  • 2017 № 9 The discussion about mandatory compliance with medical organizations standards of medical care

    The authors in the order of discussion into details justify and prove that currently approved and put into effect in the prescribed manner the standards of medical care mandatory for medical organizations and doctors

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: clinical guidelines5 law enforcement agencies1 medical organization53 standards of medical care5

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  • Focus of problem
  • 2023 № 10 Legal regulation of test purchases in the provision of paid medical services: relevance of the issue for medical organizations.

    The article presents a detailed analysis of the Federal Law of July 31, 2020 № 248-FZ “On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation” in the context of such a control (supervisory) event as a test purchase in the provision of paid medical services. Heads of medical organizations need to know and take into account in their activities that grounds for conducting a control purchase of paid medical services may arise, including when supervisory authorities carry out control measures without interaction with controlled persons, and as a result of a preventive visit. Legislative consolidation of test purchases as a method of control (supervision) over the provision of paid medical services requires medical organizations to ensure their constant readiness in terms of knowledge
    by employees of the medical organization of the established procedure and mechanisms for its implementation. The implementation by Roszdravnadzor bodies of a test purchase within the framework of federal state control (supervision) of the quality and safety of medical activities once again confirms that the issues of providing paid medical services should be constantly in the spotlight when medical organizations conduct internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities. The authors substantiate that organizing and conducting control purchases of paid medical services is a very promising control (supervisory) measure for its active use by supervisory authorities.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control measures without interaction with controlled persons1 medical organization53 paid medical services22 preventive visit1 quality  control  and  safety  of  medical  activities4 test purchase1

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  • 2023 № 5 Risks of advanced training of doctors in private educational institutions: causes, consequences, what to do

    The article discusses in detail the reasons for the low quality of training of doctors in private educational institutions. Among them, the absence of the necessary personnel and material and technical base for training, the implementation of activities with gross violations of the law, the imperfection of legal regulation in the field of education, etc. of which today additional professional medical education programs are being implemented with gross violations of the requirements established by the legislation on education, creates significant legal risks for doctors in terms of the validity of their admission to professional activities. The article emphasizes that the low quality of medical training
    provided by a significant number of private educational organizations that implement additional professional medical education programs inevitably leads to a decrease in the quality of medical care provided, which today must be considered as one of the factors that threaten the national country’s security. Measures are proposed to correct the current situation.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: additional professional medical education programs1 distance learning3 licensing of educational activities2 national security1 private educational organizations1 professional development of doctors1 professional standards7

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  • 2022 № 8 Professional standards: the role and importance in ensuring the quality and safety of medical activities, the main tasks

    The article deals into detail with the application of professional standards in the activities of medical organizations and in the training of medical personnel. The authors substantiate that the application of professional standards in the regulation of labor relations of medical workers, as well as in the development and implementation of both professional educational programs and additional professional programs is an essential tool for ensuring the quality and safety of medical activities. The main tasks facing today in the field of the application of professional standards, the implementation of which will contribute to improving the quality and safety of medical activities, are identified: the creation of legal mechanisms for the effective application of professional standards by educational organizations; ensuring continuity in the application of professional standards between the training of medical personnel and the regulation of labor relations in the process of medical activity; the need to constantly maintain professional standards up to date

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: additional professional programs2 job descriptions3 medical education1 medical organizations23 medical personnel7 professional educational programs1 professional standards7 qualification characteristics2 qualification requirements2 quality and safety of medical activity12

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  • 2022 № 3 Control (Supervision) without interaction with a controlled person, as a new form of control over the provision of paid medical services: what the heads of medical organizations need to know

    Currently, Roszdravnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor in the established areas of state control (supervision) over the provision of paid medical services are entitled to exercise control (supervision) without interaction with a controlled person, in which the following are carried out: monitoring compliance with mandatory requirements and on-site follow-up. Due to the fact that control (supervisory) measures without interaction with the controlled person are implemented without prior notification of the controlled persons, the conduct of these measures by the supervisory authorities is likely to entail an increase in the number of unscheduled inspections of medical organizations, including
    control procurement. The emergence of a new type of control (supervisory) measures without interaction with a controlled person is one of the significant factors that increase the responsibility of medical organizations in terms of compliance with the requirements established by law for the procedure and conditions for the provision of paid medical services.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control (supervision) without interaction2 controlled person2 mandatory requirements3 on-site examination2 paid medical services22 quality and safety of medical activities9 safety monitoring2

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  • 2020 № 6 What checks are cancelled and which are retained for medical organizations of the country in terms of the situation with coronavirus infection

    The article contains a detailed analysis of the legal acts issued in April 2020 in connection with coronavirus infection and regulating the issues of state control (supervision) in relation to medical organizations until the end of 2020. In the publication, the authors present the main control and Supervisory measures that will be carried out in medical orga- nizations during 2020. A number of issues related to the legal regulation of control and Supervisory activities that require clarification are identified. In terms of the quality and safety of medical activities, the attention of medical organizations is drawn to the expediency of ensuring their own maximum readiness for various scenarios of carrying out certain control and Supervisory measures established before the end of 2020.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: coronavirus  infection12 license  control1 medical organizations23 on-site unscheduled  inspections1 quality and safety of medical activity12 remote  monitoring  tools1 scheduled  inspections1 unscheduled  inspections2

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  • 2020 № 2 Phenomena of formation and functioning of modern managers in russian healthcare

    The article considers a number of phenomena that determine the features of the formation of the professional trajectory of modern managers in health care. The analysis of factors that determine the appointment of managers to positions, as well as environmental, market, personal, educational, political and other factors that accompany the activities of management personnel in health care is presented.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: competence2 external environment1 health care system5 management17 management personnel1 manager3 personal qualities1 political environment1 qualification6

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  • 2020 № 1 Is the medical organization obliged to ask the patient for an identity document when applying for paid medical services?

