Manager Zdravoochranenia 2014 #5
Published: 2014-05-01
The quality of medical care or the quality and safety of medical activity: what are still controlled medical organizations? (Saint Petersburg, Irkutsk, Russia)
In the article the authors reason imperfect regulation of the Federal law dated November 21, 2011, №323-FZ internal quality control and safety of the medical activity. Given specific proposals on consolidation in the law of the concepts of quality of medical activity and safety of medical activity. In addition, the authors have defined the list of measures that must be implemented in a medical organization within the framework of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity.
Quality control of diagnostics research in privately owned medical organizations (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; Ryazan State I.V. Pavlov Medical University, Ryazan, Russia).
Annotation. In the recent time there is established an increasing number of privately owned diagnostics medical organizations. Part of them is included in the system of mandatory health insurance, others — operate only at the cost of public's expense. A great number of research, produced in such organizations, is conducted without physicians prescriptions which can lead to unwanted consequences.
Assessment of reliability of patients' opinion about quality of inpatient care (Ministry of Health care of the Arkhangelsk region, Northern state medical university, Arkhangelsk, Russia)
The problem of evaluation of patients' satisfaction with quality of healthcare is relevant in the process of modernization of national health care system. In order to assess the validity of patients' opinions about the quality of inpatient care 1960 patients aged 18 to 81 years were interviewed. Respondents' satisfaction with the quality of inpatient care is not affected with socio-demographic characteristics of respondents. Respondents' satisfaction is determined by effectiveness of the treatment and satisfaction with some components of the process of providing of inpatient care.
Age- and sex- mortality and years of life lost (YLL) in Russia in 2012 (Federal State Budgetary Institution «Center for Preventive Medicine under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation», Moscow, the Russian Federation)
There is given a valuation of age-sex differences in Russian Federation. There is definied the number of years of life lost as a result of premature mortality in the subjects of Russian Federation. Minimal mortality indexes among male population are marked in the age of 11 years old (25,4 per 100 thousand), among female population at the age of 10 (18,2 per 100 thousand). The maximum differences in indexes of mortality are marked in the age group of 20–29 years old (314,5 per 100 thousand men against 92,3 per 100 thousand women). Quantity of men died before reaching the age of 70 years among men — 63,2%,among women — 29,9%. Total quantity of lost lives due to premature mortality in Russian Federation is estimated in 36 864 309, among them 24 321 992 (65,9%) as a result of men's mortality and 12 542 317 (34,1%) among women. All subjects of Russian Federation demonstrate higher indexes of lost lives than in other economically developed countries. The highest percentage of lost lives due to premature mortality (before 70 years old) is noticed among men in the areas of Siberia and Far East.
Studying of level and dynamics of mortality and severity of consequences of road traffic injuries in Russian Federation (South Ural State Medical University of Ministry of Health-care of Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Russia)
The statistic analysis of mortality and severity of consequences of road traffic injuries in the territory of subjects, Federal districts and Russian Federation as a whole was carried out. Calculation of these indicators was performed on base of four years observation period (2010–2013). Was revealed that mortality in road accidents and severity of consequences of road traffic injuries has certain regional features, and mortality rate in some subjects of Russian Federation remains on high values and has negative dynamics of growth. Thus, the integrated approach for the best organization of the medical service based on regional features of subjects of Russian Federation is necessary for a solution of the problem of mortality in road accidents.
Responsibilities of medical organizations (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)
Аbstract. In the article obligations of the medical organizations (article 79 of the Federal law of November 21, 2011 № 323-FZ «About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation») are analyzed. The subject of duties is defined. The maintenance of such duties as is opened: to inform law-enforcement bodies on arrival of patients concerning whom there are sufficient bases to believe that harm to their health is done as a result of illegal actions; to carry out insurance on a case of infliction of harm of life and (or) to health of the patient when rendering a medical care. In article the maintenance of obligations of the medical organizations fixed in other statutiry sources (for example, in the Federal law of November 29, 2010 № 326-FZ «About obligatory medical insurance in the Russian Federation») is considered.
Medical Information System as a means of excluding medical services and tools for enabling calculation of the wage (Novokuznetsk State Institute of Postgraduate Medicine Ministry of Health of Russia, Novokuznetsk, Russia)
In the context of the single-channel financing medical organizations have received the right to determine the criteria for the distribution of the wage fund among participants diagnostic and treatment process. The main goal — to motivate health care worker to achieve the best outcome and provide quality services to patients. Medical Information System «InfoMuZdrav» takes into account simple and complex medical services performed according to standards of medical care and objectively calculate incentive surcharge for each employee of the medical organization of the amount and quality of work performed.
Challenges with labor compensation at the time of providing medical services within main working hours schedule (FSBI «Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation», Moscow, Russia)
Wide spread opinion on in admissibility of fee based medical services provision instate (municipal) organizations is not confirmed by requirements of normative documents. Moreover, in the number of cases, medical staff was obliged to provide fee based medical services within main working hours schedule. However, this sphere encounters objective normative which is necessary to take in to consideration. Simultaneously, it is important to follow strict rules on labor compensation of employees when they provide fee based medical services within the main hours schedule. Many of them are accurately written down in the Labor Codex.
VII «Петербургский медицинский форум®»
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
The most significant achievements in the world of medicine in 2013 year
Aging — is this the fate of a mankind?
Review of the book by T.M. Maksimova and N.P. Lushkina «Health condition and problems with medical care provision for elderly people»
Public health care — changes in the past decade (in the period from 2000 to 2011 years)
Review of physician's and patient's rights defense system in cases of providing non qualitative medical aid
Review of actual normative documents