Articles with tag: «unscheduled inspections»
2022 № 6 Features of inspection in 2022: what medical organizations need to be prepared for
The article shows that the decisions adopted in March 2022 on a moratorium on scheduled inspections until the end of 2022 not only do not mean a complete stop of measures for monitoring (supervision) of medical activities carried out by medical organizations, but also actively stimulate the practical implementation of a number of basic provisions of the reform of control and supervisory activities. Medical organizations, despite the moratorium on scheduled inspections announced by the end of 2022, need to ensure strict compliance with the requirements of legislation to ensure and control the quality and safety of medical activities; constant readiness for the implementation by the supervisory authorities of new control (supervisory) measures without interaction with the controlled person, as well as professionallactic events.
2020 № 6 What checks are cancelled and which are retained for medical organizations of the country in terms of the situation with coronavirus infection
The article contains a detailed analysis of the legal acts issued in April 2020 in connection with coronavirus infection and regulating the issues of state control (supervision) in relation to medical organizations until the end of 2020. In the publication, the authors present the main control and Supervisory measures that will be carried out in medical orga- nizations during 2020. A number of issues related to the legal regulation of control and Supervisory activities that require clarification are identified. In terms of the quality and safety of medical activities, the attention of medical organizations is drawn to the expediency of ensuring their own maximum readiness for various scenarios of carrying out certain control and Supervisory measures established before the end of 2020.