    The article shows and proves that when a patient applies for paid medical services, a medical organization is obliged to ask him for an identity document. First of all, this is enshrined in the requirements for the maintenance of accounting and reporting documentation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the authors emphasize that even if the patient does not have an identity document, the refusal to conclude a contract for the provision of paid medical services is unacceptable. The issue of presentation of an identity document by a patient when applying for the provision of paid medical services became particularly relevant after the introduction of such a control tool as the control purchase of paid medical services.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control purchase2 identity document1 medical documentation2 medical organization53 paid medical services22 patient13 quality control and safety of medical activity3

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  • 2019 № 10 Requirements to internal control of quality and safety of medical activity according to the Оrder of Ministry of health of the Russian Federation of 07.06.2019 № 381n: how to ensure coordination of work of system on internal control and the medical commission

    In the article the authors emphasize the importance of the Requirements for the organization and conduct of internal control of quality and safety of medical activities, approved by the order of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation of 07.06.2009 № 381n, in terms of ensuring continuity between the content of internal control of quality and safety of medical activities, on the one hand, and the directions of state and departmental control of quality and safety of medical activities, on the other hand. The publication details and substantiates the mechanisms of interaction on internal control between the Commission (service) on internal control and the medical Commission of the medical organization.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: authorized person on quality and safety of medical activity1 commission (service) on internal control1 control of quality and safety of medical activity1 internal control7 medical commission6

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  • 2019 № 6 Control purchase when providing paid medical services: what medical organizations must know

    The article deals with changes in legislation relating to the test purchase in order to verify compliance with the medical organization of the order and conditions of paid medical services. It is emphasized that control purchases in the provision of paid medical services is now one of the areas of state control of quality and safety of medical activity. The authors present the characteristics of the control purchase in conjunction with other forms and methods of control, including unscheduled inspections and control without interaction with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs. It is noted that the control purchase in the provision of paid medical services can be used by the relevant Supervisory authorities not only in the implementation of state quality control and safety of medical activities, but also in the implementation of supervision in the field of consumer protection, as well as in the implementation of the Federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.
    Keywords: control purchase,  paid  medical  services,  medical  organization,  control  without  interaction  with  legal  entities,  unscheduled  on-site  inspections,  quality  control  and  safety  of  medical  activities,  separate  types  of  state  control  (surveillance)
    … Р. 6-10
    Abstract. The article deals with changes in legislation relating to the test purchase in order to verify compliance with the medical organization of the order and conditions of paid medical services. It is emphasized that control purchases in the provision of paid medical services is now one of the areas of state control of quality and safety of medical activity. The authors present the characteristics of the control purchase in conjunction with other forms and methods of control, including unscheduled inspections and control without interaction with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs. It is noted that the control purchase in the provision of paid medical services can be used by the relevant Supervisory authorities not only in the implementation of state quality control and safety of medical activities, but also in the implementation of supervision in the field of consumer protection, as well as in the implementation of the Federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control  without  interaction  with  legal  entities1 control purchase2 medical organization53 paid medical services22 quality  control  and  safety  of  medical  activities4 separate  types  of  state  control  (surveillance)1 unscheduled  on-site  inspections1

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  • 2018 № 9 Does the right health professional to work as a chief physician or his deputy?

    The article provides a detailed legal analysis of the formulation of one of the most important licensing requirements for the presence of a certificate(s) of the head (Deputy head) of a medical organization. The authors provide an unambiguous interpretation of this license requirement, which is that the presence of a certificate of a specialist in the specialty “health care organization and public health”, in the presence of the necessary length of service, gives the doctor the right to fill the position of the head (Deputy head) of a medical organization, regardless of the presence or absence of a certificate of a specialist in any other specialty

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: licensing requirements2

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  • 2018 № 8 Duties of the doctors and the quality control and safety of medical activity: what to consider in a medical organization

    The article deals with the issues of registration and content of duties of a doctor in connection with the implementation of the state control of quality and safety of medical activities on checklists (lists of control issues). The authors pay attention to the direct requirement of the legislation in the field of health care, concerning the obligatory presence of job descriptions of doctors, as well as justify in detail where and how the medical organization should be prescribed job duties and duties of a doctor. The article shows that in the duties of a doctor it is necessary to document the provisions on compliance with the requirements for ensuring the quality and safety of medical activity.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: doctor’s duties1 doctor’s job duties1 employment contract5 job descriptions3 quality and safety of medical activity12

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  • 2018 № 5 Checklists of healthcare quality control and safety of medical activity: new challenges of medical organizations

    The article substantiates the necessity of analysis and careful study by medical organizations Of checklists (lists of control issues), approved by the order of Roszdravnadzor of December 20, 2017 № 10450. To this end, the authors propose to identify in the test sheets four conditional groups of control issues that have certain features that need to be considered by medical organizations. The article contains a reasonable conclusion that the analysis and careful study of the test sheets should be pre-determined by medical organizations as a mandatory component of internal quality control and safety of medical activities, ensuring its real continuity with the state control of quality and safety of medical activities

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: checklists1 lists of control questions1 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activity12

