Articles with tag: «management»

    Technological management
  • 2013 № 10 Trends in the development of laboratory services in Russia in 2009–2012 (Moscow, Russia)

    The article presents data on the volume and structure of the clinical laboratories in the country. An increase to 16 000 the number of laboratories in the decline in the number of medical facilities of MoH system. The share of centralized clinical diagnostic laboratories in Russia does not exceed 3,8%. The specificity of the laboratory service, which is manifested in the lagging pace of growth from analitical equipments, relatively low labor productivity.

    Authors: Sveschinsky M. L. [2]

    Tags: efficiency11 laboratory services1 management17 regional differences1 staff productivity1 the regions of the russia1 the volume of diagnostic tests1

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • 2015 № 10 How the process of loosing real authority among directors of Federal (Municipal) institutions impact the efficiency of operations in organisations lead by them

    The market conditions in which health care and other social sphere industries operate, issues with financing and so forth prompted the need for reforms, directed on forming an optimal balance between rights and responsibilities of state (municipal) institutions and their leaders. This article looks into opportunities for executing legislatorial rights of Federal Municipal health care institutions from the perspective of matching the authority given to the directors with the responsibilities weighted on them.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: authority of organisation’s senior management1 efficiency11 management17 rights and responsibilities1 state (municipal) institutions7

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2023 № 10 Semantic analysis of the development of the topic of management and management of hospitals from 1945 to 2021.

    The results of the study showed that the subject area on the topic of «Management» and «Hospital Management» has been developing since 1945, but it becomes wider from 1982 to 2021 and acquires clear boundaries of the object of research.
    The analysis of verbs allowed us to come to the conclusion that their number remains approximately at the same level. However, there are differences in the verbs used, so on the topic of «Management», first of all, actions related to the evaluation of the object of study are used, then actions related to the basis of management and then the impact on the object in order to change its state. While researchers on the topic of «Hospital management» are primarily interested in the impact on the object in order to change its condition, then an assessment of the condition of the object, at what stage this object of research is located and then its processing.
    Today, there is a growing interest not only in the general processes of hospital management and management, the stages of its implementation, but also in knowledge in narrow subject areas: cardiology, emergency medical care, medical technologies. It also highlights the continuous evolution of management practices in healthcare, exploring new ideas, strategies and practices to improve the efficiency and quality of «hospital management».
    P u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y is to study the subject area on the topic of management and management of hospitals using semantic analysis.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The works in which the application of semantic analysis, classification of verbs and nouns is directly reflected are studied. Articles were selected based on the presence of terms related to the subject of the study, keywords in the most cited articles were selected. The lexico-semantic analysis of L. M. Vasiliev was used for the analysis of keywords. 10 groups of verbs are defined.
    R e s u l t s . It was found that initially such areas as «Demography», «Gender Sociology», «Obstetrics», «Journalism» were leading in the topic of «Hospital Management». However, by the third period, the leading positions are occupied by «Cardiology», «Emergency medical care», «Medical Technologies». This dynamic indicates a growing interest in both general management processes and specialized knowledge in this area. Also, when analyzing verbs, it was revealed that in the topic «Management» and «Hospital Management» attention is differently focused on their categories. The field of research on the topics of «Management» and «Hospital Management» was divided into health sciences, sociology and business.
    F i n d i n g s . Thus, the results of the study led to the conclusion that today there is a growing interest not only in general management processes, but also in knowledge about management, narrow specialties and features of gender management.

    Authors: Khairullin R. N. [6] Shakirova A. F. [1] Nikiforova E. G. [1]

    Tags: hospital management2 management17 semantic analysis1

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  • 2019 № 7 Improvement of information support and organizational and managerial aspects of the chief doctors of Central district hospitals

    Annotation. The article presents the results of the study of the organization of work of chief physicians of Central district hospitals and their deputies in the Republic of Dagestan. The content of 918 administrative acts issued at the level of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Dagestan and basic CRH for the last 5 years is analyzed. Studied information provision CRH chief doctors and their deputies.
    It is established that opinion acts of management are executed partially or aren’t executed at all. Of the 436 orders of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Dagestan executed 70.6% of 482 orders of chief physicians CRH – 64.2%. About
    half (48.6%) of management decisions fall on personnel issues, 17.5% – on the organization of medical and preventive
    care, 7.1% – on the development of material and technical base. On the basis of research materials recommendations
    on improvement of information support and organizational and administrative aspects of activity of the chief physicians of the Central regional patients are developed.

