Articles with tag: «process approach»

    Management in healthcare
  • 2019 № 8 Modern management of medical organization based on the process approach in russian scientific publications

    The intensity and direction of development of the process approach in the management of medical organizations from the time of the first publications in the Russian literature to the present has been evaluated. 282 literary sources were studied, of which 235 were for managing a medical organization and 47 were papers that analyzed the construction of business processes in non-medical enterprises. It was found that to accelerate the pace of building business processes in medical organizations, it is necessary to use computer programs for building processes.

    Authors: Choloyan S. B. [11] Pavlovskaya O. G. [8] Sheenkova M. V. [7] Danilova L. V. [4] Ekimov A. K. [10] Baygazina E. N. [6] Dmitrieva I. V. [3]

    Tags: medical organization52 process approach7 quality management system9

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  • Management in health care
  • 2020 № 8 Improving rural health care through business process management

    Meeting the needs of the rural population in all types of primary health care (pre-medical and general medical
    care), as well as specialized medical care, improving the quality of medical care for the rural population is an important
    public health problem that is difficult to solve and is of particular concern to government structures at all levels of government. The article presents an analysis of the literature on the use of business processes in modern healthcare, the main tasks of which are the creation and development of effective models for the provision of medical care that increase not only its accessibility and quality, but also the satisfaction of the population. As part of the activities of the modernization program for the implementation of information technology in healthcare, it is planned to create information resources and services that would allow, using this system tool, to move to a qualitatively new level of organization of industry management. It is noted that at present, at the level of management of the medical organization as a whole, and in the management of individual areas of its activity, the application of the process approach is becoming relevant, in which the medical organization can be considered as a separate business system, which is a related set of business processes, the ultimate goal which, undoubtedly, is the provision of quality medical services. It is shown that the development and modeling of business processes will increase the relevance of management information, will make it possible to focus on rationalizing cross-functional processes to significantly reduce time and / or costs, increase revenue, improve service quality and reduce risks, the information system allows you to simulate processes and carry them out further optimization.
    The analyzed works examine the experience of process-oriented management in medical organizations and its role in ensuring the improvement of the quality of medical services provided. In addition, the introduction of a process approach will allow the application of certain managerial decisions necessary in each specific situation, including in the field of medical services for the rural population.

    Authors: Mingazova E. N. [33] Bakirova E. A. [5]

    Tags: business process reengineering1 business processes1 management16 process approach7 quality of medical care20 rural health care2

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  • 2020 № 7 Modern approaches to the construction of an effective model of preventive work with children

    The approaches to the analysis of the information of the medical information system about the child population
    attached to the medical organization (22,950 children) are described to identify homogeneous groups in order to build a
    preventive work plan with each. The team of experts of the medical organization has developed an electronic work plan for
    4,745 options for monitoring a child, which is implemented as a computer program that allows you to automatically rearrange
    the plan. It is considered as a sequence of standard operating procedures. The program automatically “restructures”
    the calendar plan of work with the child, allowing you to complete the missed work in an acceptable time for the child
    and the performer. The use of such planning is especially necessary for work in the conditions of prevention of COVID‑19.

    Authors: Choloyan S. B. [11] Pavlovskaya O. G. [8] Sheenkova M. V. [7] Ekimov A. K. [10] Baygazina E. N. [6] Tricomenas N. N. [3]

    Tags: medical care for children4 medical information system8 medical planning1 prevention24 process approach7

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  • 2015 № 8 Adult population’s quality clinical examination management in outpatient organizations on the basis of the process approach

    Aim of the study: Development of quality management system in health care organization in periodic health examination of target adult population groups. The developed materials could be exploited in similar institutions engaged in the periodic health examinations.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Tyazhelnikov A. A. [1] A. Sh. Senenko [5] Yumukyan A. V. [1] Volkova N. V. [1]

    Tags: periodic health examination1 prevention24 process approach7 quality management system9

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  • 2014 № 6 Process approach - innovative technology of organization of medical examinations (FSBI <Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation>, Moscow, Russia; Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia; Medical-sanitary health clinic, Astrakhan, Russia)

    The article describes algorithms and results of integration of process approach for medical examinations.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [122] Yugay M. T. [1] Rybalchenko I. E. [2]

    Tags: increase of throughput1 modeling3 process approach7 processes2 quality management2

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  • Information management
  • 2021 № 8 Evolution of information systems

    In medical organizations, information systems solve the following tasks: the ability to receive and store information, quick access to it and its transmission, the ability to generate various reports, the availability of specialized workplaces of medical workers, etc. Information systems are gradually evolving, turning from a tool capable of solving the simplest management tasks into a tool capable of solving the entire range of management tasks encountered in the practice of a medical organization at all levels of management. The purpose of the study is to describe the four stages of creating information systems, highlight the characteristic features of the functioning of information systems at each stage, as well as highlight the list of the main management tasks that are being developed at the selected stage and ways to solve them. The main attention was paid to the development of information systems of medical organizations working with the children’s population.
    Results. The first stage of the development of information systems began with the use of computer technology in the practice of medical organizations and was reduced to the fact that programmers of both medical and third-party organizations began to develop tasks, the totality of which later became known as “creating an information system” of a medical organization. The goal of the second stage is already the transformation of information systems of medical organizations in order to describe production processes in terms of a process approach and implement them in the form of software modules. The third stage of building information systems is the stage of describing the work of a medical organization based on mathematical models in order to justify the optimal solution of the production tasks available in it. The fourth stage of building information systems is the construction of an “information system that implements the functions of an intelligent management system of a medical organization”. The authors of the article give recommendations on the formalization of information available in a medical organization for the purpose of its
    effective use by artificial intelligence.
    Findings. Thus, an information system is a tool for solving management problems, its development as a tool for solving management problems requires knowledge of management theory, organization theory, process approach in management, methods of multidimensional statistical analysis and modeling methods, languages and modeling methods based on neural networks.

    Authors: Choloyan S. B. [11] Ekimov A. K. [10] Baigazina E. N. [3] Molodtsov N. S. [3] Kalinina E. A. [5] Posnov A. A. [3]

    Tags: artificial intelligence8 information system3 mathematical models2 medical organization52 neural networks1 process approach7

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  • Foreign experience
  • 2017 № 6 Review of international experience in process-oriented management of medical organization on the example of the Mayo clinic (USA)

    The article presents the Genesis of the process approach to management, presented the benefits of this approach, an overview of the implementation of a process-oriented approach at the Mayo clinic, brief description of key aspects of the management of the specified medical organizations

    Authors: Khafizov M. G. [1]

    Tags: analysis of processes1 management16 mayo clinic1 medical care13 process approach7 regulations4 standards1

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