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  • 2018 № 4 The role and importance of criteria for evaluating the quality of medical care, approved by order of ministry of health of Russia from 10.05.2017 n203n for healthcare organizations working in the mandatory health insurance system

    The article analyzes the regulatory framework governing the quality control of medical care in the system of mandatory health insurance (MHI) and the application of criteria for assessing the quality of medical care in a medical organization. It is noted that the criteria for assessing the quality of medical care are an integral tool for ensuring and controlling the quality of medical care for all medical organizations without exception, including those operating in the MHI system. The authors explain and emphasize that the legislation on compulsory medical insur¬ance in no way limits the use of these criteria medical organizations working in MHI. At the same time application of the specified criteria allows to prevent or reduce number of defects of medical care / violations at rendering medical care, and also number of defects of registration of primary medical documentation

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control of the quality of medical care1 examination of the quality of medical care4 mandatory health insurance5 medical care13 medical organization53 quality assessment criteria1

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  • 2017 № 10 Criteria for assessing the quality of health care: what to consider and how to ensure compliance in a healthcare organization

    The issue deals with the organization of work on the application of criteria to assess the quality of care in a medical organization. The authors pay attention to a number of characteristics that must be taken into account specified criteria, including note that work on their application not only largely concerned, but also overlap with the functions of the medical Commission of the medical organization. The article shows that the use in a medical organization criteria for evaluating the quality of medical care is one of the tools that ensures the continuity of inter¬nal control of the quality and safety of medical activities with the departmental and state control of the quality and security of medical activity

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: criteria6 medical commission6 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activity12 quality control4

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  • 2017 № 9 Credit for accreditation of the specialist: some results of the «credit fever» in the russian health system

    The authors indicate that the main reason is over the past two years, the health system of Russia «credit fever» (the desire of doctors to earn credits and points for the upcoming accreditation) is the commercial interest of those who sell doctors credits for participation in conferences and seminars. The article noted that the process of providing doctors with credits was the most ambitious business project in the Russian healthcare system over the past 25 years. Getting doctors of points, credits, hours, credit units for participation in workshops and conferences on a commercial basis is unacceptable as this scheme does not increase the professional level of doctors, constrains and limits of their professional interests, undermines the state system of additional professional education of doctors, limits the availability of doctors to free conferences and seminars

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: a professional non-profit organizations1 accreditation4 commercial interests1 conferences2 credits1 seminars2 state educational organizations1

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  • 2017 № 8 Standards of medical care: whether they are mandatory for compliance with medical organizations?

    In the Federal legislation of public health has stated that «medical care is organized and is … on the basis of standards of medical care…». The phrase «on the basis of standards of medical care» is interpreted differently in medical institutions, in connection with which the question often arises: «do I have to perform the standards of care, or they are Advisory in nature?». In the article the authors substantiate and prove that is currently approved in the prescribed manner the standards of care mandatory for medical organizations and doctors

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: inspections1 medical organization53 monitoring3 quality and safety of medical practice4 standards of medical care5

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  • 2017 № 7 The duty of medical organizations inform about the doctors: what is informing and how to organize it

    The article deals with the responsibility of medical organizations to provide information on doctors, their level of education and qualifications. Presented and substantiated list of specific information about doctors who have to post every medical organization on the official site in a network “the Internet”, as well as on the stands. The authors demonstrated that even if the doctor your consent to the placing of personal data (information about the doctor), which in accordance with legislation, obliged to submit medical organization, the placement of these data on its official site in a network “the Internet”, as well as on the stands should be continued. Stressed that the problem of placing medical organizations and maintaining up to date information about doctors, including their level of education and qualification, necessary water supply amount, and in strict accordance with the established requirements is one of the most important ways of ensuring and monitoring the quality and safety of medical activity

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: certificate of accreditation1 graduate certificate1 information about the doctor1 level of education and qualifications1 medical organization53 medical organization site1 personal data3 the quality and safety of medical practice1

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  • 2017 № 5 A new control tool in healthcare: a control without interacting with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

    The article deal with the emergence of a new monitoring tool in the health sector – organization and conduct of control measures without the cooperation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The authors note that the legislation of the Russian Federation contains a significant amount of the requirements for medical organizations
    to embed and provide information. Thus compliance with these requirements will be validated by the Supervisory authorities by carrying out control activities without interaction with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs. All this increases the responsibility of medical organizations and confronts them with new challenges when conducting internal monitoring the quality and safety of medical activity.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: caution1 control without interaction with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs1 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activity12 requirements1

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  • 2017 № 3 Issue of evaluation of the doctor’s report for accreditation

    The article deal with the questions of information security, related to the assessment of the report of the doctor in the procedure of accreditation of specialist. The authors note that current Regulation of the accreditation of professionals do not transparent that information about the professional achievements should reflect the doctor in the report which he submits to the accreditation Commission. With the exception of information about the development of professional development programmes is not established, and criteria of doctor’s report of the accreditation Commission. All this makes the assessment of the report of the doctor not transparent within the accreditation of a specialist and requires the necessary correction.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: accreditation of specialist? training programmes1 portfolio1 professional achievements1 report of doctor1

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  • 2017 № 2 New tasks and directions of work of the medical commision in the system of providing and controlling the quality and safety of medical activities