    Authors: Gadzhiev R. S. [1] Omarova O. A. [1] Agalarova L. S. [1]

    Tags: consultant2 information1 labor organization.3 management17 timekeeping2

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  • 2019 № 8 Reference center of radiology: justification and concept

    The situation in radiology (intensive growth of infrastructure against the background of organizational, methodical
    and managerial problems) requires a new system approach to organization and management. The concept of radiology
    reference center as a structure in the health care system is supposed to provide remote assessment, interpretation, description and control of radiological studies performed in medical centers of all forms of ownership, with the use of telemedicine technologies. The reference center should simultaneously solve organizational, methodological, therapeutic, diagnostic, educational problems, information and coordination tasks and scientific issues. The concept is based on systematized results of publications and own successful experience of creation and effective functioning of the reference center on the basis of the State Funded Healthcare Institution of Moscow “Research and Practical Clinical Center of Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies, Department of Health Care of Moscow”. Basing on the concept, it is necessary to keep developing the scientific and practical aspects of normative, legal and methodological support of the activities of radiology reference centers.

    Authors: Morozov S. P. [1] Vladzymyrskyy A. V. [4] Vetsheva N. N. [1] Ledikhova N. V. [1] Ryzhov S. A. [1]

    Tags: information technologies3 management17 radiology3 reference center2 roentgenology1 telemedicine12

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  • Management in health care
  • 2022 № 6 Expert validation of the clinical laboratory service models’ standardized descriptors

    Introduction. The growing demand for the availability and quality of clinical laboratory tests has necessitated the search for new approaches to organizing and management of laboratory services. At the same time, needs a systematic description of the laboratory services organization models as a background for further improvement. Objective: to validate the description of the laboratory services organization models by standardized characteristics. Methods. A sociological study carried out on the principles of a systematic approach. Research methods: sociological (expert assessments), analytical, statistical. Results and discussion. The inter-expert agreement for the centralization (consolidation) model was 0,626 (95% CI 0,516–0,711), outsourcing (decentralization) – 0,747 (95% CI 0,672–0,804), horizontal integration – 0,784, 95% CI 0,720–0,833, mobile (pointto-care) model – 0,883 (95% CI 0,848–0,909). The first value interpreted as doubtful, significant adjustments made to the model characteristics. The second and third values – as sufficient, minimal adjustments made. Fourth – as good, the description was not changed. The final SWOT-analysis matrices for four models formed. Conclusions. Thanks to expert validation, a methodical change from an empirical to a scientifically based standardized description of the four basic laboratory services organization models made.

    Authors: Vavilova T. V. [2] Goldberg A.  S. [2] Chernish N. Yu. [1]

    Tags: clinical laboratory service1 laboratory diagnostics3 management17 model of organization1

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  • 2016 № 2 Management of blood donor: platelet pooling

    Based on the cost analysis of different types of platelet concentrates (PC) assessed the effectiveness of the introduction of technology pooling of platelets in the Irkutsk Regional Blood Transfusion. Comparative cost analysis of different types of PC, the cost of consumables for the same therapeutic dose PC was performed. It was found that the content of pooled PC cells does not give in to apheresis. The introduction of technology pooling of platelets allows significantly (by 54,4% or more) to reduce the cost of issuing PC. To evaluate provision of PC in the regions it is advisable to consider the number of harvested PC through methods for preform at therapeutic doses.

    Authors: Zarubin M. V. [2] Malyh T. N. [1] Kurnosov N. V. [1] Verevkina L. N. [1] Zhiburt E. B. [15]

    Tags: cost2 efficiency11 management17 platelet dose for adults1 platelets5 pooling4

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  • 2017 № 4 The load on the blood service of medical establishments depending on the volume of platelet transfusions per days of week

    Rate of the frequency of transfusions, goal-setting, and the stratification of 1519 doses of donor platelets on different days of the week have been evaluated in 16 clinics in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The proportion of transfused platelets in the different days of the week has been different at 5.1 times. The needs of clinics, from Sunday to Tuesday inclusive in platelets make up 17.2% of the total consumption and at 61,3% (p < 0,01) more often than on other days of the week are met by apheresis platelets. Maximum uniformity of platelet transfusion dates identified in Children Republic Clinical Hospital, which from Wednesday to Friday inclusive, transfuses 51.2% of platelets, whereas in other hospitals – 76,8% (p < 0,01). Increased frequency of platelet therapy beginning on Friday in small clinics can cause compliance audit for transfusion rules. The results may be useful for evaluating workflow of blood service clinics, improve the efficiency of clinical work.

