Articles with tag: «citizens‘rights»
2020 № 7 Legal regulation of involuntary hospitalization of persons with coronavirus infection what needs to be done
The article presents an analysis of legal acts regulating the procedure for hospitalization and / or isolation in cases of
coronavirus infection. It is shown that currently, in accordance with the law, medical intervention is allowed without the consent of a citizen in respect of persons suffering from diseases that pose a danger to others. At the same time, the authors prove that the concepts of “medical intervention” and “hospitalization” are not identical. In turn, the legislation does not provide for involuntary hospitalization and involuntary isolation of persons suffering from diseases that pose a danger to others. The lack of clear legal regulation of these issues makes it difficult to implement effective measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. The article proposes to define and legislate the procedure for involuntary hospitalization and involuntary isolation in cases of diseases that pose a danger to others.