    The article deals with the reasons of insufficiently work of medical commissions of medical organizations. It was noted that today the medical Commission, continuing to be the third level of quality control of medical care in medical organization, often is the third level of quality control and safety of medical activities. In the publication of the proposals to improve the efficiency of the medical Commission, including revealed the contents of its work in accordance with the objectives and functions set by law, which often remain outside the purview of heads of medical organizations.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: medical commission6 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activities9 quality of medical care21 safety of medical activities2

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  • 2016 № 10 Accreditation specialist: myths, realities, risks, proposals

    The article analyzes into detail the situation related to the newly introduced procedure of accreditation experts, caused by the professional community a set of questions. The authors show convincingly that doctors do not need to be mandatory to get collecting credits in order to in the future be accredited. In the publication are listed and thoroughly analysed risks relevant to the requirements for the procedure of accreditation of specialist. One of the risks named a possible limitation of the availability for doctors free conferences and seminars. The article contains a large block of proposals concerning the accreditation of specialist, including the formation of the system of continuous medical education.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: accreditation of specialist1 conferences2 educational events1 educational organizations1 health professional non-profit organizations1 seminars2 training programmes1

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  • Focus of the problem
  • 2023 № 7 New rules of paid medical services: is a medical organization required to have an official website.

    The Rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations, approved by Government Decree No. 736 dated May 11, 2023, significantly expand the requirements that provide for an increase in the amount of information about the contractor and the paid medical services provided by him, which the medical provider must provide to the consumer. organization. Taking into account these requirements, the article considers in detail the question of whether medical organizations providing paid medical services are required to have their own official website. The authors substantiate that all medical organizations providing paid medical services, but not participating in the implementation of the State Guarantees Program, are required to post the information provided by law about themselves and about
    the paid medical services they provide on the Internet. At the same time, the specified information may be posted on the official website on the Internet and (or) in other information systems on the Internet. At the same time, all medical organizations providing paid medical services must take into account the risks associated with the use of information systems owned by foreign legal entities and citizens, the use of which is subject to the prohibitions established by Part 8 of Art. 10 of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”. One way to account for these risks is to create or develop your own official sites on the Internet.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: information systems on the internet1 informing the consumer1 medical organization53 official website1 paid medical services22 personal data3

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  • 2023 № 6 On the need to improve federal legislation in terms of clarifying and fixing the legal status of junior medical personne.

    Currently, in the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legal status of persons from among the junior medical personnel in terms of classifying them as medical workers is not clearly defined. This is due to the fact that junior medical personnel do not pass the accreditation of a specialist and, in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of Art. 69 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Fundamentals) does not have the right to carry out
    medical activities. This circumstance significantly reduces the social security of junior medical personnel and requires mandatory legal correction.
    The article presents a detailed analysis of the legislation, which substantiates in detail the need to clarify and consolidate the legal status of junior medical personnel. To this end, the legislator is invited to state part 1 of Art. 69 of the Fundamentals as follows: “Persons who have received medical or other education in Russian organizations engaged in educational activities and who have been accredited by a specialist, as well as persons filling other positions of medical workers specified in the nomenclature of positions, have the right to carry out medical activities in the Russian Federation medical workers and pharmaceutical workers, approved by the authorized federal executive bodies.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: junior medical personnel2 medical activities2 medical workers5 nomenclature of positions1 professional standards7 professional training programs1 specialist accreditation1

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  • 2023 № 4 Problematic issues of contractual relations between a medical worker and a medical organization: what needs to be paid attention to the head of a medical organization and a medical worker

    The “Guidelines for Compliance with Mandatory Requirements in Carrying Out Medical Activities” approved by Roszdravnadzor on November 11, 2022, noted that the most common violations include the licensee’s lack of employment contracts with employees performing work (services) permitted by the license. In this regard, the article substantiates in detail the need to conclude an employment contract with every medical worker working in a medical organization, regardless of whether this organization is his main place of work or not.
    The authors show that when a medical organization engages a medical worker from another medical organization to consult patients on a regular basis, it is also necessary to conclude an employment contract with him. At the same time, when a medical organization engages a medical worker of another medical organization on a paid basis for one-time/separate consultations, a civil law contract can be concluded with him. The article emphasizes that the concepts of “consultant” and “medical consultation” require their disclosure in the legislation, which determine the legal status of specialists involved in consultations and give a detailed description of medical consultations.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: civil law contract1 consultant2 consultation2 employment contract5 job duties2 labor function1 labor relations3 medical organization53 medical worker3

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  • 2023 № 2 Periodic accreditation by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 10.28.2022 No. 709n: which option of professional development is more preferable for a doctor

    The article analyzes in detail the possible options for training a doctor, offered by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 28, 2022 No. 709n in order to prepare for periodic accreditation. The authors substantiate in detail that in order to pass periodic accreditation, the most high-quality, reliable, safe and least expensive training option for a doctor is the development of advanced training programs, the total development period of which is at least 144 hours over 5 years. The following are named as the main reasons for this: in the domestic legislation, advanced training of a doctor is understood exclusively as the development of relevant educational programs; due to the numerous requirements of the legislation for the content and development of educational programs, the requirements for
    scientific and pedagogical personnel and for educational organizations implementing these programs, it is the development of advanced training programs that ensures the training of a specialist of the proper quality, which determines his admission to the profession; in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to conduct additional professional education for a doctor, i. e. including to promote the training of a doctor specifically for advanced training programs.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: advanced training of doctors2 continuous medical education1 periodic accreditation3 programs of additional professional education2 training4

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  • 2022 № 7 Prospects and possible options for the development of continuing medical education in Russia

    The article analyzes the prospects and possible options for the development of continuous medical education (CME) in Russia. Currently, the most realistic and preferable option is the development of CME based on improving the quality and increasing the volume of implementation of additional professional medical education programs. It is noted that one of the most important factors of national security is the constant maintenance of a high professional level of medical workers, which can be ensured within the framework of the CME, first of all, by implementing additional professional programs of appropriate quality and the necessary volumes.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: additional professional programs2 advanced training2 continuing  medical  education3 educational programs1 medical workers5 periodic accreditation3

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  • 2022 № 6 Features of inspection in 2022: what medical organizations need to be prepared for

    The article shows that the decisions adopted in March 2022 on a moratorium on scheduled inspections until the end of 2022 not only do not mean a complete stop of measures for monitoring (supervision) of medical activities carried out by medical organizations, but also actively stimulate the practical implementation of a number of basic provisions of the reform of control and supervisory activities. Medical organizations, despite the moratorium on scheduled inspections announced by the end of 2022, need to ensure strict compliance with the requirements of legislation to ensure and control the quality and safety of medical activities; constant readiness for the implementation by the supervisory authorities of new control (supervisory) measures without interaction with the controlled person, as well as professionallactic events.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: control (supervision) without interaction2 controlled person2 mandatory requirements3 moratorium on scheduled inspections1 on-site examination2 quality and safety of medical activity12 reform of control and supervisory activities1 safety monitoring2 unscheduled  inspections2

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  • 2021 № 9 What has changed for medical organization with the adoption of the new regulation on federal state control (supervision) quality and safety of medical activity

    The article analyzes the Regulations on the Federal state control (supervision) of the quality and safety of medical activities, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 1048 of June 29, 2021. The following is noted: The Regulation defines a broader list of issues that are now the subject of federal state control of the quality and safety of medical activities; The regulation ensures continuity with the Federal Law № 248-FZ of 31.07.2020 «On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control in the Russian Federation», on the one hand, and with the Requirements for the organization and Conduct of internal quality control and Safety of Medical Activities approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation № 785n of 31.07.2020, on the other hand; for the first time, the risk profile of causing harm (damage) to the life and health of citizens is fixed for supervisory
    authorities as the most important area of work in the field of state control of the quality and safety of medical activities.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: federal state control (supervision)1 mandatory requirements3 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activities9 supervisory authorities in the field of healthcare1

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  • 2020 № 9 On the implementation of certain “medical” amendments to the constitution of the Russian Federation

    The article suggests legislative implementation of certain “medical” amendments to the Constitution of the
    Russian Federation. The authors propose to add two articles to the Federal law “on the basics of public health protection in the Russian Federation” dated 21.11.2011 N323-FZ. In one article, it is proposed to reveal and specify the
    content of the newly introduced in the Constitution of the Russian Federation concept “unified legal bases of the health
    care system”. Another proposed article reveals the forms and content of work on the coordination of health issues,
    again referred by the Constitution of the Russian Federation to the joint responsibility of the Russian Federation and the
    subjects of the Russian Federation. According to the authors, the proposed changes in legislation will allow to ensure
    in practice the proper implementation of “medical” amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which in
    turn will ensure the improvement of legal regulation of the organization and activities of health care, and strengthen its
    material and technical base.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: accessibility and quality of medical care1 coordination of health issues1 health care24 joint management1 legislation4 powers in the field of health protection1 public health protection1 quality and safety of medical activities9 unified legal framework of the health system1

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  • 2019 № 9 To the question of training of medical workers within internal control of quality and safety of medical activity

    Changes in the legislation concerning the organization of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity put forward new requirements to training of medical workers. These requirements concern the mandatory training on early detection of cancer, ensuring the provision of medical assistance to citizens in emergency form, the use and operation of medical devices. The article deals with the practical implementation of these requirements at the level of the medical organization.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: internal control of quality and safety of medical activity1 medical activity5 medical care13 medical organization53 medical worker3 training4

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  • 2018 № 10 About terms and order of provision of information constituting a medical secret to the institution of inquiry and investigation, the court, on request of the prosecution and of the criminal-executive system

    The article shows and justifies which bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation belong to the bodies of inquiry and investigation. The authors pay attention to a number of important features that need to be taken into account by medical organizations when working with requests for information constituting medical secrecy, the bodies of inquiry and investigation, the court, at the request of the Prosecutor’s office and the body of the penal system, as this activity is regulated not only by the legislation in the field of health, but also by regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of these bodies.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: inquiries of bodies of inquiry and investigation1 medical organization53 medical secrecy2 quality and safety of medical activity12 requests of bodies of prosecutor’s office1 requests of body of penal system1 requests of court1 rights of citizens2

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  • 2015 № 4 Safety of medical activity: what is it and how the Chief doctor should provide it

    The article deals with the contents of medical organization working to support and monitor the safety of medical activity. Priorities that should be decided by each head of the medical organization in this field. Emphasized that the main body of the medical organization for addressing issues and making decisions on ensuring and monitoring the safety of medical practice must be a medical Commission.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: chief doctor1 medical commission6 medical organization53 quality of medical activity1 safety of medical activity1

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  • Law
  • 2016 № 8 Guarantee citizens‘ rights while using medical devices

    The article shows that in recent years the requirements in the sphere of medical products circulation not only increased in volume but also become more stringent. So it requires that medical organizations has to do targeting actions to improve the work to ensure the rights of citizens to use medical devices. It is proved that the rights of citizens in the use of medical devices has certain specifics. The proposed measures aimed at improving the provision of these rights of citizens and safety monitoring of medical devices.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: medical devices2 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical devices1 quality control and safety of medical practice1 rights of citizens2 safety monitoring of medical devices1

