Articles with tag: «dematel method»
2023 № 10 Assessment of the impact of the implementation of telemedicine in the sphere of health care.
It has been revealed that telemedicine significantly improves the availability of medical care, especially in remote and sparsely populated regions. It has been determined that the integration of telemedicine can improve the quality of medical care due to prompt consultation of specialists and reduction of time for diagnosis. A direct relationship has been found between the use of telemedicine and patient satisfaction. The key factors influencing the effectiveness of telemedicine are identified: the quality of the Internet connection, the training of medical personnel, and the level of patient awareness. It has been established that the use of the DEMATEL method allows one to deeply
penetrate the structure of relationships in the telemedicine system and identify potential growth points.
Purpose of the study is to determine the complex relationships and interactions within the telemedicine system in the context of healthcare.
Materials and methods. The study is based on the application of the DEMATEL method for analyzing cause-and-effect relationships in a telemedicine system. This method allows you to penetrate deeply into the structure of relationships, identify key factors, and highlight causes and consequences.
Results. The study results confirm that the integration of telemedicine improves the availability and quality of medical care. The main cause-and-effect relationships influencing the effectiveness of telemedicine in the healthcare context were identified. It has been revealed that telemedicine significantly improves the availability of medical care, especially in remote and sparsely populated regions. It has been determined that the integration of telemedicine can improve the quality of medical care due to prompt consultation of specialists and reduction of time for diagnosis. A direct relationship has been found between the use of telemedicine and patient satisfaction. The key factors influencing the effectiveness of telemedicine are identified: the quality of the Internet connection, the training of medical personnel,
and the level of patient awareness. It has been established that the use of the DEMATEL method allows one to deeply penetrate the structure of relationships in the telemedicine system and identify potential growth points.
Findings. The importance of using analytical methods such as DEMATEL in the healthcare system has been confirmed. The use of such methods may be the key to optimization and further development of telemedicine in the digital economy.