Articles with tag: «stimulation payouts»

    Management in health care
  • 2013 № 3 Efficient contract in health care: opportunities and risks (Central Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatization, Ministry of Healthcare, Moscow, Russia)

    Article is dedicated to problems of implementing efficient contract into health care. Currently, there are created descent conditions for implementing efficient contract into health care, what provides circumstances for its future successful realization. But, on the other hand, there is required a flexible policy not only towards terms, included in labor contracts with employees but towards the process of implementing efficient contract itself. Especially, when health care is characterized by great diversity: not everywhere the same approaches for stimulation are acceptable and reasonable. In the article there is given an analysis of opportunities and threats, related to implementing efficient contract, there are suggested measures countering these threats.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Starodubov V. I. [40]

    Tags: efficient contract9 evaluation of employee's activity1 financial stimulation2 labor compensation4 stimulation payouts1

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