Manager Zdravoochranenia 2013 #11
Published: 2013-11-28
Effective ways to pay for health care of the government guarantee program (Federal Public Health Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
Annotation: The question which discussed in this article are evidence-based selection impeding effective ways to pay for health care provided by health care organizations within the regional programs of state guarantees of free medical care under different conditions of its provision. Recommendations on the use of existing materials for development of a methodology for calculating tariffs on effective methods of payment for medical care, resultoriented activities of the medical organization are given.
Efficiency of centralization of city medical institutions laboratories based on clinical diagnostic laboratory of large multi-discipline hospital (Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia; GAUZ RT «Hospital of first medical aid» NaberejniyChelni, Russia)
There is processed a statistics-economic analysis of consequences of centralizing laboratory services. In order to complete it, there was finalized an analysis study of clinic-diagnostics laboratory work flow in the period of 2010–2013 years. It was proven a financial efficiency of laboratory services centralization.
Methodology of calculating industrial registration indicators, diagnostics and efficiency of medical treatment for patients suffering from tuberculosis (Federal Public Health Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
There are announced the principal mechanisms affecting the size of registration indicators, diagnostics and treatment efficiency for patients suffering from tuberculosis. There are presented the consequences of a number of management solutions.
Legal representatives in the health care (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)
This article analyzes the legal status of a legal representative in the various models of legal relations in the sphere of health care (with the consent to medical intervention prior to admittance to the patient). The basic challenges that may face a medical professional when determining the authority of the legal representative patient. Particular attention is paid to the guardianship authorities, as well as various organizations authorized to represent citizens under the law.
New rules of providing paid educational services: what head of the medical organization should know (Saint Petersburg, Russia; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)
In the article the questions connected with enactment of the new Rules of providing of paid educational services. These Rules introduced new concepts — «disadvantage of paid educational services» and «significant disadvantage of paid educational services». Accordingly, questions are: «What is a disadvantage of paid educational services? What action can be taken by head of the medical organization if it is customer service and delivery disadvantages? » This article gives the answers to these questions.
World problems of the medical device choice for healthcare institutions (Tambov State Techniсal University, Tambov, Russia)
Annotation: World and Russian problems that stop rational equipping of the hospitals were analyzed. The ways of solving these problems were suggested. It was shown that rational choice of a medical device is only possible, when healthcare needs and requirements of a hospital plan are taken into consideration.
Overhead solutions for treatment and prevent institutions: peculiarities of the choice
Security and standartization of medical activity: problems of rationing and recommendations on control proceedings in the system of mandatory medical insurance A.A. Starchenko
Procedure of transferring to the efficient contract Consultant Phd. of Economic F.N. Kadirov
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
Review of actual normative documents