Articles with tag: «quality management system»
2017 № 6 Communication system as an increasing efficiency factor of a large medical center
The approach of creation the common communication system as an increasing efficiency factor of a large medical center is presented. The definition of the communication system, its structure and main characteristics are provided on the example of the Tatarstan cancer center. The principles of Tatarstan cancer centers information space are described. Communication channels of healthcare organization are cited. Unique classification of the information that is used in information space of Tatarstan cancer center. Rules of information interaction and principles of a communication feedback are also described. The Product of a transparent system of communication is a clear and distinct information that is available to all stakeholders, the aim of transparent communication system construction is an efficient healthcare organization goal achievement; communication system in medical center has a number of distinctive features and depends on the organizational structure, regulations of information interaction of various healthcare organizations and characteristics of the formed communication channels, and characteristics of organizational culture
2019 № 7 The role of communicative activity of the quality manager inspection body in improving the functioning of the quality management system
Abstract. The role of the communicative activity of the quality manager of the inspection body in the functioning of the
quality management system was investigated with the aim of developing and proposing measures to stimulate the communicative
activities of managers. A survey of 258 employees of the inspection body on a specially developed by the authors
questionnaire. Reliability of differences was assessed using nonparametric statistics, relative and average indicators, representativeness
errors, relative risk and its confidence interval were calculated. The communication of the communicative
activity of the quality manager with the involvement of the personnel of the inspection body in the functioning of the quality
management system has been revealed. The lack of theoretical knowledge of quality management among managers of
structural divisions about the functions and role of a manager in a team creates risks of insufficient awareness of inspection
body staff about the goals and objectives of the implemented quality management system, failure to understand its
documented procedures and non-compliance with its requirements. It was proposed to introduce mandatory external
and additional internal training of quality managers to quality assurance in accordance with the requirements of ISO/
IEC17020:2012 «Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection
(IDT)» and ISO 9000 series standards. It is proposed to introduce a cascade method for internal staff training in order to
minimize time and material costs. It is recommended that in terms of combining the functions of a manager with the main
professional activity of employees, to provide material incentives to managers. The need to develop a mentoring system in
the establishment of newly hired employees to the principles and requirements of the quality management system implemented
in the organization prior to the implementation of independent practical activities has been identified. -
2019 № 8 Modern management of medical organization based on the process approach in russian scientific publications
The intensity and direction of development of the process approach in the management of medical organizations from the time of the first publications in the Russian literature to the present has been evaluated. 282 literary sources were studied, of which 235 were for managing a medical organization and 47 were papers that analyzed the construction of business processes in non-medical enterprises. It was found that to accelerate the pace of building business processes in medical organizations, it is necessary to use computer programs for building processes.
2015 № 8 Adult population’s quality clinical examination management in outpatient organizations on the basis of the process approach
Aim of the study: Development of quality management system in health care organization in periodic health examination of target adult population groups. The developed materials could be exploited in similar institutions engaged in the periodic health examinations.
2017 № 5 The integration of the systems of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activity and quality management of medical organizations
For example, regarding the system of quality management large dental enterprises in conformity to national standard of Russian Federation GOST R ISO 9001–2015 «quality management System. Requirements» shown the possibility and feasibility of the integration of the system of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities in specific internal standards and the documents of QMS of the medical organization. The integration of the two systems will allow to avoid the duplication of monitoring procedures and its documenting, will provide a more detailed study of the internal control procedures of the quality and safety of medical activities by binding them to the production processes in medical organizations
2017 № 2 The application of the process approach for operations management of the medical organization
The article noted the possibility of using as a tool the creation of an internal control of medical organizations quality and safety of medical activities of the quality management system in accordance with the principles and requirements of the national standard is identical to ISO 9001:2015 «Quality management systems – Requirements». Using the principle of process approach, the authors in the activities of medical organizations identified the main macro-processes that determine the outcome. Describes the organizational role and direction of the actions of the process owners. Formulated own definition of diagnostic, therapeutic, and expert processes from the standpoint of the analysis of their content. Marked by close integration relationship and mutual influence of these processes on each other. Outlined the prospects for improving the quality of medical activities of the organization and its results by introducing a process-centric technologies to enhance business processes.
2022 № 2 Network facilities of internal communication of a medical organization.
For the effective work of employees, it is necessary to competently establish internal communication. To date, dozens of companies provide various network means of internal communication, but not all of them are suitable for a medical organization.
P u r p o s e of the study is to study the network means of internal communication in a medical organization.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . Network facilities of internal communication, their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed and systematized in the article. The definitions, types of communication networks and communication management are presented. The rules for the security of personal data when using network communication tools are described. A survey of employees was carried out to identify the main facilities of internal communication used, as well as satisfaction from them on the basis of the State Autonomous Healthcare Institution “City Polyclinic No. 21”. A SWOT based on the survey results analysis was carried out.
R e s u l t s . 85 employees participated in the study. It showed that the main facilities of electronic internal communication used are the WhatsApp messenger and the electronic document management system. WhatsApp isn’t convenient for a significant part of employees to use, also there are too many working chats and messages in this messenger. Employees don’t often use the electronic document management system and there is a significant part of users who don’t like using it.
F i n d i n g s . One of the most convenient facilities of internal network communication is a corporate social network, which, however, is difficult to implement and expensive in terms of costs. A more accessible means of internal communication is the Telegram messenger. -
2014 № 1 Differentiated payment for labor of doctors of Federal Center of Traumatology, Orthopedics & Endoprothesis (Cheboksary) within the framework of quality management system (The Federal State Institution Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics & Endoprothesis Replacement, Cheboksary, Russia)
the methods of calculating of differentiated system of payment for labor of doctors, which, in our opinion, is one of the components of motivational mechanisms to improve medical care quality, are presented in this article. The system of payment for labor is based on qualitative and quantitative indicators of labor of Center doctors.
2023 № 11 Digital information support of patients in medical organizations.
Today, digital transformation in the communication of an organization with its customers is more a necessity than a trend. It has penetrated into all spheres of life of modern society, including medical.
However, only a small proportion of medical organizations (MO) understand this and are ready to switch their organizational systems and processes of communicating with patients to «digital».
Based on the low level of awareness about digital information support tools and the willingness to allocate the organization’s budget for this, it is advisable at the beginning to focus on optimizing those tools that the Ministry already has and can improve. Thus, an effectively implemented strategy of using digital communication tools will allow the Ministry of Health to attract the attention of potential patients and significantly reduce the cost of existing tools, as well as increasing the effect of it.
T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y : to study the use of modern digital technologies for patient information support and develop proposals for their implementation and improvement in medical organizations
M e t h o d s . The study used a descriptive method, questionnaire, analysis, comparison. Based on the results of the survey, a SWOT analysis was compiled.
R e s u l t s . A survey was conducted among 100 patients of two medical organizations, which showed that digital information support for patients is poorly developed. Attention should be paid to the development and improvement of existing tools such as the website, messengers, social networks and chatbots of medical organizations.
C o n c l u s i o n s . The introduction by medical organizations of new and improvement of old tools for digital information support of patients has a positive effect on the exchange of information with them. However, there is a clear link between the patient’s age and his desire to use digital means of communication. Based on this, the heads of the Ministry of Health should regularly conduct research on the quantitative and qualitative composition of their patients and, based on them, develop the necessary tools for digital information support.