All articles by Goldberg A. S.
2022 № 6 Expert validation of the clinical laboratory service models’ standardized descriptors
Introduction. The growing demand for the availability and quality of clinical laboratory tests has necessitated the search for new approaches to organizing and management of laboratory services. At the same time, needs a systematic description of the laboratory services organization models as a background for further improvement. Objective: to validate the description of the laboratory services organization models by standardized characteristics. Methods. A sociological study carried out on the principles of a systematic approach. Research methods: sociological (expert assessments), analytical, statistical. Results and discussion. The inter-expert agreement for the centralization (consolidation) model was 0,626 (95% CI 0,516–0,711), outsourcing (decentralization) – 0,747 (95% CI 0,672–0,804), horizontal integration – 0,784, 95% CI 0,720–0,833, mobile (pointto-care) model – 0,883 (95% CI 0,848–0,909). The first value interpreted as doubtful, significant adjustments made to the model characteristics. The second and third values – as sufficient, minimal adjustments made. Fourth – as good, the description was not changed. The final SWOT-analysis matrices for four models formed. Conclusions. Thanks to expert validation, a methodical change from an empirical to a scientifically based standardized description of the four basic laboratory services organization models made.
2018 № 5 Assessments of laboratory centralization projects in the Russian regions (pilot study)
In the past years, a great amount of centralization projects took place in laboratory medicine in Russia. Advisors’ opinion of 65 Russian regional healthcare departments on the goals, models and results was investigated in the research. It was identified, that goals for such projects are rarely specific, measurable and achievable. The majority of laboratories are small or middle sized. The effects for regional healthcare systems are estimated rarely. In the paper a few typical models are identified, that are used in the country, and a few definitions and methods of project estimation are offered