Manager Zdravoochranenia 2016 #7

Published: 2016-07-28



    Management in health care
  • The activities of day hospitals in the Russian Federation in 2000–2014

    The article analyzes legal documents, which that regulate the work of day hospitals in the Russian Federation since the late 90-ies of XX century to the present. Presents an analysis of the performance of activities of day hospitals in health institutions providing medical care in ambulatory and stationary conditions in the country in 2000–2014. Marked increase in the number of beds in day hospitals 2,3 times, which is mainly due to the increase of beds in day hospitals in health institutions providing medical care in ambulatory conditions. Spend the evaluation of use of hospital beds hospitals for 15 years. During the study period the number of beds in hospitals has decreased by 27,7%, the number of discharged patients has almost not changed, which is associated with the intensity of the work beds. Shows the comparison of the number of persons treated in day hospitals and hospitals round-the-clock stay. The total number of patients treated in day hospitals and round hospitals, the proportion of patients treated at a convenience care hospitals declined from 92,5 to 80,3%, the proportion of patients treated in day hospitals increased from 7,5 to 19,7%.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Evdakov V. A. [6] Shlyafer S. I. [5] Senenko A. Sh. [6] Melnikov Yu. Yu. [3]

    Tags: beds3 day hospital4 hospital organizations1 the average bed occupancy in a year1 the average duration of treatment1 the medical organizations giving help in out-patient conditions1 turnover (function) bed1

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  • Methodology of creation and using of clinicoeconomic simulator for decision-makers by the example of GEP nets and pNETs

    Health technology assessment (HTA) in the condition of a limited budget is an actual problem for Ministry of Health employee and persons who make a decision. Switching to single-channel financing, increasing of budgets in the hospital segment and the interaction with insurance companies force us to use the principles of technology assessment made in developed countries and to create our own tools for decision-making. We’ve designed a clinical and economic decision-making simulator for socially – significant diseases by the example of GEP NETs and pNETs.

    Authors: Zelenova O. V. [4] Zhilina V. V. [3] Kreknina E. A. [5] Belyakova N. V. [3]

    Tags: clinical and economic simulator1 cost-effectiveness2 diagnosis3 direct costs5 drug treatment1 nets1

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  • Problems of formation of health of mothers and their offspring in modern Russia

    The article presents the morbidity and mortality of mothers and newborns in Russia for the years 2013‑2014‑2015 a growth of negative phenomena in the vital signs of women’s and children’s organisms, evidence of systemic violations of their health (the formation of the fetal-placental complex, the implementation of compensatory protective mechanisms of women and development of the fetus). In order to optimize demographic processes, the preservation of life and health of women and newborn offspring, you must consider the trends and direct the efforts and funds to maintain the social status of the family and women’s health before and during pregnancy.

    Authors: Nizamova E. R. [5] Tsybul’skaya I. S. [2]

    Tags: biological and social risk1 fertility2 fetus development1 lethality1 morbidity14 mortality21 mother2 offspring1 placenta1

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  • Economics of health
  • Analysis of mortality rates in the groups of regions with different levels of socio-economic development

    The article compares the mortality rates in the 2 groups of Russian regions that differ in terms of socioeconomic development. Material and methods. The division of regions into 2 groups performed on the basis of the rating of socio-economic situation of the regions, developed by the Rating agency «RIA Rating», included in the media holding «Russia Today» (RIA Rating, 2015). We analyzed standardized mortality rates (the whole population, men, women), age-specific death rates in subgroups of 20–39 years, 40–59let, 60–69 years: a) from all causes; b) from causes related to alcohol and drugs; c) from external causes; g) from a group of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The authors conclude that there are significant differences in mortality between the two groups of regions.

    Authors: Tret’yakov V. V. [1] Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Boytsov S. A. [7]

    Tags: mortality21 socio-economic development of regions1

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  • Foreign experience
  • Foreign and Russian experience in healthcare human resources management: the structure of «other» or «allied» personnel

    The article deals with the current Russian and foreign experience in public health system’ manpower planning, linked to the optimum ratio of healthcare staff with different profiles, the range of other medical personnel and positions of specialists with higher non-medical education. The author offers new approaches towards the structure of the «other» personnel or «allied» health professionals in order to resolve the problem of medical personnel availability for Russian population, accessibility and quality of health care services with reduces economic cost.

    Authors: Tarasenko E. A. [2]

    Tags: allied health professionals1 another health professionals1 health care staffing1 healthcare administration1 human resources4 manpower policy1 «other» medical staff1

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • The possibilities of use of OSDs funds financing for the drug supply in the provision of medical care for patients with rare diseases

    The article analyzes the possibilities of use of means of obligatory medical insurance for drug supply patients with rare (orphan) diseases in the provision of medical care in hospital and day hospital.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [122] Sokolov A. A. [2] Aleksandrova O. Yu. [5] Kosyakova N. [1]

    Tags: mandatory medical insurance10 methods of payment for medical care3 orphan medicinal drug1 rare (orphan) diseases2

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  • Questions and answers
  • Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov

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