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Neonatology lead to problems in the Russian Federation, reflected in official statistics. Head specialist of the nine regions of the Russian Federation took part in the study, expressing their opinions and expressing their view on the problems. It reveals a significant shortage of staff (doctors and midwives), with working professionals in need of additional training. Another problem is shortage of nursing beds of the second stage. Available separating poorly equipped, mostly a problem with the diagnostic studies. Experts in the field insist on the revision of the criteria of birth with 500 grams and 22 weeks of gestation upwards.
Quality analysis of specialized medical aid for patients with craniocerebral injury in medical institutions of the Ryazan region
The article contains the results of target and topical medical aid quality evaluation for patients with brain injury. According to the results of the expert quality report of 265 clinical records of patients with craniocerebral injuries, 59.2% of the cases had medical aid defects, that didn’t affect the patient’s health, such as: incomplete examination provided by clinical practice guidelines and by approved medical standards – absence of medical specialist consultation or it’s delay; and absence of recommendations on further treatment and rehabilitation during inpatient discharge. Based on the data, obtained from the expert quality judgement of medical aid, suggestions on improving specialized medical aid for patients with craniocerebral injury were made.
The analysis of prevalence of mental disturbances and socially dangerous actions mentally sick with intellectual backwardness and obtained organic damage of a brain (according to data from Tyumen region)
Socially dangerous actions mentally sick are an important performance indicator of work of mental health service, and the analysis of number of criminal delicts at mentally sick in the conditions of the proceeding epidemic of mental diseases is an urgent task. In work prevalence of organic damages of a brain and socially dangerous actions of patients with organic damage of a brain in the Tyumen region are analysed. As a source of information annual statements in a form No. 10, and also annual databases of the conclusions of the out-patient forensic-psychiatric commission of the Tyumen region are used. For handling of the SPEK databases the automated information system «SPEK-analytics» is used. In Russia decrease in prevalence of mental diseases is noted. The same tendency is noted also in the Tyumen region. The powerful share among all diseases is constituted by organic damages of a brain, including intellectual backwardness. At the same time this contingent of patients makes considerable amount of socially dangerous actions – annually more than 60% of their total number. It is noted that against the background of decrease in prevalence of mental diseases in the Tyumen region more, than for 35% for all researched period, the number of socially dangerous actions by 2,7 times increased, the share of the persons committing crimes more, than twice grew. By results of the obtained data measures for decrease in number of socially dangerous actions are proposed. In particular, it is about need of application of measures of primary prevention taking into account the revealed risk groups on the basis of the factors influencing making socially dangerous actions mentally sick.
The possibility of adapting European clinical and economic models for use in the Russian routine practice to calculate the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
The cost of the type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) treatment with dapagliflozin as a first-line drug, its subsequent combination with metformin and then switching to insulin therapy, were 297 321 068 rubles. This calculation based on the prospective modelling with a 25 year prognosis horizon in the cohort of 1,000 patients. In case of the first-line saxagliptin application, its following combination with metformin and then switching to insulin therapy, the costs were 297 733 828 rubles, that is at 412,760 rubles more than first-line dapagliflozin strategy. A cost-effectiveness analysis of the first-line dapagliflozin strategy in comparing with the saxagliptin treatment is not highly sensitive to changes in the price that are within 10%. In this range of price changes, the dapagliflozin strategy can be considered even more cost-effective achieving 141.38 rubles for QALY gained with an increase in the price of dapagliflozin by 10% and 244.05 rubles / QALY, while the price of saxagliptin decreases by 10%.
Approaches to forecasting of personnel potential of health care: main methods
The main methods of forecasting suitable for use at strategic planning and forecasting of personnel capacity of branch are allocated, their short characteristics are given.
Main directions of forming of effective management and leadership styles by the medical organization
In article the main approaches of assessment of professional competence of heads of the medical organizations, ways of forming of effective management by the Deming’s principles are provided: plan, carry out, control, improve, when the head skillfully combines all known leadership styles: authoritative, liberal, democratic, and in case of problem definition by the subordinate applies smart purposes, on the basis of SMART purposes: specific, measurable attainable, realistic, time-based.
Experience of implementation of the call-center in activity of the budgetary medical organization (on the example of ICDC)
This article presents a comparative analysis of two approaches for the telephone contacts management in a medical organization. The «traditional» model of the phone calls management in a medical institution and a model with the use of «call center» are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of these models are described. Specificity of the phone calls in a medical organization is disclosed. The «call center» activities analysis is carried out using the example of Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center (ICDC), Kazan. The conclusion about the necessity of development of an information flow management system in a medical organization is drawn.
The paid services in the field of family planning
The paid services in the field of family planning (including in the form of a voluntary medical insurance) are perceived as a violation, although legally they are not prohibited. But the legislation provides specific protection in this area, which is quite legitimate. Sometimes the guarantee is worded in such a way that in practice, healthcare organizations can easily get around them. The analysis of these problems addressed in this article.
Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov