All articles by Ganeev K. A.
2023 № 11 Digital information support of patients in medical organizations.
Today, digital transformation in the communication of an organization with its customers is more a necessity than a trend. It has penetrated into all spheres of life of modern society, including medical.
However, only a small proportion of medical organizations (MO) understand this and are ready to switch their organizational systems and processes of communicating with patients to «digital».
Based on the low level of awareness about digital information support tools and the willingness to allocate the organization’s budget for this, it is advisable at the beginning to focus on optimizing those tools that the Ministry already has and can improve. Thus, an effectively implemented strategy of using digital communication tools will allow the Ministry of Health to attract the attention of potential patients and significantly reduce the cost of existing tools, as well as increasing the effect of it.
T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y : to study the use of modern digital technologies for patient information support and develop proposals for their implementation and improvement in medical organizations
M e t h o d s . The study used a descriptive method, questionnaire, analysis, comparison. Based on the results of the survey, a SWOT analysis was compiled.
R e s u l t s . A survey was conducted among 100 patients of two medical organizations, which showed that digital information support for patients is poorly developed. Attention should be paid to the development and improvement of existing tools such as the website, messengers, social networks and chatbots of medical organizations.
C o n c l u s i o n s . The introduction by medical organizations of new and improvement of old tools for digital information support of patients has a positive effect on the exchange of information with them. However, there is a clear link between the patient’s age and his desire to use digital means of communication. Based on this, the heads of the Ministry of Health should regularly conduct research on the quantitative and qualitative composition of their patients and, based on them, develop the necessary tools for digital information support. -
2022 № 2 Network facilities of internal communication of a medical organization.
For the effective work of employees, it is necessary to competently establish internal communication. To date, dozens of companies provide various network means of internal communication, but not all of them are suitable for a medical organization.
P u r p o s e of the study is to study the network means of internal communication in a medical organization.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . Network facilities of internal communication, their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed and systematized in the article. The definitions, types of communication networks and communication management are presented. The rules for the security of personal data when using network communication tools are described. A survey of employees was carried out to identify the main facilities of internal communication used, as well as satisfaction from them on the basis of the State Autonomous Healthcare Institution “City Polyclinic No. 21”. A SWOT based on the survey results analysis was carried out.
R e s u l t s . 85 employees participated in the study. It showed that the main facilities of electronic internal communication used are the WhatsApp messenger and the electronic document management system. WhatsApp isn’t convenient for a significant part of employees to use, also there are too many working chats and messages in this messenger. Employees don’t often use the electronic document management system and there is a significant part of users who don’t like using it.
F i n d i n g s . One of the most convenient facilities of internal network communication is a corporate social network, which, however, is difficult to implement and expensive in terms of costs. A more accessible means of internal communication is the Telegram messenger.