Articles with tag: «prevalence»
2019 № 3 Prevalence of socio-biological risk factors in pregnant women of Krasnoyarsk region and their impact on adverse pregnancy outcomes
The aim of the study was to study the prevalence of socio-biological risk factors in pregnant women of the Krasnoyarsk territory and their impact on the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. The analysis includes data on 122 250 cases of pregnancy in the period from 2014 to 2017 in the Krasnoyarsk region. All analyzed cases of pregnancy were divided into 2 groups: group I – cases of pregnancy with unfavorable outcomes (8 290 cases), group II – cases of pregnancy with favorable outcomes (113 960 cases). The paper analyzes the following factors: mother’s age less than 18 years or 40 years or more, father’s age 40 years or more, the presence of the mother and father of occupational hazards, bad habits (smoking 1 pack of cigarettes a day, alcohol abuse), mother’s height 158 cm or less, as well as the mother’s body weight 25% higher than normal. To assess the impact of the studied factors on the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, the odds ratio was calculated. The results of the study indicate that the presence of occupational hazards in the mother and her age less than 18 years do not affect the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. To the greatest extent, this risk is influenced by the presence of bad habits in the mother (smoking and alcohol abuse) and the father (alcohol abuse), as well as the presence of occupational hazards in the father. The use of information on the impact of various factors on the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes will allow the most effective routing of pregnant women by levels of care to reduce, ultimately, the number of these outcomes. The results show that the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes is influenced by a fairly wide range of factors. In this case, each factor has a different degree of impact on the risk. Given these circumstances, it is necessary to further develop an integrated assessment of the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.
2023 № 9 Psoriasis: disease burden in current environment.
Psoriasis currently is considered to be beyond the list of socially significant diseases; however, a pilot study shows that the medical, social and economic burden of the disease can be significant. The pilot study made it possible to identify the most actual research areas for assessing of disease burden indicators what is necessary for development of comprehensive multidisciplinary interdepartmental programs aimed at improving population health and reducing the medical, social and economic consequences of psoriasis.
2019 № 2 Dynamics of morbidity indicators during the reform of the Health Care System of the Russian Federation from 2006 to 2016
Over the past 10 years, it has been possible to achieve positive changes in a number of indicators of public health and resource provision of the health care system. Modernization and reform of the health care system of the Russian Federation today is still not completed and is in the process of implementation. With the aim to study the changes in the state of health of the population against the background of the reform of the health care system of the Russian Federation, taking place in 2006–2016 was used the method of continuous observation based on the forms of state statistical observation. The study showed that over 10 years the death rate of the population decreased by 13%. If in 2006, 2,166,703 people died, then in 2016, 1,891,015 people died. Over 10 years, the life expectancy of Russians has increased by more than 5 years and in 2016 it has exceeded 71.9 years, reaching 77 for women and 66.5 years for men. The analysis of the morbidity over a ten-year period showed a tendency to increase. Thus, the rate of growth of incidence was 3%, and a prevalence of 7%. At the same time, the incidence increased in all Federal Districts, except Central Federal Districts. Over the past ten years, the prevalence of mental and behavioural disorders has decreased by 19%, infectious and parasitic diseases by 17%, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue by 8%. The main line of development of health care system was chosen the strengthening of its preventive orientation, with the primary development of mass and cost-effective community-based forms of activity. In general, the reform of the Health Care System over the past 10 years has had a positive impact on the health status of the Russian population in all age groups.
2023 № 5 Arterial hypertension among children and adolescents as a prognostic risk factor. Problems of diagnosis.