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  • 2016 № 5 Legal regulation of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity

    The article shows and proves what the Federal legislation should be analyzed and used in medical organization in the field of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity. Presents directions for internal control of quality and safety of medical activities with regard to regulation of each Federal legislation.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: internal control7 legislation4 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activities9

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  • Management in health care
  • 2018 № 1 About the requirements of the identification and design of preliminary and clinical diagnoses: what you need to pay attention in a medical organization

    The article discusses issues related to the organization of the identification and registration of clinical and preliminary diagnoses in accordance with the requirements of order of Ministry of Public Health from 10.05.2017 № 203н. Practical recommendations for filling approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation of forms of medical documents (medical card of a patient receiving medical care in outpatient facilities, and medical card of the inpatient), taking into account new requirements for the establishment and design of the preliminary and clinical diagnoses. Brought to the attention of healthcare leaders that we now have a criterion of quality of medical care is the fulfillment of the requirements for the compulsory consultation of doctors in case of difficulty of establishing a clinical diagnosis within the specified time

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: clinical diagnosis1 criteria for evaluating quality1 doctors8 monitoring of quality of care1 preliminary diagnosis1 quality and safety of medical activity12

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  • 2015 № 10 About formation of new content of work of the head of the medical organization to ensure and control the quality and safety of medical activity

    The article deals with the problems and issues that impede the implementation of legislative requirements on ensuring and monitoring the quality and safety of medical activities in medical organizations. The article presents and justifies a specific list of the main activities of the head of the medical organization to ensure and control the quality and safety of medical activity. Proposed and substantiated the areas of control that should be reflected in the internal control of quality and safety of medical activity. Reasonable changes in the activities of medical commissions. Emphasized the need for active and systematic participation of the health authorities and the territorial departments of Roszdravnadzor in the formation of a new content of the work of the head of the medical organization to ensure and control the quality and safety of medical activity.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: head of medical organization1 health authorities1 medical commission6 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activity12 quality of medical care21 territorial departments of roszdravnadzor1

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  • 2015 № 7 The role of medical panel in providing medical aid: why is it not fulfilled in the total capacity and what the action plan should be

    The article demonstrates and proves that in most of the medical organizations today medical panels do not play a leading role in the activities aimed to enhance the provision of medical aid. Authors draw attention to the issues of incomplete development of panel’s responsabilities and functional described in the Federal Law dated 21 November 2011 N 323-FL «On the principals of Health Protection of citizens of Russian Federation» and in the Order on creation and conducting medical panels in a medical organization, certified by the Order of Russian Ministry of Health Care and Social Development dated 05.05.2012. № 502. Authors suggested and justified additions and changes, which these documents must include.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: medical organizations23 medical panel1 provision of medical aid1 quality and safety control of the medical activity1

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  • 2015 № 6 The need for more continuity and cooperation the relationship between quality of medical care in the mandatory medical insurance system and control of quality and safety of medical activities

    The article shows the lack of continuity and the relationship between the quality of medical care in the mandatory medical insurance system (MMI) and control of the quality and safety of medical activity. Named a number of problems in this regard in public health practice, one of which is the absence in most of the medical organizations of the country internal control systems of quality and safety of medical activity. Asked to create one for the whole health of the Russian Federation the Order of evaluation of the quality and safety of medical care, regardless of whether this examination in a medical organization that is involved in the implementation of insurance programmes, or it is performed in a medical organization, in which the implementation of the programs of the MMI is not involved.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: control the quality and safety of medical activities1 mandatory medical insurance10 medical organization53 quality control of medical care1 quality examination1

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  • 2015 № 2 Work with citizen's applications in a medical organization as one of the mostimportant indicators of quality and safety of medical practice

    The article presents the characteristics of modern features and challenges of working with citizens applications in a healthcare organization. Attention to the fact that this activity is often underestimated chief physicians. It is proved that work with citizens applications in a healthcare organization, being one of the most important indicators of the quality and safety of medical practice, requires allocation of this area in a separate section of the internal control quality and safety of medical practice.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: citizens applications1 internal control7 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical practice4

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  • 2014 № 8 Circulation of medical products: numerous problems regulatory or what chief doctor have to do. Part 2 (Saint Petersburg; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)

    In the article the characteristic of a number of issues in the sphere of medical products circulation: insufficient legislative regulation, absence of the system of training, lack of secure rights of a patient and, as a consequence, serious problems at the level of the medical organization. The authors offer concrete solutions as part of the normative regulation of the sphere of medical products circulation, and of the expanded operation algorithm at the level of medical organization in this area, namely those actions that must initiate the chief doctor.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: medical organization53 medical product2 quality and safety of medical practice4 the sphere of circulation of medical products2

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  • 2014 № 7 Circulation of medical products: numerous problems regulatory or what chief doctor have to do. Part 1 (Saint Petersburg; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)

    In the article the characteristic of a number of issues in the sphere of medical products circulation: insufficient legislative regulation, absence of the system of training, lack of secure rights of a patient and, as a consequence, serious problems at the level of the medical organization. The authors offer concrete solutions as part of the normative regulation of the sphere of medical products circulation, and of the expanded operation algorithm at the level of medical organization in this area, namely those actions that must initiate the chief doctor.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: medical organization53 medical product2 quality and safety of medical practice4 the sphere of circulation of medical products2

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  • 2014 № 6 Measures to prevent the entry of substandard and counterfeit medicines in medical organizations (Center for Quality Assurance and Certification of drugs <Trans-Baikal Territory, Chita, Russia; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)

    The article presents practical approaches to implementation of individual measures on the safety of medicines in the medical organization. Shows the organizational technology to prevent receipt of substandard and counterfeit medicines in medical organization.

