Articles with tag: «regulations»

    Management in healthcare
  • 2018 № 7 Process approach in the organization of medicinal support

    The purpose of this article is to define and detail the basic principles of the process-oriented approach and the regulation of the organization’s activities – as the most effective management mechanisms, and the application of the process approach in the organization of continuous targeted drug provision of the treatment and diagnostic process in a federal multidisciplinary institution on the example of the “National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (hereinafter Pirogov Center).

    Authors: Karpov O. E. [5] Nikitenko D. N. [2] Lyashchev S. A. [1]

    Tags: function. medicinal products. drug provision. accounting and write-off of medicines1 process4 process-oriented approach1 regulations4

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  • Information management
  • 2022 № 4 The concept of implementing a business plan for a mobile medical clinic

    The article is devoted to the economic aspect of the concept of implementation and functioning of a mobile medical clinic (MMC).Despite the role of mobile medical clinics in providing medical assistance to the entire population, all social groups, the overall impact of mobile medical clinics has not often been the subject of research.
    The purpose of the study is to analyze the project of implementing the business plan of a mobile (mobile) medical clinic.
    Materials and methods. The presented business plan has a structure focused on the creation of mobile medical complexes on the territory of each subject of Russia. The introduction of such medical clinics is a necessary and important process within the framework of preserving the health and working capacity of the population. Important stages in the implementation of the business plan are: a legislative plan that includes the main regulations, a marketing plan that takes into account the segment of the services market and the demand for the planned price, and an organizational plan that includes an assessment of the total cost of the project and fixed costs.
    Results. In the article, the results show that the introduction of mobile medical clinics on the territory of the subjects of Russia will not only improve the state of health and improve the quality of care for people, but also improve the health of the population while reducing the growth rate of costs (within the framework of the all-Russian national strategy). In this regard, an organizational plan was developed that takes into account the fixed costs of the mobile clinic.
    Conclusion. The development of a business plan for the implementation of mobile medical clinics in the territory of each subject of Russia and the introduction of MMC programs into the healthcare system will increase the level of socio-economic well-being of the population.

    Authors: Abdullabekov R. N. [2] Komissarova M. A. [1]

    Tags: business plan1 implementation2 marketing plan1 mobile medical clinic1 organizational plan1 regulations4

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  • Foreign practice
  • 2015 № 4 Standards of medical care in Russia and USA

    Annotation. The analysis of the use of the term «standard of care» in the Russian Federation and the United States. The list of normative documents regulating the process of standardization of medical care, defined role and scope of clinical guidelines and standards of their legal component in the resolution of conflict and controversial clinical situations in health care. It is noted that the work on standardization of medical care due to objective socio-economic necessity of generalization, unification, of the desire to improve access to health care, including new medical technologies associated with the development of quality management of medical care.

    Authors: Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Stepchenkov V. I. [2] Batrova Y. V. [2] Saversky А. V. [1]

    Tags: clinical recommendations3 quality health care1 regulations4 standardization2

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  • Foreign experience
  • 2017 № 6 Review of international experience in process-oriented management of medical organization on the example of the Mayo clinic (USA)

    The article presents the Genesis of the process approach to management, presented the benefits of this approach, an overview of the implementation of a process-oriented approach at the Mayo clinic, brief description of key aspects of the management of the specified medical organizations

    Authors: Khafizov M. G. [1]

    Tags: analysis of processes1 management17 mayo clinic1 medical care13 process approach7 regulations4 standards1

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