Articles with tag: «high-tech medical care»
2016 № 6 High-tech medical care for patients with rare diseases problems of organization and financing
The article analyzes the problem of providing high-tech medical care for patients with rare (orphan) diseases. The authors propose recommendations for improving organizational and financial mechanisms of the organization of medical care for patients with rare (orphan) diseases.
2022 № 7 Topical issues of organization and financial support of high-tech medical care
The article provides a historical overview of changes in approaches to the financial provision of high-tech assistance, analyzes the causes of these changes, shows the system that has developed at the moment.
Comments are given on the most relevant changes concerning the financial provision of high-tech medical care. -
2015 № 9 Upgrading of organizational technologies for improvement of availability of high-tech medical care to cardiosurgical patients by the example of the Moscow Region
Annotation. The paper describes the mechanism for upgrading of organizational technologies for improvement of availability of high-tech medical care to cardiosurgical patients, based on regional vascular centers and primary vascular departments in medical organizations in the Moscow Region, as well as on Vascular Center of MONIKI and availability of the leading Federal clinics of MoH RF and RAS. Positive trends in decreasing cardiovascular mortality among population of the Moscow regions are presented with compatible parameters.
2013 № 9 Investment strategy to economic efficacy assessment of medical intervention (coronary artery bypass graft surgery) (Almazov Federal Heart, Blood and Endocrinology Centre, Saint-Petersburg State University of Service and Economics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
The studies of investment strategy as one of the methods of economic efficacy assessment of high-tech medical care (coronary artery bypass surgery, CABG), when medical care is considered to be an investment project (capital investment — is a high-tech medical care at the cost of R — into patient quality of life improvement) made possible future treatment cost reduction. The research has shown, that CABG is not only high clinical, but also cost effective economic medical intervention. Parameters of investment project efficacy were used to assess medical care cost-effectiveness. The result correlates with medical care value and patient life expectancy.
2016 № 9 New mechanism for financing high-tech medical care in 2017: characteristics and risks
Federal hospitals will receive state funds to provide high-tech medical aid from the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund directly, and not from the budget of its founder or of insurance companies in 2017. Thus, in relation to Federal clinics it is planned to implement the mechanism of financing expensive medical interventions, which, according to the authors, is neither the budget nor the insurance. The authors have shown that legislative innovations and their associated risks will require from the Ministry of health of Russia and the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund serious work to ensure the necessary accessibility for citizens is costly, but most effective methods of medical care.
I n t r o d u c t i o n . In article problems of availability of high-tech medical care for residents of separately taken region are considered.
Communication of an increase of the rendered medical care depending on sources of financing and a regulation of a level cofinancing is analyses.
T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y : a background of principles of realization of the program of the state guarantees of free rendering of medical aid at availability of insufficient financing the region, based on the analysis of existing problems in the organization of maintenance of availability of high-tech medical care.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . In research were used a database of a subsystem of monitoring of realization of the state task on rendering high-tech medical care of information-analytical system of Ministry of Health of Russia and regulatory legal documents.
The statistical, analytical method and a content-analysis were applied.
R e s u l t s a n d d i s c u s s i o n . It is revealed, that at a quadruple increase of medical institutions rendering the given type of the help in territory of region, the percent of its rendering decreases, not leaving for its limits. Since 2012, decrease in grants from the federal budget almost twice is ascertained. Thus during last four years financing from means of the budget of the Astrakhan area remains at a constant level.
C o n c l u s i o n . For the big percent of the patients leaving for limits of region, the given type of the help in fact is not at all «free» as there is an indispensability of payment of additional inspection and travel. And absence of a precise regulation of a level cofinancing provides the way to allocate money resources from the federal budget by «a residual principle». -
2018 № 10 Analysis of morbidity, mortality from malignant neoplasmsand organization specialized medical care for the population with oncological pathology in Moscow region
The article presents morbidity and mortality in the Moscow (MO) from cancer for improvement organization of specialized medical care with oncology pathology. An analysis is made of the reasons for the excess of the specialized Medical Assistance (MSP) (including high-tech medical care - ВМП) for residents of the Ministry of Defense for malignant neoplasms more than 2 times mean values for the Russian Federation, in a 24-hour hospital due to a larger residents of the Moscow region of the NSR and the VMP at the expense of federal medical centers in Moscow.
2022 № 10 Evolution of regional regulatory and legal acts concerning the organization and financings of high-tech medical care
Article represents the review of regulatory-legal base of the devoted organization of rendering and financial maintenance of high-tech medical care. Acts accepted both at a level of the Russian Federation as a whole, and in separately taken region are considered. Dynamics of variation of volumes and sources of financing of the given type of the help is traced. Data as about the solved problems in the organization of high-tech medical care, and about legal blanks in the legislation cite. The major factor preventing an increase of availability of high-tech medical care, it is considered deficiency of financing and imperfection of mechanisms of planning of volumes. Rendering of high-tech medical care due to the state sources of financing, requires perfection, especially concerning absence of the precise rules of a level co-financing. The decision of the given questions will assist as a result to growth of security of the population of Russia by high-tech medical care.
2023 № 6 Payment methods for primary health care, specialized (including high-tech) medical care in the compulsory health insurance system: the logic of the most urgent changes in the tariff policy of 2023.
The article discusses new methodological approaches to the methods of paying for medical care in the compulsory medical insurance system for 2023, including those approved by recently issued regulatory legal acts, as well as joint recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS).
The article analyzes the main reasons for changes in the tariff policy and their expected consequences in terms of increasing the motivation of medical organizations.
It is noted that there is a need to revise the remuneration systems of employees of medical organizations (primarily state and municipal) in order to more closely link incentive payments with performance indicators used in determining the amount of payment for medical care, which is intended to become an important motivation tool for improving the availability and quality of primary health care and, as a consequence, reducing the need for specialized medical care.
An overview of innovations in the payment of high-tech medical care is given. -
2018 № 10 About the transparency of compulsory health insurance
The problem of insufficient information openness in the system of compulsory medical insurance in Russia is considered. The non-transparency of the procedures of planning and execution of its budget of the Federal Fund of obligatory medical insurance. Distribution of subventions is carried out by mathematical formulas, the principles of calculations are not defined, and the coefficients used - closed. Financing the high-tech health sector is becoming unregulated. The list of new expensive medical services includes operations performed in the middle of the last century. In the system of obligatory medical insurance it is necessary to provide a clear and open mechanism for the development, adoption of and implement solutions related to common health problems
2015 № 4 High-tech medical care in the system of compulsory health insurance
Health care reform had an impact on the such expensive type of medical services as a high-tech medical care. Since in 2015, as planned new federal legislation, went into the system of compulsory health insurance. Answer to the question, what is the purpose of the transfer of high-tech health care insurance rails, whether all the volume of this type of medical care today is subordinate stringent requirements of the compulsory health insurance, and what kind of the medical organization involved in providing this type of care, to what extent and for the what funds are reimbursed which health organizations can get the volume of the entire high-tech medical care, dedicated to this material.