    Authors: Kitsul I. S. [59] Rezvikch U. A. [1] Kovalskaya G. N. [1]

    Tags: drug circulation1 drug safety1 falsification1 medical organization53 quality5

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  • 2014 № 2 Corruption in a medical organization: mechanisms to counter (Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)

    In article are considered questions of the organization of work in counteraction to corruption in a medical organization. The authors analyze the existing difficulties in solving this problem and suggest ways to overcome them. The article stressed that anti-corruption measures in medical organizations must not only be independent direction in the work of its leadership, but also the most important component of the internal control system of quality and safety of medical activity.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: anti-corruption1 corruption2 the medical organization2 the quality and security of medical activities1

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  • 2013 № 12 Some problems of implementation of the Federal law of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2011 № 323-FZ «On fundamentals of protection of the health of citizens in the Russian Federation » (Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)

    Annotation. The article proves the necessity to introduce amendments to the Federal law of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2011 № 323-FZ «On fundamentals of protection of the health of citizens in the Russian Federation». These amendments relate both to clarify used in the law of the conceptual apparatus and concretization of the mechanisms for the implementation of patients rights in receiving medical care.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: health care24 local normative acts1 patient rights3 priority of the interests of the patient1 quality and safety of medical care1

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  • 2013 № 7 The problems of realization of the patient rights for the choice of doctor and the ways of its solution in the medical organization (Saint-Petersburg, Irkutsk, Russia)

    The article considers the issues related to the implementation of the rights of the patient to choose a doctor. The authors emphasize that the need for compliance with the law in the medical organization requires the development and adoption of the relevant internal document regulating the procedure of choice of doctor it is in this medical organization. The article provides specific recommendations as to what should be reflected in the procedure of choice of doctor in the medical organization.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: choice of doctor1 medical organization53 patient rights3 replacement of a doctor1

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  • 2013 № 2 А new system of control of quality and safety of medical care in public health system of the Russian Federation (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia; Irkutsk, Russia)

    The questions relating to the formation of a new system of quality and safety of medical care in the context of the provisions of the Federal Law. The authors note that it needs further legislative drop-ment term safety of medical practice. Offers strategic and operational scenario of gradual formation of quality control and safety of medical care. Specific recommendations managers of medical organization to develop internal documents of the internal control quality and safety of medical care.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: medical activities2 monitoring system1 quality and safety2

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2021 № 1 Experience in using the staff management structure in a redesigned infectious diseases hospital to provide medical care to patients with a new coronavirus infection

    The article presents the experience of using the staff management structure in the conditions of redesigning
    a multi-specialty hospital into an infectious hospital for providing medical care to patients with a new coronavirus infection. For example, one of the largest hospitals providing specialized medical care during coronavirus infection, proven effectiveness staff management structure as the most optimal for the purposes of redesigning and further use against the growing epidemic Covid‑19.

    Authors: Kitsul I. S. [59] Vechorko V. I. [1] Gumenyuk S. A. [1] Zhenina E. A. [1]

    Tags: hospital3 medical care13 medical organization53 new coronavirus infection2 redesigning1 staff management structure1

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  • 2014 № 11 Сontents of internal control quality and safety of medical activities in medical organizations: what should it be and what hinders it (Saint Petersburg; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)

    The issue deals with the fact that today in most medical organizations in the country is not built system of internal control quality and safety of medical activities, as provided by applicable law. In this context, the article presents and justified proposals for the filling of the internal control quality and safety of medical activities specific areas of work corresponding to the requirements of state control. The factors hindering the development of internal quality control and safety of medical activities.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: internal control7 medical organization53 quality and safety of medical activities9 quality inspection1

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  • 2013 № 4 Ensuring the rights of the patient and the need to develop a medical organization necessary internal regulatory documents (Sankt-Peterburg, Irkutsk, Russia)

    The questions related to patients' rights in health care. Detail the mechanisms to ensure patients' rights to information about their rights and responsibilities, their health status. The authors emphasize that the rights of the patient in health care is impossible without a clear regulation of this work relevant internal documents of the medical organization. Specific recommendations on the content of these documents.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: patient information2 patient rights3 quality of medical care21 regulatory documents2

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • 2019 № 9 Work with appeals of citizens and satisfaction of separate requirements of the consumer: what to consider medical organizations

    The article deaths with the features of working with citizens and to meet the individual requirements of the consumer, which are required to know medical organizations. The authors show and justify under what conditions the consumer’s demand is a citizen’s appeal, as well as how the terms of consideration of citizens ‘ appeals and the terms of satisfaction of individual consumer requirements are correlated with each other. In the article it is noted that in the medical organization work with citizens‘ appeals should be an integral component of ensuring and controlling the quality and safety of medical activities.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: citizens‘ appeals1 consumer requirements1 control issues1 medical organization53 quality  control  and  safety  of  medical  activities4

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  • 2019 № 2 How to arrange the provision of paid medical services anonymously

    he article proposes specific mechanisms for the implementation of the right of patients to receive paid medical services anonymously. The authors propose and justify the use in the provision of paid medical services anonymously as the patient’s name alias (fictitious name), which should be reflected in the documentation – in the contract, the patient’s medical record, informed voluntary consent to medical intervention, etc. The Implementation of the proposals expressed by the authors of the article will allow to provide medical care anonymously in compliance with all the requirements of the law.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: citizen’s name1 medical organization53 paid medical services22 patient13 patient’s rights1 provision of paid medical services anonymously1 pseudonym (fictitious name)1

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  • Nominees
  • 2019 № 1 Methodological approaches to the assessment of compliance of activity of medical organizations order of rendering of medical care

    The article presents the results of the development, implementation and experimental testing of the conformity assessment system based on order of medical care, which can be used by any medical organization in order to improve the planning and management of its activities.

