Manager Zdravoochranenia 2017 #1
Published: 2017-01-10
There are defined winners in the nominees of Publishing House «Manager of Health Care» in nominations «The most creative publication or cycle of publications of 2016 year»
Actual normative document
The experience of forming public dental service in a regional centre
The experience of formation of public dental service by combining dental clinics in the city with a population of over 400 thousand people in a single institution. Centralization has allowed to consolidate and flexible use of financial and material resources to optimize the management, improve the work efficiency of all services, further systematic and phased development of large-scale enterprises. Today it is a medical organization consisting of nine competitive branches-clinics that meet modern requirements for design, engineering, technology and staffing. The Association provides a full range of dental services in the compulsory health insurance system, LCA and cost accounting, quality assured, safety and comfort. Multifunctional structure of the Association, formed working relationships with regional and national academic and academic medical centers created the preconditions for the formation and further development of the clinic of the dental cluster in the region. Currently, the resource potential of enterprises has reached such a level that allows continuing the reference to centralization, to move to the next stage of its implementation – the policy of «centralized decentralization» – to the enterprises network dental micropolygons walking distance, as well as the development and implementation of major social projects in the field of prevention of dental diseases in children and adolescents.
The organizational model is improving the examination of temporary disability in the city hospital
The article presents a model of organizational improvement examination of temporary disability, realized in the city hospital number 10 in Samara. The model is based on the organizational and methodological aspects and methodological approaches to quality control examination of temporary disability, which allows to take timely and instructive-methodological documents, raise the level of training, develop information support expertise of temporary disability, to ensure its quality control. As part of the organizational model to improve the organization of the examination of temporary disability from 2010 to 2013 increased quality of expertise of temporary disability. This reduces the number of defects, reduced the proportion of wrongly granted sick leave, increases the integral evaluation of the quality of care in terms of the model of end results of activity of temporary disability examination services in the city hospital from 0.75 in 2010 to 0.85 in 2013.
Basic trends of mortality from external causeson the territory of the Russian Federation
Annotation. The analysis of the statistics of the Russian Federation, the mortality rate as a whole, as well as by federal districts and subjects for the period 1990–2015 years. It was revealed that the death rate from external causes has specific regional characteristics, and its level in some subjects of the Russian Federation remains at extremely high values. Over the period 2011–2015 there is a noticeable slowdown to reduce mortality from external causes, which highlights the need for the development and adoption of organizational measures with the involvement of the health authorities and other agencies of the Russian Federation.
The incidence of malignant neoplasms
The article provides an analysis of the incidence of malignant neoplasms in Russia in dynamics for 10 years. The main feature of formation and development of cancer care in Russia is its preventive orientation. The experience of early diagnostics of malignant neoplasms expedient from the economic point of view a long-term strategy for the fight against cancer.
Analysis of changes reporting forms of federal statistical observation in terms of children and disability
Child disability – one of the most acute of medico – social problems of modern society. The level of disability along with infant mortality, morbidity, physical development and health demographic processes is a basic indicator of child health, reflecting the level of economic and social well-being of the country. This article presents a retrospective analysis of the changes in the reporting forms of federal statistical observation of the registration of children with disabilities for the period 1995 to 2015. Studied the chronological sequence of changes in the reporting forms and the background of these changes.
Approaches to forecasting of personnel potential of health care. The main problems
In article the main problems, questions and conceptual provisions on elaboration of approaches to forecasting and strategic planning of personnel potential of health care are designated.
Тhe Insurance representative third level – step to control the volume and quality of medical care
Нealth care Funding in 2017 – another paradox: the means was less than planned for 2016, but the financial support for the industry has improved
In recent years, the Federal budget is closely linked to the budget of the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund – they cannot be analysed separately from each other. The Federal funding is reduced, but the budget of the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund in 2017 favorably with previous: 2016 was suddenly executed with a surplus. Large carryovers for 2017 are not evaluated as a negative factor, as it was before, but as positive, as they relate to the refusal of the state from the withdrawal of the Federal budget planned amounts. Therefore, a sharp drop of healthcare financing from the Federal budget does not mean the deterioration in the financing industry – changing channels the movement of funds. This is due to the fact that the government became aware that the transformation of the budget of the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund to source for other budgets will not ensure the implementation of presidential Decrees on raising wages. In addition, there have been major changes to the financing of high-tech medical care, which is not included in base program OMS –2017 it is almost completely financed by funds. In the article the analysis of dynamics and trends of health financing from different sources.
Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov