Articles with tag: «healthcare organization»
2017 № 6 Communication system as an increasing efficiency factor of a large medical center
The approach of creation the common communication system as an increasing efficiency factor of a large medical center is presented. The definition of the communication system, its structure and main characteristics are provided on the example of the Tatarstan cancer center. The principles of Tatarstan cancer centers information space are described. Communication channels of healthcare organization are cited. Unique classification of the information that is used in information space of Tatarstan cancer center. Rules of information interaction and principles of a communication feedback are also described. The Product of a transparent system of communication is a clear and distinct information that is available to all stakeholders, the aim of transparent communication system construction is an efficient healthcare organization goal achievement; communication system in medical center has a number of distinctive features and depends on the organizational structure, regulations of information interaction of various healthcare organizations and characteristics of the formed communication channels, and characteristics of organizational culture
2023 № 9 Analysis of the effectiveness of healthcare organizations implementing the development strategy.
The development strategy is the most well-known model implemented in various industries, including healthcare. It allows managers to make decisions and focus the efforts of employees on processes that contribute to the achievement of the long-term goals of the organization.
However, when conducting a study of management models that affect the sustainable development of healthcare organizations, we received conflicting results. On the one hand, some healthcare organizations implementing the development strategy achieved their results within 3 years or more. On the other hand, 24,6% of healthcare organizations using this concept participated in the study, which did not achieve sustainable growth in indicators. This was the basis for the present study
Purpose of the study is to determine and the analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of healthcare organizations implementing a development strategy.
Materials and methods. The study of management models for the development of healthcare organizations was carried out in the period from 2012 to 2023 at the Novosibirsk State Medical University. Sociological (n=625) and expert survey (n=286) of heads of healthcare organizations was conducted in the period from 2012 to 2018.
Results. 625 heads of healthcare organizations participated in the sociological study. Only 43,4% of respondents used a development strategy in their work.
According to the results of the study, healthcare organizations that implement a development strategy in 100% of cases pay special attention to the implementation of an effective strategy. Plan processes in line with the organization’s strategy 34,6% more often than the average of all organizations surveyed. 1,7 times more likely to cooperate with government and scientific organizations to achieve their strategic goals. In the internal policy of the organization, they emphasize the implementation of corrective and preventive measures, and also evaluate mutual cooperation between departments.
Findings. The results of the study show that in order to achieve strategic goals, it is necessary to involve all the main activities of a healthcare organization, which gives reason to believe that the development strategy has a positive impact on the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. However, the method under study contributes to increasing the potential for sustainable development of a healthcare organization by only 39%. And a quarter of all the studied organizations that implement a development strategy do not achieve a stable growth of indicators within 3 years. This means that the studied management model can improve the efficiency of the organization only in combination with other approaches. -
2023 № 10 Integrated approach to the implementation of strategy in a sustainable developing healthcare organization.
Currently, strategic planning is the basis of the activities of many healthcare organizations. Building strategic goals and objectives structures the action plan and allows you to determine the degree of importance of the work being carried out relative to the organization’s policies.
However, not all management methods and techniques lead to sustainable development of healthcare organizations. To achieve the strategic goals of an organization, an integrated approach is needed, which determined the relevance of this study.
Purpose of the study is to determine and the description of an integrated approach to the implementation of strategic objectives in a sustainably developing healthcare organization providing primary health care to the urban population.
Materials and methods. The study of the sustainable development of healthcare organizations was carried out from 2012 to 2023, and a sociological study of the opinions of the heads of healthcare organizations implementing a development strategy was carried out from 2012 to 2018.
Results. A sociological survey of managers showed that 24,6% of healthcare organizations applying a development strategy do not achieve their indicators within 3 years. To increase the sustainability of the development of healthcare organizations, an integrated approach is required in combination with such management methods as: implementation of a quality management system; implementation of a sustainable development model; implementation of improvements; training staff on a long-term development strategy; analysis of process effectiveness, etc.