    Authors: Zhiburt E. B. [15] Sultanbaev U. S. [2] Ayupova R. F. [1]

    Tags: apheresis4 blood banking1 management17 platelets5 pooling4 transfusion3 week1 work organization1

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  • 2020 № 8 Improving rural health care through business process management

    Meeting the needs of the rural population in all types of primary health care (pre-medical and general medical
    care), as well as specialized medical care, improving the quality of medical care for the rural population is an important
    public health problem that is difficult to solve and is of particular concern to government structures at all levels of government. The article presents an analysis of the literature on the use of business processes in modern healthcare, the main tasks of which are the creation and development of effective models for the provision of medical care that increase not only its accessibility and quality, but also the satisfaction of the population. As part of the activities of the modernization program for the implementation of information technology in healthcare, it is planned to create information resources and services that would allow, using this system tool, to move to a qualitatively new level of organization of industry management. It is noted that at present, at the level of management of the medical organization as a whole, and in the management of individual areas of its activity, the application of the process approach is becoming relevant, in which the medical organization can be considered as a separate business system, which is a related set of business processes, the ultimate goal which, undoubtedly, is the provision of quality medical services. It is shown that the development and modeling of business processes will increase the relevance of management information, will make it possible to focus on rationalizing cross-functional processes to significantly reduce time and / or costs, increase revenue, improve service quality and reduce risks, the information system allows you to simulate processes and carry them out further optimization.
    The analyzed works examine the experience of process-oriented management in medical organizations and its role in ensuring the improvement of the quality of medical services provided. In addition, the introduction of a process approach will allow the application of certain managerial decisions necessary in each specific situation, including in the field of medical services for the rural population.

    Authors: Mingazova E. N. [34] Bakirova E. A. [5]

    Tags: business process reengineering1 business processes1 management17 process approach7 quality of medical care21 rural health care2

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  • 2014 № 7 The application of Balanced Scorecard for the evaluation of the medical organization (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia)

    The article is devoted to questions of application of Balanced Scorecard for the evaluation of the medical organization. The result of the work is theoretical substantiation of causality prospects and compilation of the list of indicators for measuring the achievement of objectives within the system of balanced scorecard of outpatient organization. The article concludes on the need to develop methodological approaches to the development of strategic objectives in the framework of the system of balanced indicators.

    Authors: Dvoynikov S. I. [1] Archipova S. V. [1]

    Tags: approach1 balanced scorecard1 benchmarking2 evaluation of medical organization1 management17 system of indicators1

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  • International experience
  • 2019 № 6 Management in modern management in foreign health care systems(scientific literature review)

    This science literature review was conducted for five-year period. It has been established that the process of improvement by lean management has more than 50 years history in industry, and the experience is best carried out, in primary health care; the main of lean management introduction in healthcare is to ensure optimal participation of medical staff in the changes; the concept of medical care in the first place has the aim of improving the quality and availability of healthcare processes; mapping is a basic tool allows to visualize the process of changes and evaluate progress; project management is a method of comprehensive changes in healthcare in which the elements of lean management are also used to ensure general increase in the efficiency of transformations. Lean management is becoming increasingly scientific and practical tool in health management nowadays.

    Authors: Mokina N. A. [1] Vdovenko S. A. [1] Chertukhina O. B. [1]

    Tags: healthcare12 lean  management4 management17 processes1 quality of health care3

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  • Information management
  • 2022 № 2 Network facilities of internal communication of a medical organization.

    For the effective work of employees, it is necessary to competently establish internal communication. To date, dozens of companies provide various network means of internal communication, but not all of them are suitable for a medical organization.
    P u r p o s e of the study is to study the network means of internal communication in a medical organization.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . Network facilities of internal communication, their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed and systematized in the article. The definitions, types of communication networks and communication management are presented. The rules for the security of personal data when using network communication tools are described. A survey of employees was carried out to identify the main facilities of internal communication used, as well as satisfaction from them on the basis of the State Autonomous Healthcare Institution “City Polyclinic No. 21”. A SWOT based on the survey results analysis was carried out.
    R e s u l t s . 85 employees participated in the study. It showed that the main facilities of electronic internal communication used are the WhatsApp messenger and the electronic document management system. WhatsApp isn’t convenient for a significant part of employees to use, also there are too many working chats and messages in this messenger. Employees don’t often use the electronic document management system and there is a significant part of users who don’t like using it.
    F i n d i n g s . One of the most convenient facilities of internal network communication is a corporate social network, which, however, is difficult to implement and expensive in terms of costs. A more accessible means of internal communication is the Telegram messenger.

