Manager Zdravoochranenia 2017 #6

Published: 2017-06-24



    Focus of problem
  • Metamorphosis standardization of medical care

    The article discusses a bill regulating the development and use of clinical guidelines in public health practice. The authors believe that the bill makes clinical recommendations to the regulatory option binding standards of сare. This approach only superficially converts the ways of ensuring the quality of medical care. From the point of view of the authors of the health care system fell into the organizational trap of technological regulation of the actions of the physicians, while the traditional values of the medical profession is gradually devalued. The authors propose to reconfigure relationships in the industry, not only by importing foreign countries, but in accordance with the usual Russian professional medical community’s leadership in the field of cultural, spiritual and intellectual development

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20] Grechko A. V. [2] Yankevich S. D. [1]

    Tags: compulsory health insurance17 quality of medical care20 standards of care order medical care. clinical recommendations1

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  • Management in healthcare
  • Peculiarities of the morbidity of teenagers 15–17 years old in Russian Federation for the period 2000–2015

    Adolescent population’s health determines the formation of the nation’s health for the future. Tendency of the general morbidity of adolescents in the dynamics for 2000–2015 in Russia is presented. For the period of study, a significant increase in the overall incidence of adolescents was revealed: from 1730 to 2193 cases per 1000 of the corresponding population (an increase of 26.8%). At the same time, the average annual growth for five-year periods (2000–2005–2010–2015) was 0.4; 5.1; and –0.2%, respectively. The growth trend is also traced for the incidence detected in adolescents for the first time in life: from 1046 to 1341 per 1000 of the respective population (by 28.2%), while the average annual growth over the five-year periods indicated above was 0.5; 5.5; –0.4, respectively. The study showed that the last 15 years were characterized by negative dynamics of the health indicators of the adolescent population. The share of diagnoses registered for the first time in life, from the total morbidity of children of 15–17 years in general for all diseases has not changed (61% in both 2000 and 2015 years), that indicates growth of both acute and chronic pathology in the population

    Authors: Banteva M. N. [9] Matveev E. N. [3] Manoshkina E. M. [7] Kuraeva V. M. [2]

    Tags: incidence of adolescents1 incidence of child population1 overall morbidity1

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  • Technological management
  • Communication system as an increasing efficiency factor of a large medical center

    The approach of creation the common communication system as an increasing efficiency factor of a large medical center is presented. The definition of the communication system, its structure and main characteristics are provided on the example of the Tatarstan cancer center. The principles of Tatarstan cancer centers information space are described. Communication channels of healthcare organization are cited. Unique classification of the information that is used in information space of Tatarstan cancer center. Rules of information interaction and principles of a communication feedback are also described. The Product of a transparent system of communication is a clear and distinct information that is available to all stakeholders, the aim of transparent communication system construction is an efficient healthcare organization goal achievement; communication system in medical center has a number of distinctive features and depends on the organizational structure, regulations of information interaction of various healthcare organizations and characteristics of the formed communication channels, and characteristics of organizational culture

    Authors: Khayrullin I. I. [6] Zhavoronkov V. V. [3] Mannanova G. R. [1]

    Tags: cancer center1 communication channels1 communication system3 healthcare management6 healthcare organization8 information interaction1 quality management system9

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  • Personnel management
  • Working time of doctors-specialists related to visiting one patient with doctor-physician, doctor-surgeon and doctor-dermatovenerologist

    In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Rules for the development and approval of standard labor standards approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on November 11, 2002 No. 804 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 46, Article 4583) and paragraph 19 of the action plan (“road Card“)” Changes in social sectors aimed at improving the effectiveness of healthcare “approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2599-r of December 28, 2012 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 2, Article 130, No. 45, Articles 5863, 2014, No. 19, Item 2468), in 2016 photo-timing observations of the working process of phthisiatricians, doctors-surgeons and doctors-dermatovenerologists were conducted. The work was conducted in accordance with the methodology of conducting photo-timing studies within ten working days for two physicians in each specialty. The results of the research showed the need to develop new normative documents on setting the time limits for visiting one-patient TB doctors, surgeons and dermatovenereologists who provide primary care in outpatient settings (not providing 24-hour medical supervision and treatment).

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Ivanova M. A. [12] Starodubov V. I. [38] Armashevskaya O. V. [4] Liutsko V. V. [5] Tsybikova E. B. [1] Sokolovskaya T. A. 1 [1] Tyulkina E. A. [2]

    Tags: medical specialists1 new normative documents1 photo-timing observation1 time norms2

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  • Law
  • Regulatory framework for providing high-technology ophthalmological medical care under outpatient treatment

    The article analyzes the existing legal basis for providing high-technology ophthalmological medical care through a systematic review of regulatory enactments that directly regulate this type of activity (14 regulatory enactments, including 2 federal laws).
    High-technology medical care is a separately licensed type of medical activity carried out by approved federal or regional medical organizations, financed by subsidy or directly from federal budget, provided for approved types of medical care in a hospital. The source of funding for healthcare determines essential conditions. The existing legal framework creates significant restrictions for providing high-technology ophthalmological medical care under outpatient treatment in the case of healthcare covered by Compulsory Health Insurance or an appropriate budget. The article outlines the ways of solving this problem proposed by the authors, including for a medical institution, without violating the current legislation. Healthcare covered by other sources of funding can be provided in any conditions, including outpatient

    Authors: Borshchuk E. L. [4] Chuprov A. D. [4] Lositskiy A. O. [1]

    Tags: compulsory medical insurance fund1 medical organization52 quality and safety of medical activity12 quality of medical care20 regulatory body of public health service1

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  • Foreign experience
  • Review of international experience in process-oriented management of medical organization on the example of the Mayo clinic (USA)

    The article presents the Genesis of the process approach to management, presented the benefits of this approach, an overview of the implementation of a process-oriented approach at the Mayo clinic, brief description of key aspects of the management of the specified medical organizations

    Authors: Khafizov M. G. [1]

    Tags: analysis of processes1 management16 mayo clinic1 medical care13 process approach7 regulations4 standards1

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  • Special opinion
  • The implementation of the recommendations of the Committee on social policy The Federation Council on control over activity of the insurance medical organizations

    Authors: Starchenko A. A. [33] Grishina N. I. [3] Aksenovа N. L. [2]

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  • Manager of healthcare consults
  • Royalty revenues in medical organizations: types, account features and usage

    A potentially important additional source of financial support of medical organizations, particularly state and municipal systems are non-repayable receipts in the form of donation, donations, etc. In some cases, they can act as an alternative to this form of income-generating activities as the provision of paid medical and other services. However, we must not only learn how to attract these funds, but also the right of their issue and use. For example, to clearly understand how to put the contracts for the receipt of these funds, within the framework of the legislation to procure funds received from donations, etc. this article discusses these and other issues associated with the various types of gratuitous receipts.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [122]

    Tags: charity1 donation income-generating activities of the state (municipal) procurement1 donations1 health funding1

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  • Questions and answers
  • Questions answered by PhD of Economic F.N. Kadyrov

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [122]

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