Articles with tag: «credits»

    Focus of problem
  • 2017 № 9 Credit for accreditation of the specialist: some results of the «credit fever» in the russian health system

    The authors indicate that the main reason is over the past two years, the health system of Russia «credit fever» (the desire of doctors to earn credits and points for the upcoming accreditation) is the commercial interest of those who sell doctors credits for participation in conferences and seminars. The article noted that the process of providing doctors with credits was the most ambitious business project in the Russian healthcare system over the past 25 years. Getting doctors of points, credits, hours, credit units for participation in workshops and conferences on a commercial basis is unacceptable as this scheme does not increase the professional level of doctors, constrains and limits of their professional interests, undermines the state system of additional professional education of doctors, limits the availability of doctors to free conferences and seminars

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59]

    Tags: a professional non-profit organizations1 accreditation4 commercial interests1 conferences2 credits1 seminars2 state educational organizations1

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