Information management
  • 2017 № 3 Experience of implementation of the call-center in activity of the budgetary medical organization (on the example of ICDC)

    This article presents a comparative analysis of two approaches for the telephone contacts management in a medical organization. The «traditional» model of the phone calls management in a medical institution and a model with the use of «call center» are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of these models are described. Specificity of the phone calls in a medical organization is disclosed. The «call center» activities analysis is carried out using the example of Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center (ICDC), Kazan. The conclusion about the necessity of development of an information flow management system in a medical organization is drawn.

    Authors: Kupriyanov R. V. [6] Biktimirova O. R. [2] Zharkova E. V. [3] Khairullin R. N. [6]

    Tags: call center1 information flow1 leader1 medical organization53 phone contacts1 telephony1

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  • Management in health care
  • 2020 № 3 Organization of cleaning service in a modern hospital (icdc case study)

    The experience of organization of cleaning service in a modern hospital is described in the article. It should be noted that one of the trends in designing buildings of modern medical facilities is increasing square footage per one patient. This tendency comes into contradiction to regulatory documents specifying established standards of junior medical staff work that leads to high and irregular work load for hospital attendants and cleaners of a medical facility. Labor division and creation a specialized cleaning service in the structure of the medical facility permitted to set cleaning apart into an independent area of operations, implement high standards of quality in indoor space cleaning and resolve the afore-referenced contradiction. This division of labor resulted in enhancement of degree of proficiency of cleaning service personnel in ICDC, and thus permitted amelioration of work quality and productivity of labor, which ultimately led to decrease of cleaning costs and had economic effect.

    Authors: Kupriyanov R. V. [6] Khairullin R. N. [6]

    Tags: architecture  of  health1 cleaning1 healthcare-associated  infection1 junior medical staff2 medical and preventive treatment facilities2 outsourcing4

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  • 2018 № 10 The experience of interregional Clinic and Diagnostic Centerin health care delivery within the mandatory medical insurance and charged services

    An article discusses differences in the legal and regulatory framework in regulating the mandatory medical insurance and charged services. It is found out that conditions that lie at the root of the mandatory medical insurance system could be fully implemented using the causal approach to diagnostics and disease treatment. The causal approach within the mandatory medical insurance allows responding to the cause of the disease quickly and affordably. It is concluded that implementing mandatory medical insurance systems and charged services in a medical facility requires their different positioning, and in this case they will not repeat each other or compete with each other, but complement each other perfectly. The article describes the experience of Interregional Clinic and Diagnostic Center in organizing charged services using a system approach that allows forming an aggregate picture of a disease taking into account a plenty of factors and opinions from various experts. The conceptual differences in organizing the health care delivery in the mandatory medical insurance systems (causal approach) and charged services (system approach) within the activities of Interregional Clinic and Diagnostic Center allowed to define both systems as mutually supportive systems that fully meet the needs of people in medical services.

    Authors: Kupriyanov R. V. [6] Khairullin R. N. [6]

    Tags: causal approach1 mandatory medical insurance10 medical facilities1 system approach3 voluntary health insurance1

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  • Management in healthcare
  • 2023 № 10 Semantic analysis of the development of the topic of management and management of hospitals from 1945 to 2021.