To implement a sustainable development strategy in the healthcare organization, the following activities were developed and implemented: determining the long-term goals of the healthcare organization; determination of key performance indicators of the organization; identifying key processes to achieve long-term goals of the clinic; identification of key performance indicators for each process; determining the quality and quantity of resources that support key processes; on-the-job training of personnel; monitoring and analysis of key performance indicators; identifying departmental best practices; implementing organizational improvements and innovations; changing long-term goals and key performance indicators based on the internal needs of the organization.
In general, over 6 years, the effectiveness of the organization’s strategy and policies increased by 5,9 times.
Findings. Thus, to achieve sustainable growth in long-term development indicators, it is necessary not only to formulate strategic performance indicators, but also to ensure their implementation in all divisions of the healthcare organization, including administrative, economic and support services. To this end, it is necessary to involve staff in improving work efficiency through on-the-job training in the best practices for implementing project work to improve the activities of a healthcare organization. This integrated approach increases employee engagement and allows for sustainable development of the organization as a whole. -
2023 № 12 Opinion of the parent community on the availability of pediatric otorhinolaryngological care.
The prevalence of ENT diseases in the pediatric population remains an urgent problem in practical pediatrics, otorhinolaryngology and healthcare, which is associated with their high level of occurrence in all age groups of children and the frequent development of various complications. One of the prerequisites for solving this problem is to ensure the availability of otorhinolaryngological care for children in primary health care.
The purpose of the study was to study the opinion of the parent community on the availability of otorhinolaryngological care for children aged 0 to 14 years.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of state children’s clinics and private children’s ENT offices in the city of Ramenskoye, Moscow region in 2023; A survey of parents of children aged 0–14 years was conducted (1200 respondents). Statistical processing of the material involved processing and creating a database in electronic tables.
The results and conclusions of the analysis of a survey of the parent community showed that the general priority areas for increasing the availability of care for children for public and private health care systems are improving the organization of care, overcoming the obstacles of geographic remoteness of health care facilities, improving the level of medical information for patients, developing telemedicine technologies and the availability of allied health care specialists. -
2023 № 12 Asessment of healthcare workers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of medical care in the profile of psychiatry in the Moscow region.
Relevance. The reorganization and modernization of the psychiatric service in Moscow (from 2010) and in Moscow region (from 2021) was carried out. The reforms were carried out in accordance with WHO regulations and consisted in reducing the medical care provided in a hospital setting and expanding the outpatient link.
Aim. Asessing the perceptions of employees on the effectiveness of providing assistance in the profile of “psychiatry” in the Moscow region after its restructuring.
Methods. An anonymous survey of employees of the psychiatric service in the Moscow region was conducted regarding the transformations carried out (N=236).
Results and discussions. The reforms have been positively assessed by the healthcare workers interviewed. According to them, the provision and equipment of clinics with modern examination methods and equipment has improved. The reorganization has led to a better quality of medical care and accessibility at the local level, the number of beds in day hospitals has increased and the conditions of patients’ stay in medical organizations improved. Existing protocols for the provision of mental health services to the public need to be regularly updated, as most respondents indicated. Also, as mentioned by interviewees, both the psychiatric care service as a whole and psychiatric care in a hospital separately needed an increase in funding. In the course of the study, respondents noted that further modernization of the psychiatric service should primarily be carried out in the following areas: unification into a single complex of a psychoneurological dispensary and a psychiatric hospital, expansion of the volume of outpatient care, development and improvement of coordination between general somatic care and help in the “psychiatry” profile, development of medical care based on general somatic hospitals.
Conclusion. The majority of respondents positively assessed the reforms carried out in the Moscow region in the field of assistance in the profile of “psychiatry”. Further modernization of the psychiatric service should include the development and improvement of coordination between general somatic care and assistance in the “psychiatry” profile, the expansion of the volume of outpatient care, the best use of resources based on the needs of the population. -
2019 № 4 The experience and results of lean manufacturing introduction in health care
The World Health Organization gives notice an increasing demand for medical service on the one hand and a tendency toward deterioration of financial conditions in the healthcare system on the other that is the cause of the main concern in modern medical management. The article is considerate feasibility of using principles and methods of lean production for the purposes of organizing practical healthcare. Analyzed the results of lean production implementation of over the past few decades, the main early successes achieved using the tools and methods of lean production, as well as the basic limitations of the application are evaluated. Special attention is given to potential roles of the leader of healthcare institutions in lean production adaptation as well as evaluating the success of a strategy. A deep analysis of modern economic indicators of lean production successful implemen- tation in medical clinics abroad is presented, the key points of the effective introduction of lean production are being updated. In additional to economic indicators, the impact of lean production implementation in medical organizations on reducing mortality rates, transmission of nosocomial infections, mortality from hospital infections, reducing waiting times for medical services (especially in the admission department) is estimated. The current task facing the health care system in the Russian Federation is updated. The main conclusion is made about a huge amount of positive results after introducing lean production, including the positive economic effect and the increase in the quality of medical care after the introduction of the principles and methods of lean production, and also the entity of lean production as a separate method of organizing processes.
2022 № 2 Network facilities of internal communication of a medical organization.
For the effective work of employees, it is necessary to competently establish internal communication. To date, dozens of companies provide various network means of internal communication, but not all of them are suitable for a medical organization.
P u r p o s e of the study is to study the network means of internal communication in a medical organization.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . Network facilities of internal communication, their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed and systematized in the article. The definitions, types of communication networks and communication management are presented. The rules for the security of personal data when using network communication tools are described. A survey of employees was carried out to identify the main facilities of internal communication used, as well as satisfaction from them on the basis of the State Autonomous Healthcare Institution “City Polyclinic No. 21”. A SWOT based on the survey results analysis was carried out.
R e s u l t s . 85 employees participated in the study. It showed that the main facilities of electronic internal communication used are the WhatsApp messenger and the electronic document management system. WhatsApp isn’t convenient for a significant part of employees to use, also there are too many working chats and messages in this messenger. Employees don’t often use the electronic document management system and there is a significant part of users who don’t like using it.
F i n d i n g s . One of the most convenient facilities of internal network communication is a corporate social network, which, however, is difficult to implement and expensive in terms of costs. A more accessible means of internal communication is the Telegram messenger. -
2023 № 11 Digital information support of patients in medical organizations.
Today, digital transformation in the communication of an organization with its customers is more a necessity than a trend. It has penetrated into all spheres of life of modern society, including medical.
However, only a small proportion of medical organizations (MO) understand this and are ready to switch their organizational systems and processes of communicating with patients to «digital».
Based on the low level of awareness about digital information support tools and the willingness to allocate the organization’s budget for this, it is advisable at the beginning to focus on optimizing those tools that the Ministry already has and can improve. Thus, an effectively implemented strategy of using digital communication tools will allow the Ministry of Health to attract the attention of potential patients and significantly reduce the cost of existing tools, as well as increasing the effect of it.
T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y : to study the use of modern digital technologies for patient information support and develop proposals for their implementation and improvement in medical organizations
M e t h o d s . The study used a descriptive method, questionnaire, analysis, comparison. Based on the results of the survey, a SWOT analysis was compiled.
R e s u l t s . A survey was conducted among 100 patients of two medical organizations, which showed that digital information support for patients is poorly developed. Attention should be paid to the development and improvement of existing tools such as the website, messengers, social networks and chatbots of medical organizations.
C o n c l u s i o n s . The introduction by medical organizations of new and improvement of old tools for digital information support of patients has a positive effect on the exchange of information with them. However, there is a clear link between the patient’s age and his desire to use digital means of communication. Based on this, the heads of the Ministry of Health should regularly conduct research on the quantitative and qualitative composition of their patients and, based on them, develop the necessary tools for digital information support.