Manager Zdravoochranenia 2015 #2
Published: 2015-02-16
Work with citizen's applications in a medical organization as one of the mostimportant indicators of quality and safety of medical practice
The article presents the characteristics of modern features and challenges of working with citizens applications in a healthcare organization. Attention to the fact that this activity is often underestimated chief physicians. It is proved that work with citizens applications in a healthcare organization, being one of the most important indicators of the quality and safety of medical practice, requires allocation of this area in a separate section of the internal control quality and safety of medical practice.
Logistics research in healthcare management. The principles and implementation of road maps
Logistics research in the medical management is a modern approach to health management that combines the use of traditional management techniques (analytical, statistical, sociological and other) General economic, market and other modern methods, with modeling of processes and their possible outcomes. Implementation of the logistics research in the theory and practice of health management is especially important in the development and implementation of road maps in the period of formation of market economy and the associated transformation of the health system.
Conditions and accounting of factors affecting the level of provision of medical employees serving the public
Provision of healthcare system with medical employees personnel is conducted in accordance with demand in medical staff methodology. To clarify the indicators in different parts of the country it was suggested to factor housing and transport convenience conditions in regions. There are amendments developed to the established forecast capacity.
The characteristics of supplying junctions and military units stationed outside Russian Federation with medical property
It was carried out the analysis of the characteristics of supplying junctions and military units stationed outside the Russian Federation with medical property. There were made some proposals for the implementation of timely and uninterrupted supply with medical property military units performing tasks outside the Russian Federation.
On certain issues occurring in medical insurance organizations functioning in the mandatory medical insurance system
Modernization of mandatory medical insurance system should imply a broader usage of reserves from medical insurance organizations (MIO). These reserves are interlinked with changes in the legislation, regulating the responsibilities and obligations of insured citizens, commitment of MIO in covering expenses for medical aid, provided outside of the region, the order of utilizing assets of MIO.
Dynamics of morbidity of the population beyond working age in Russian Federation within 2010–2013 years
For the last four years (2010–2013) indicator of prevalence disease of population above working age Russian Federation is increasing of 1,0%. According to the official statistical reporting leading diseases were illnesses of system of blood circulation, illnesses kostno-muscular system and respiratory organs, but the maximum rates of a gain were registered at endocrine system diseases and urinogenital system. During too time indicator of incidence diseases of population above working age Russian Federation is increasing of 4,9%. The leading diseases in the structure of incidence diseases were illnesses of respiratory organs, trauma and illnesses of system of blood circulation.
Evaluation of loss health with the indicator «problematic»
The rate of «problem» for estimating avoidable losses of public health based on the analysis of longterm electronic databases to support management decision-making in health care. The index reflects compliance with the individual components of the loss of public health established standards, taking into account the dynamics of symptoms. An example of the calculation of the «problem» for each of the components of loss of health as an example of Novokuznetsk in order to identify the main problems.
Compromising coefficient towards penalty sanctions in the system of mandatory insurance system (MIS) — a threat to public's equal rights for appropriate quality of medical aid regardless of their location
Regulations on how to assess professional competence of health employees and adequacy of their job titles
In December 2013 President of Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin announced a task to complete an assessment of specialists with their further transfer onto effective contract basis. However, available normative documents do not describe the order on how to complete the assessment for job competence. The following article is dedicated to the issue of developing proposals and recommendations on competence assessment of state (municipal) health care specialists on the basis of analysis of current normative base, documents, related to certain aspects of assessment process and/or with consideration of the goals and targets of the assessment process.
Regional experience
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
Review of actual normative documents