    The results of the study showed that the subject area on the topic of «Management» and «Hospital Management» has been developing since 1945, but it becomes wider from 1982 to 2021 and acquires clear boundaries of the object of research.
    The analysis of verbs allowed us to come to the conclusion that their number remains approximately at the same level. However, there are differences in the verbs used, so on the topic of «Management», first of all, actions related to the evaluation of the object of study are used, then actions related to the basis of management and then the impact on the object in order to change its state. While researchers on the topic of «Hospital management» are primarily interested in the impact on the object in order to change its condition, then an assessment of the condition of the object, at what stage this object of research is located and then its processing.
    Today, there is a growing interest not only in the general processes of hospital management and management, the stages of its implementation, but also in knowledge in narrow subject areas: cardiology, emergency medical care, medical technologies. It also highlights the continuous evolution of management practices in healthcare, exploring new ideas, strategies and practices to improve the efficiency and quality of «hospital management».
    P u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y is to study the subject area on the topic of management and management of hospitals using semantic analysis.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The works in which the application of semantic analysis, classification of verbs and nouns is directly reflected are studied. Articles were selected based on the presence of terms related to the subject of the study, keywords in the most cited articles were selected. The lexico-semantic analysis of L. M. Vasiliev was used for the analysis of keywords. 10 groups of verbs are defined.
    R e s u l t s . It was found that initially such areas as «Demography», «Gender Sociology», «Obstetrics», «Journalism» were leading in the topic of «Hospital Management». However, by the third period, the leading positions are occupied by «Cardiology», «Emergency medical care», «Medical Technologies». This dynamic indicates a growing interest in both general management processes and specialized knowledge in this area. Also, when analyzing verbs, it was revealed that in the topic «Management» and «Hospital Management» attention is differently focused on their categories. The field of research on the topics of «Management» and «Hospital Management» was divided into health sciences, sociology and business.
    F i n d i n g s . Thus, the results of the study led to the conclusion that today there is a growing interest not only in general management processes, but also in knowledge about management, narrow specialties and features of gender management.

    Authors: Khairullin R. N. [6] Shakirova A. F. [1] Nikiforova E. G. [1]

    Tags: hospital management2 management17 semantic analysis1

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  • Social aspects of health
  • 2018 № 5 Patients satisfaction evaluation in healthcare organization (ICDC experience)

    This article studies the experience of the ‘Interregional clinic and diagnostic center’ (ICDC) in the area of patients satisfaction level evaluation and the specific character of satisfaction evaluation in healthcare. The object: to find out frameworks in the patients satisfaction evaluation. Materials and methods: analysis of scientific literature, statistic data of the patients satisfaction evaluation and results of medical and economic activity of the ICDC. Results and conclusions: it was found out that the biggest amount of strong correlations have 4 components of survey on satisfaction evaluation: ‘Professionalism of doctor’, ‘Attitude of doctor’, ‘Appearance of doctor’ and ‘Results of surgi¬cal treatment’. The presence of big amount of strong correlations between these and others components allows us to draw a conclusion about systemic character of these components in the satisfaction structure. A significant effect of external subjective factors on the results of patient’s satisfaction evaluation was observed, such as politeness, tactfulness of doctor and nurse, their appearance. It was determined that the level of patients evaluation is associated with figures of economic activity of a healthcare institution. There is a strong positive correlation between them

    Authors: Kupriyanov R. V. [6] Zharkova E. V. [3] Khairullin R. N. [6]

    Tags: healthcare institutions1 nocebo1 patients' satisfaction2 placebo1

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  • Special opinion
  • 2018 № 8 Use of NPS method for patient loyalty assessment (ICDC experience)

    This article studies the experience of the ‘Interregional clinical and diagnostic center’ (ICDC) in the area of patient loyalty assessment by the Net Promoter Score (NPS) method. The object: to find out the factors, which have an effect on patient loyalty towards a medical establishment. Materials and methods: analysis of scientific literature, ICDC statistic data of patient loyalty assessment by NPS method for 2016–2017 years. Total number of respondents: 1968 patients of ICDC. Results and conclusions: on the basis of analysis of patient responses the three factors that effect on patient loyalty were found out: “diagnostic and treatment processes”, “ethics and deontology of medical staff”, “service in medical establishment”. It is found that the largest proportion of critical remarks of patients is as¬sociated with the service in medical establishment. In turn the important aspects for “promoters” – patients with high loyalty, are the followings: quality of medical service, ethics and deontology of medical staff. Statistically significant differences were determined in medical establishment evaluation by patient groups who pays for medical service itself and who is treated by compulsory health insurance system. Representatives of these groups pay attention in their comments to different aspects of medical establishment activity. Therefore it is necessary to consider specific features of such patient groups in the arrangements considering the increase of patient loyalty

    Authors: Kupriyanov R. V. [6] Zharkova E. V. [3] Khairullin R. N. [6]

    Tags: medical and preventive treatment facilities2 nps1 patient loyalty3 promoters1

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