    Authors: Mazitov M. R. [1] Belskaya E. E. [1] Solovieva E. I. [1] Ganeev K. A. [2]

    Tags: communication management2 communication networks2 communication security2 communication system3 healthcare informatization3 healthcare organization8 improving the efficiency of a medical organization2 information space2 management17 quality management system9

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  • 2022 № 1 About the ability of the Uniform State Health Information System to solve management problems

    The unified state health information system (UHISZ) is becoming a state-significant information system (IS), which is capable of solving any problems of preserving and strengthening the health of citizens.
    Purpose of the study is to substantiate the problems of the construction and functioning of the Unified State Health Information System, the solution of which will multiply the capabilities of the Unified State Health Information System to solve the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of citizens and look for new non-traditional ways to improve their health.
    Results. I n the article, the authors distinguish three levels of problems to be solved. The first level of problems is problems that can be solved at the highest (legislative) level. The second level of problems is the problems that must be solved at the regional level. The third level of problems is the problems faced by ordinary users of the Uniform State Health Information System – doctors and other medical workers.
    The article initially uses the position – “Any information system is a tool for solving management problems.” The authors trace the stages of creating informatization in the Russian Federation from the complex program “Development and implementation of automated consultative systems for diagnosis, prognosis and choice of treatment tactics in emergency conditions”, which substantiated the development of automated systems for the period 1978–1990 until 2018, when Russia was the National Healthcare Project was launched, which includes the Federal project “Creation of a unified digital circuit in health care based on the unified state health information system (Unified State
    Health Information System) ”. The article discusses the problem of the privacy of data on the health of a resident of the region and the privacy of knowledge of the factors that determine both the health of a particular resident of the region and those around him. Preserving the complete privacy of a citizen’s “personal space” will lead to the fact that the Unified State Health Information System will have the most general data on the health of a resident of the region. In this case, it will only be possible to solve those problems that characterize the health of the region’s inhabitants, which were solved without any digitalization. The second level of problems is associated with the work of “Uniform State Health Information System” and support programs operating at the level of the regional health care system. The main
    regional problems associated with “EGISZ” are: problems of licensing of auxiliary programs; problems of accounting for the quantitative parameters of the development of the Uniform State Health Information System and auxiliary programs; problems of control over the work of auxiliary programs; problems of control over the filling of the Uniform State Health Information System; the problem of “user-friendliness of the interface” (especially for departments with cases of “peak work” – emergency departments).
    Separately, it should be noted the issues that are not problems of the functioning of the Uniform State Health Information System, but more characterize the new opportunities that arise in the presence of the Unified State Health Information System, which has a wide range of knowledge about human health. Uniform State Health Information System allows to solve in a different way the traditional tasks of an informational, organizational, medical, economic, scientific and educational nature that exist in the region. The noted fact prompts to look for new problems of assessing the health of residents of the region and ways to solve them, which were previously unavailable due to the lack of systematized data on the treatment and diagnostic process, other aspects of the activities of medical organizations, as well as information on factors affecting the health of residents of the region.
    Conclusions. Any information system is a tool for solving management problems. Without eliminating the problems of replenishing the Uniform State Health Information System with data on the factors influencing the health of the inhabitants of the region, it is impossible to effectively solve the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of the citizens of the region. The data, which, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, are included in the list of closed data, are encrypted in the EGIZS. To oblige the regional health authorities to introduce a licensing mechanism for programs interacting with the regional Unified State Health Information System.
    The development of regional Uniform State Health Information System will lead to a radical change in the view of the traditional tasks of information, organizational, medical, economic, scientific and educational nature, solved in the region.

    Authors: Choloyan S. B. [11] Ekimov A. K. [10] Baigazina E. N. [3] Molodtsov N. S. [3] Kalinina E. A. [5] Posnov A. A. [3]

    Tags: health care24 information systems4 management17

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  • Foreign experience
  • 2017 № 6 Review of international experience in process-oriented management of medical organization on the example of the Mayo clinic (USA)

    The article presents the Genesis of the process approach to management, presented the benefits of this approach, an overview of the implementation of a process-oriented approach at the Mayo clinic, brief description of key aspects of the management of the specified medical organizations

    Authors: Khafizov M. G. [1]

    Tags: analysis of processes1 management17 mayo clinic1 medical care13 process approach7 regulations4 standards1

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  • Focus of problem
  • 2020 № 2 Phenomena of formation and functioning of modern managers in russian healthcare

    The article considers a number of phenomena that determine the features of the formation of the professional trajectory of modern managers in health care. The analysis of factors that determine the appointment of managers to positions, as well as environmental, market, personal, educational, political and other factors that accompany the activities of management personnel in health care is presented.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: competence2 external environment1 health care system5 management17 management personnel1 manager3 personal qualities1 political environment1 qualification6

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  • Digital healthcare
  • 2023 № 10 Assessment of the impact of the implementation of telemedicine in the sphere of health care.