An analysis of modern studies has shown that arterial hypertension, detected in childhood, is one of the main risk factors for both cardiovascular diseases and the progression of renal failure in subsequent age periods, which indicates the importance of early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this condition among children and children. teenagers. The increase in the prevalence of hypertension among children and the associated health risks actualize the issues of the level, methods, techniques and frequency of blood pressure screening, differentiation of primary and secondary hypertension for successful treatment and control of the disease, as well as the development of
methods for analyzing multiple factors for accurate diagnosis and prediction of spread. arterial hypertension. Of greatest research interest are the issues of accurate measurement of blood pressure during routine medical examinations of children, including invasive or noninvasive methods for measuring blood pressure in newborns, the availability of proven equipment and specialists in pediatric hypertension, and the interpretation of blood pressure measurements. -
2022 № 8 The issue of age-related characteristics of the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among the population of various countries
Without interventions to halt the rise in diabetes, it is believed that by 2045 there will be at least 629 million people living with diabetes in the world. Currently, four out of five people with diabetes, approximately 80% of the world’s 463 million, live in lowand middle-income countries, and the incidence of diabetes is increasing in poorer, marginalized, socioeconomically vulnerable and indigenous communities. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes with onset in youth, defined as diabetes diagnosed before the age of 25, is increasing worldwide. It should be noted that type 2 diabetes, which occurs at a young age, most often manifests itself in the second decade of life. There are about 652 thousand children with type 2 diabetes in the world. It is estimated that there will be around 41,600 new cases of diagnosed type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents worldwide in 2021. Along with the increase in the prevalence of diabetes among children and adolescents, there is an increase in the incidence of pre-diabetes preceding the development of type 2 diabetes. They found an 8% risk of progression from pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes over a 3-year period, confirming the importance of interventions to reduce obesity, pre-diabetes, and insulin resistance.
2023 № 5 Medical and social problems of the prevalence of ENT diseases and the availability of otorhinolaryngological care to the population, including children (review of foreign literature)
An analysis of foreign scientific sources suggests that the prevalence of otorhinolaryngological diseases in the world is high and affects the increase in disability and mortality rates. The most common pediatric otorhinolaryngological disease worldwide is otitis media. Low availability of specialized otorhinolaryngologist care and socioeconomic disadvantage are associated with earlier, more frequent and severe ENT disease in children. The most vulnerable to otitis media leading to hearing loss are children of low socioeconomic status (even in developed countries) and indigenous children in all countries of the world. In low- and middle-income countries, pediatric
otorhinolaryngology faces challenges associated with a lack of infrastructure and equipment, a relatively small health care budget, a shortage of medical staff, and a lack of political will. In multicultural developed countries, the lack of understanding in medical institutions of the need to take into account ethno-cultural characteristics, as well as a decrease in confidence in medical institutions, creates constant barriers to access to medical services. -
2017 № 3 The analysis of prevalence of mental disturbances and socially dangerous actions mentally sick with intellectual backwardness and obtained organic damage of a brain (according to data from Tyumen region)
Socially dangerous actions mentally sick are an important performance indicator of work of mental health service, and the analysis of number of criminal delicts at mentally sick in the conditions of the proceeding epidemic of mental diseases is an urgent task. In work prevalence of organic damages of a brain and socially dangerous actions of patients with organic damage of a brain in the Tyumen region are analysed. As a source of information annual statements in a form No. 10, and also annual databases of the conclusions of the out-patient forensic-psychiatric commission of the Tyumen region are used. For handling of the SPEK databases the automated information system «SPEK-analytics» is used. In Russia decrease in prevalence of mental diseases is noted. The same tendency is noted also in the Tyumen region. The powerful share among all diseases is constituted by organic damages of a brain, including intellectual backwardness. At the same time this contingent of patients makes considerable amount of socially dangerous actions – annually more than 60% of their total number. It is noted that against the background of decrease in prevalence of mental diseases in the Tyumen region more, than for 35% for all researched period, the number of socially dangerous actions by 2,7 times increased, the share of the persons committing crimes more, than twice grew. By results of the obtained data measures for decrease in number of socially dangerous actions are proposed. In particular, it is about need of application of measures of primary prevention taking into account the revealed risk groups on the basis of the factors influencing making socially dangerous actions mentally sick.