All articles by Besstrashnova Y. K.
2022 № 7 The disease burden of atopic dermatitis in current conditions
The prevalence and increase in morbidity of the atopic dermatitis make possible to consider it to become actual and relevant in nearest future. The pilot study analyzed using the Delphi method allowed identifying the most significant areas for further detailed research and development of programs reducing the disease burden of atopic dermatitis in the country. The study showed that the Cumulative Life Course Impairment associated with this disease is mediated by its systemic nature and a complex of concomitant diseases. The social burden of the disease is primarily associated with missed opportunities of patients even after the onset of spontaneous remission due to education and socialization issues from the period of schooling. Almost all adult patients report a decrease in the quality of life and experiencing problems with communication and sports. The economic burden of the disease is associated with household spending on medicines and a decrease in income as a result of changing or losing work, primarily in families with sick children in addition to healthcare system expenditures. The COVID‑19 pandemic has led to a decrease in the volume of medical care for atopic dermatitis adult patients and also there is a possibility of developing previously unknown complications in patients with atopic dermatitis.
2023 № 9 Psoriasis: disease burden in current environment.
Psoriasis currently is considered to be beyond the list of socially significant diseases; however, a pilot study shows that the medical, social and economic burden of the disease can be significant. The pilot study made it possible to identify the most actual research areas for assessing of disease burden indicators what is necessary for development of comprehensive multidisciplinary interdepartmental programs aimed at improving population health and reducing the medical, social and economic consequences of psoriasis.