    Authors: Kitsul I. S. [59] Zapevalin P. V. [1]

    Tags: conformity assessment1 medical care13 medical organization53 order of medical care1 rate of compliance1

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  • 2019 № 1 About inadmissibility of transfer of all chief physicians and their deputies to the status of non-medical workers and the admission to management of the medical organizations as the first heads of persons without medical education

    In the article, the authors show in detail and justify the very dramatic consequences that the country's health care will receive if the planned changes to the Regulation on the licensing of medical care are adopted the activities assuming exception of works (services) on "the organization of health care and public health" from the List of the works (services) making medical activity, and also the admission to the management of the medical organization as the first leaders of persons without higher medical education. The authors emphasize that the implementation of the planned changes will lead to the fact that the chief physicians and their deputies will cease to be medical workers, the manageability of medical organizations and the quality of medical care will decrease, the system of training of managers will degrade. This is totally unacceptable.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: certificate of specialist1 medical activity5 medical organization53 medical worker3 organization of health care and public health1 qualification requirements2 quality and safety of medical activity12 training4

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  • Personnel management
  • 2013 № 11 New rules of providing paid educational services: what head of the medical organization should know (Saint Petersburg, Russia; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia)

    In the article the questions connected with enactment of the new Rules of providing of paid educational services. These Rules introduced new concepts — «disadvantage of paid educational services» and «significant disadvantage of paid educational services». Accordingly, questions are: «What is a disadvantage of paid educational services? What action can be taken by head of the medical organization if it is customer service and delivery disadvantages? » This article gives the answers to these questions.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: contract3 paid educational services1 the disadvantage of paid educational services1 the head of the medical organization1 trained medical workers1

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  • Quality of health care management
  • 2016 № 6 Order for examination of quality of medical care

    The article deals with the factors that must be considered when establishing the order of examination of quality of medical care in the Russia with the exception of medical assistance provided in accordance with the Russian legislation on mandatory medical insurance. Analyzed and systematized information on the powers of constituent entities of control of quality and safety of medical activities in feald of examination of quality of medical care. Subject to the authority of constituent entities of control of quality and safety of medical activities proposed to allocate external and internal examination of quality of medical care. The content of examination of quality of medical care carried out by medical organizations.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: examination of quality of medical care1 medical activity5 medical organization53 quality control and safety of medical activity3 the expert of quality of medical care1

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  • Quality of medical aid
  • 2014 № 5 The quality of medical care or the quality and safety of medical activity: what are still controlled medical organizations? (Saint Petersburg, Irkutsk, Russia)

    In the article the authors reason imperfect regulation of the Federal law dated November 21, 2011, №323-FZ internal quality control and safety of the medical activity. Given specific proposals on consolidation in the law of the concepts of quality of medical activity and safety of medical activity. In addition, the authors have defined the list of measures that must be implemented in a medical organization within the framework of internal control of quality and safety of medical activity.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: internal control7 medical activity5 medical organization53 quality and safety2

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  • Special opinion
  • 2020 № 7 Legal regulation of involuntary hospitalization of persons with coronavirus infection what needs to be done

    The article presents an analysis of legal acts regulating the procedure for hospitalization and / or isolation in cases of
    coronavirus infection. It is shown that currently, in accordance with the law, medical intervention is allowed without the consent of a citizen in respect of persons suffering from diseases that pose a danger to others. At the same time, the authors prove that the concepts of “medical intervention” and “hospitalization” are not identical. In turn, the legislation does not provide for involuntary hospitalization and involuntary isolation of persons suffering from diseases that pose a danger to others. The lack of clear legal regulation of these issues makes it difficult to implement effective measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. The article proposes to define and legislate the procedure for involuntary hospitalization and involuntary isolation in cases of diseases that pose a danger to others.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: citizens‘rights1 coronavirus  infection12 diseases that pose a danger to others1 involuntary hospitalization1 isolation1 medical intervention1 medical organizations23 quality and safety of medical activities9

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  • Staff management
  • 2016 № 4 Restrictions on medical stuff in the exercise of professional activity and the prevention of conflicts of their interests: medical organization actions

    Annotation. The article deals with the features of today for the healthcare organizations compliance with the restrictions placed on medical stuff in the exercise of professional activity and on prevention of conflict of their interests. Authors substantiate and emphasize the need for strict governance of this work in medical organizations local regulations. It is shown that the restrictions imposed on medical stuff in the exercise of professional activity and the prevention of conflict of interests of medical stuff is an integral component of ensuring and control of quality and safety of medical activities in a medical organization.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: conflicts of interests1 control of quality and safety of medical activities2 medical organization53 medical stuff1 professional activities1 restrictions1

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