Manager Zdravoochranenia 2014 #11
Published: 2014-11-22
Сontents of internal control quality and safety of medical activities in medical organizations: what should it be and what hinders it (Saint Petersburg; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)
The issue deals with the fact that today in most medical organizations in the country is not built system of internal control quality and safety of medical activities, as provided by applicable law. In this context, the article presents and justified proposals for the filling of the internal control quality and safety of medical activities specific areas of work corresponding to the requirements of state control. The factors hindering the development of internal quality control and safety of medical activities.
Obstacles on the path of centralization of clinical and laboratory investigation (ADVENSUM Ltd, Moscow, Russia)
The article presents the analysis of the state centralization of clinical laboratory research in the country. Reveals the reasons hindering the centralization at different levels of the health care system of Russia. The urgency of centralization and ways of its implementation in order to improve clinical effectiveness of laboratory tests and the quality of health care for the population.
Defects of medical aid to women in deaths in the perinatal period at the regional level (State Medical Academy of the city of Izhevsk, Izhevsk, Russia)
There has been given an expert valuation of medical services quality when dealing with perinatal mortality in Udmurtskaya Republic. There has been identified a significant spectrum of curing, diagnostics and organizationalstrategic defects. There were registered defects in diagnostics of pathological state and forecast on there productive losses. On the basis of detected defects, there were formed ways of optimizing medical aid on all stages of its provision with the aim to minimize perinatal losses.
Data on the number of homeless and neglected minors, placed in medical-preventative organizations in 2013 over time from 2009 to 2013 years (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
There is presented data on the number of homeless and neglected minors, placed in medical-preventative organizations in 2013 over time from 2009 to2013 years. There was analyzed it's morbidity (including socially associated diseses) in Russia as a whole and in constituent members of the Federation. Moreover, there are analyzed outcomes of their stay in stationaries, frequency of mortality outcomes by territories. There has been stated an increase in growth of morbidity among homeless children infected with such diseases as tuberculosis, HIV as well as infractions and toxications.
Legal fundamentals surrounding medical aid provision to citizens, suffering from diseases, representing danger to wider public (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)
There were studied special aspects of the medical aid provision to people, suffering from socially important diseases and diseases representing threat to the wider public. There was generated a definition of infectious diseases and were presented statistical data. There is determined a set of rules on providing medical aid to patients, suffering from tuberculosis and HIV-infection. The article points out to the flaws in legal regulation administrating provision of medical aid without patient's per mission. Russian legislation lacks norms, regulating administrative law enforcement relative to citizens of mentioned category.
Personalized record-keeping of persons involved in the health care (Military medical academy of S.M. Kirov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia).
It was carried out an analysis of the current state of the procedure of personal record-keeping in the process of medical care conduction of persons involved in the health care and its impact on the public health system. There were substantiated and formulated some proposals to improve it as well as prospects of application in medical information systems.
About the direction of recommendations in regional «road maps», directed on improving healthcare effectiveness Letter of Russian Ministry of HealthCare 11.03.2014 №16-3/10/1-1084
Federal recommendations on regional and municipal remuneration systems in the health care (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russian Federation, Moscow)
Letter of Russian Ministry of Healthcare dated on 04.09.2014 № 16-3/10/2-6752 «On improving regional and municipal systems of renumeration of medical employees» suggests a significant increase of salaries shares in total amount of renumeration (up to 55–60%). There goings analyzed current situation with salaries and concluded, that there are difficulties associated with execution of proposals of Russian Ministry of HealthCare. The risks, related to formal implementation of these proposals are described in this article.
Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov
Review of actual normative documents