Manager Zdravoochranenia 2018 #5

Published: 2018-05-19



    Focus of problem
  • The program of state guarantees as a tool for ensuring social obligations of the state in the field of health protection of citizens

    The program of state guarantees of free medical care is a tactical tool to ensure the social obligations of the state in the field of public health. It is shown that the current system of state guarantees at the macrolevel provides funding for all types, forms and conditions of medical care in the full range of diseases, but free medical care is not fully provided. In the overall structure of health care spending in Russia, the share of personal funds of citizens is almost half, which is more than three times higher than in the European Union. The data presented in the article suggest that the population pays not for the possibility of obtaining medical care, but for its quality. The authors believe that it is necessary to change the relationship between the doctor and the patient, to create conditions for the traditional spiritual and intellectual development of the Russian professional medical community

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20]

    Tags: paid medical services22 program of state guarantees of free medical care2 public health and health care2 state obligations in the sphere of health protection of citizens1

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  • Checklists of healthcare quality control and safety of medical activity: new challenges of medical organizations

    The article substantiates the necessity of analysis and careful study by medical organizations Of checklists (lists of control issues), approved by the order of Roszdravnadzor of December 20, 2017 № 10450. To this end, the authors propose to identify in the test sheets four conditional groups of control issues that have certain features that need to be considered by medical organizations. The article contains a reasonable conclusion that the analysis and careful study of the test sheets should be pre-determined by medical organizations as a mandatory component of internal quality control and safety of medical activities, ensuring its real continuity with the state control of quality and safety of medical activities

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: checklists1 lists of control questions1 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activity12

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  • Management in healthcare
  • Assessments of laboratory centralization projects in the Russian regions (pilot study)

    In the past years, a great amount of centralization projects took place in laboratory medicine in Russia. Advisors’ opinion of 65 Russian regional healthcare departments on the goals, models and results was investigated in the research. It was identified, that goals for such projects are rarely specific, measurable and achievable. The majority of laboratories are small or middle sized. The effects for regional healthcare systems are estimated rarely. In the paper a few typical models are identified, that are used in the country, and a few definitions and methods of project estimation are offered

    Authors: Sveshchinskiy M. L. [2] Goldberg A.  S. [2]

    Tags: centralization3 consolidation1 effectiveness5 efficiency11 goal setting process1 smart1

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  • Population and healthcare
  • Nosological structure of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system of the population in three age groups of the population of the Russian Federation

    The article discusses the influence of errors in coding the causes of death and the inadequate filling of death certificates on the statistics of mortality from circulatory system diseases. Using the example of the ABC-anal¬ysis of the nosological structure of mortality in the Russian Federation from the circulatory system diseases in three age groups in 2014, the possibility of using this approach to optimize prevention and treatment programs to reduce mortality from this pathology is being considered

    Authors: Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Boytsov S. A. [7] Semenov V. Yu. [3] Starinskaya M.  A. [1]

    Tags: causes of mortality1 circulatory system diseases2 mortality21 mortality age structure1

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  • Social aspects of health
  • Patients satisfaction evaluation in healthcare organization (ICDC experience)

    This article studies the experience of the ‘Interregional clinic and diagnostic center’ (ICDC) in the area of patients satisfaction level evaluation and the specific character of satisfaction evaluation in healthcare. The object: to find out frameworks in the patients satisfaction evaluation. Materials and methods: analysis of scientific literature, statistic data of the patients satisfaction evaluation and results of medical and economic activity of the ICDC. Results and conclusions: it was found out that the biggest amount of strong correlations have 4 components of survey on satisfaction evaluation: ‘Professionalism of doctor’, ‘Attitude of doctor’, ‘Appearance of doctor’ and ‘Results of surgi¬cal treatment’. The presence of big amount of strong correlations between these and others components allows us to draw a conclusion about systemic character of these components in the satisfaction structure. A significant effect of external subjective factors on the results of patient’s satisfaction evaluation was observed, such as politeness, tactfulness of doctor and nurse, their appearance. It was determined that the level of patients evaluation is associated with figures of economic activity of a healthcare institution. There is a strong positive correlation between them

    Authors: Kupriyanov R. V. [6] Zharkova E. V. [3] Khairullin R. N. [6]

    Tags: healthcare institutions1 nocebo1 patients' satisfaction2 placebo1

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  • It management
  • The Volgograd region uniform territorial system of the blood circulatory system diseases screening at country people with use of telemedicine technologies

    In article the expediency of the organization of the uniform territorial system of screening of diseases of the blood circulatory system diseases screening at country people with use of telemedicine technologies in the Volgograd region, the choice of a method of an electrocardiography for carrying out remote screening is proved, the schematic diagram of the organization of telecardioscreening of country people, results of pilot implementation of the project is submitted

    Authors: Berseneva E. A. [5] Shkarin V.  V. [1] Kurakov D.  A. [1] Pokatilov A.  B. [1] Savostina Е.  А. [1]

    Tags: blood circulatory system diseases1 organization of medical care to country people1 screening1 telemedicine technologies3

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  • Special opinion
  • Defects of clinical examination and their qualification in the system of compulsory medical insurance: principles of uniformity of expert practice

    Authors: Starchenko A. A. [34] Tarasova O. V. [4]

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  • Manager of healthcare consults
  • The procedure for the formation of staff lists of state (municipal) health care institutions

    The staff schedule determines the composition and structure of positions, is an important tool for regulating labor relations in the team. At the same time, it is an important economic tool. The powers of the head of the medical organization depend on its rights on the formation of the staffing structure. Often the staff list becomes the object of disputes and conflicts with the founders and various regulatory authorities. The article discusses the legal basis for the formation of staffing in state (municipal) health care institutions

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Starodubov V. I. [40]

    Tags: powers of state (municipal) institutions1 regulation2 staff list1 staff standards1

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  • Questions and answers
  • Questions  answered  by  PhD  of  Economic  F.N.  Kadyrov

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

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  • Feedback
  • About the legality of the payment for the provision of medical care in the emergency form

    The journal “Health Manager” published an article by Kadyrov F. N. and Sorokina Yu. A, which contains the statement that in the emergency form of medical care can be provided at the expense of personal funds of citizens. Often the uncertainty of legal norms leads to their ambiguous understanding and creates the possibility of their various applications. However, with regard to the possibility of providing medical assistance in an emergency form for a fee, the existing legal norms clearly do not allow such a possibility. The author believes that the publication contains a wrong interpretation of the legal norms that promotes intensive commercialization of public health institutions, but does not support citizens of a special category – who are in danger and in a helpless state

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20]

    Tags: emergency medical assistance1 forms and terms of rendering of medical aid1 obligatory medical insurance3 providing medical assistance in emergency form1 types1

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