    It has been revealed that telemedicine significantly improves the availability of medical care, especially in remote and sparsely populated regions. It has been determined that the integration of telemedicine can improve the quality of medical care due to prompt consultation of specialists and reduction of time for diagnosis. A direct relationship has been found between the use of telemedicine and patient satisfaction. The key factors influencing the effectiveness of telemedicine are identified: the quality of the Internet connection, the training of medical personnel, and the level of patient awareness. It has been established that the use of the DEMATEL method allows one to deeply
    penetrate the structure of relationships in the telemedicine system and identify potential growth points.
    Purpose of the study is to determine the complex relationships and interactions within the telemedicine system in the context of healthcare.
    Materials and methods. The study is based on the application of the DEMATEL method for analyzing cause-and-effect relationships in a telemedicine system. This method allows you to penetrate deeply into the structure of relationships, identify key factors, and highlight causes and consequences.
    Results. The study results confirm that the integration of telemedicine improves the availability and quality of medical care. The main cause-and-effect relationships influencing the effectiveness of telemedicine in the healthcare context were identified. It has been revealed that telemedicine significantly improves the availability of medical care, especially in remote and sparsely populated regions. It has been determined that the integration of telemedicine can improve the quality of medical care due to prompt consultation of specialists and reduction of time for diagnosis. A direct relationship has been found between the use of telemedicine and patient satisfaction. The key factors influencing the effectiveness of telemedicine are identified: the quality of the Internet connection, the training of medical personnel,
    and the level of patient awareness. It has been established that the use of the DEMATEL method allows one to deeply penetrate the structure of relationships in the telemedicine system and identify potential growth points.
    Findings. The importance of using analytical methods such as DEMATEL in the healthcare system has been confirmed. The use of such methods may be the key to optimization and further development of telemedicine in the digital economy.

    Authors: Nazarov D. M. [1] Badaev F. I. [1]

    Tags: accessibility of medical care3 cause-and-effect relationships1 dematel method1 digital economy1 healthcare12 innovation1 management17 relationships1 strategic planning2 telemedicine12

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  • 2023 № 11 Digital information support of patients in medical organizations.

    Today, digital transformation in the communication of an organization with its customers is more a necessity than a trend. It has penetrated into all spheres of life of modern society, including medical.
    However, only a small proportion of medical organizations (MO) understand this and are ready to switch their organizational systems and processes of communicating with patients to «digital».
    Based on the low level of awareness about digital information support tools and the willingness to allocate the organization’s budget for this, it is advisable at the beginning to focus on optimizing those tools that the Ministry already has and can improve. Thus, an effectively implemented strategy of using digital communication tools will allow the Ministry of Health to attract the attention of potential patients and significantly reduce the cost of existing tools, as well as increasing the effect of it.
    T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y : to study the use of modern digital technologies for patient information support and develop proposals for their implementation and improvement in medical organizations
    M e t h o d s . The study used a descriptive method, questionnaire, analysis, comparison. Based on the results of the survey, a SWOT analysis was compiled.
    R e s u l t s . A survey was conducted among 100 patients of two medical organizations, which showed that digital information support for patients is poorly developed. Attention should be paid to the development and improvement of existing tools such as the website, messengers, social networks and chatbots of medical organizations.
    C o n c l u s i o n s . The introduction by medical organizations of new and improvement of old tools for digital information support of patients has a positive effect on the exchange of information with them. However, there is a clear link between the patient’s age and his desire to use digital means of communication. Based on this, the heads of the Ministry of Health should regularly conduct research on the quantitative and qualitative composition of their patients and, based on them, develop the necessary tools for digital information support.

    Authors: Ganeev K. A. [2]

    Tags: communication management2 communication networks2 communication security2 communication system3 healthcare informatization3 healthcare organization8 improving the efficiency of a medical organization2 information space2 management17 quality management system9

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