Articles with tag: «medical secrecy»
2018 № 10 About terms and order of provision of information constituting a medical secret to the institution of inquiry and investigation, the court, on request of the prosecution and of the criminal-executive system
The article shows and justifies which bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation belong to the bodies of inquiry and investigation. The authors pay attention to a number of important features that need to be taken into account by medical organizations when working with requests for information constituting medical secrecy, the bodies of inquiry and investigation, the court, at the request of the Prosecutor’s office and the body of the penal system, as this activity is regulated not only by the legislation in the field of health, but also by regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of these bodies.
2020 № 5 Is a medical organization required to provide medical documents of a deceased patient for review at the request of his / her spouse or close relatives
The article presents a detailed analysis of the legal situation related to issues of medical confidentiality after the death of a patient. The publication brought to the attention of the medical organizations, now in accordance with the Decision of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2020, № 1-P the denial of a spouse (wife), close relatives of a deceased patient access to his medical records may be considered valid only if during the life of the patient expressed prohibition on disclosure of information constituting a medical secret.